
F-16 Dérivatives

Started by leptiprince, July 09, 2014, 02:06:01 AM

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With Corel Draw software, it is easy to draw a vectorial F-16 eggplane: <_<

= link http://www.kristofmeunier.fr/F-16TB_d.jpg
(still for my F-16 what-if site http://www.kristofmeunier.fr/f16ofil.htm )
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


Maybe the F-16 for Belgium should have kept the bubble-less canopy of the Mirage 5BA: <_<

= link http://www.kristofmeunier.fr/F-16drwE_dk.jpg
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


Thanks ysi_maniac!; <_<

= link http://www.kristofmeunier.fr/F-16drwE_dn.jpg
Take-off run approximately: 25 miles!
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


An similar while different, the mix between F-16 and Ar-232: <_<

= link http://www.kristofmeunier.fr/F-16drwE_do.jpg
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


As well (or as bad) there were mixes of F-16 with the "beauties" Gannet and Seamew: <_<

= link http://www.kristofmeunier.fr/F-16drwE_dy.jpg
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


Selling the F-16 to the French "Armée de l'Air" seemed almost impossible, despite usual "ways". An old general was stubborn refusing the F-16. So the American sellers asked to a French psychologist how to improve their offers. The psy studied the file then answered: "your F-16 is too much pretty, the general concludes this is not serious, you must be as ugly as an Amiot 143M, Farman 221, Bréguet 410", so such derivatives were designed, and 1,000 copies were orered! No? <_<

= link http://www.kristofmeunier.fr/F-16drwE_dz.jpg
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


Quote from: Tophe on August 13, 2021, 01:18:14 AM
Selling the F-16 to the French "Armée de l'Air" seemed almost impossible, despite usual "ways". An old general was stubborn refusing the F-16. So the American sellers asked to a French psychologist how to improve their offers. The psy studied the file then answered: "your F-16 is too much pretty, the general concludes this is not serious, you must be as ugly as an Amiot 143M, Farman 221, Bréguet 410", so such derivatives were designed, and 1,000 copies were orered! No? <_<
It must be different for French designs. After all, many good looking designs were ordered from Dassault.


You are right: Marcel Dassault is famous for having said something like "a good aircraft is a pretty aircraft" (or "a pretty aircraft is a good aircraft") and the Etendard II or else were good-looking yes. ;D
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


Of Mad Max movie fame, the Transavia PL-12 Airtruk was a weird twin-boom biplane agricultural plane, but it lacked speed. A F-16 derivative joined the family improving this: <_<

= link http://www.kristofmeunier.fr/F-16drwE_ea.jpg
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


Scale-o-rama mixes between F-16 and:
- Boeing B-29 Superfortress
- Abrams P-1 Explorer

= link http://www.kristofmeunier.fr/F-16drwE_ed.jpg
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


from https://www.whatifmodellers.com/index.php?topic=20326.5640
Quote from: Tophe on August 15, 2021, 04:02:26 AM
The Abrams P-1 Explorer of 1938 was slow, and in 1939 it was improved with retractable undercarriage and inline engine: <_<
Quote from: ericr on August 15, 2021, 09:39:21 AM
inspiring : its nose looks a bit mlike a sikorski s-51 ...
Thanks for reminding me the Explorer nose looks a little like the S.51, this one becomes the source of another F-16 <_<

= link http://www.kristofmeunier.fr/F-16drwE_ef.jpg
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


For making a Hollywood film, there was a need of a P-80 Shooting Star, but none was available (nor similar T-33) so a F-16 was transformed to play the role: <_<

= link http://www.kristofmeunier.fr/F-16drwE_eg.jpg
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


The USAF wanted a faster F-117 and this was done on a F-16 basis: <_<

= link http://www.kristofmeunier.fr/F-16drwE_ej.jpg

On the opposite, Burt Rutan wanted to propose a jet-Vari-Eze and considered a F-16 basis for her: <_<

= link http://www.kristofmeunier.fr/F-16drwE_em.jpg
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


Quote from: Tophe on August 17, 2021, 10:05:35 PM
The USAF wanted a faster F-117 and this was done on a F-16 basis: <_<
Another F-16/F-117 (aka F-19) mix removed the bubble canopy: <_<

= link http://www.kristofmeunier.fr/F-16drwE_eo.jpg
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]