
F-16 Dérivatives

Started by leptiprince, July 09, 2014, 02:06:01 AM

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Chernobyl rays produced human mutations worldwide, but this may be a good opportunity. A special F-16 was designed for pilots with 3 heads: <_<

as link: http://www.kristofmeunier.fr/F-16drwE_fu.jpg
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]



Thanks perttime! Yes for Siamese twin-pilots: <_<

as link: http://www.kristofmeunier.fr/F-16drwE_fv.jpg
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


According to me (crazy pacifist), the F-16 should have been designed for a beauty contest, not for military things: <_<

as link: http://www.kristofmeunier.fr/F-16drwE_fx.jpg
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


Google Search made me discover the weird Behance Speeders, and I imagine a F-16 derivative: <_<

as link: http://www.kristofmeunier.fr/F-16drwE_fy.jpg
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


Apart of the Freedom F-16 egg models, a F-16 egg drawing could be inspired by the F-5E egg model: <_<

as link: http://www.kristofmeunier.fr/F-16drwE_fz.jpg
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


The US Navy was interested to buy the F-16XL but it was much too big for carriers, so a reduced version µL was designed (and refused...) ;)

= link http://www.kristofmeunier.fr/F-16drwE_ge.jpg
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


Oh! I like the µL. It is probably even smaller than my XS (which is probably many pages back in this thread)

It might work for the Airborne Carrier concept. I think it was Boeing's: Microfighters launched fron a 747 or some other large thing.



Quote from: perttime on December 25, 2021, 10:29:13 AM
It is probably even smaller than my XS (which is probably many pages back in this thread)
Yes, your one (here again, below) seemed based on the F-16A and mine on the F-16XL, that would be the main difference. <_<
And thanks for the inspiration you gave (then I forgot, sorry): :thumbsup:

= link http://www.kristofmeunier.fr/graph_a2_f16xs0.jpg
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


There are so many F-16 copies, do you know how they were born? This is simply biological: cell culture <_<

= link http://www.kristofmeunier.fr/F-16drwE_gf.jpg
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


Before becoming a pregnant mother, the F-16 was a young girl, yes 16 year old: <_<

= link http://www.kristofmeunier.fr/F-16drwF_ab.jpg
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


Different from the F-16 CCV canard was the F-16G CCV with auxiliary little wing: <_<

= link http://www.kristofmeunier.fr/F-16drwF_ac.jpg
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


Quote from: Tophe on December 31, 2021, 04:07:16 AM
Different from the F-16 CCV canard was the F-16G CCV with auxiliary little wing: <_<
The little wing reminds me of the Canalizers or T-Canalizers that people have been putting on aerobatic radio control models. Some have tried putting one on the bottom too. I'm not sure what exactly they do. The goal in those precision aerobatic models is mainly making it fly as predictable as possible, whatever side is up.



Thanks! I did not know that at all!
And this discovery, magic, made a F-16 Canalizer come to life: <_<

= link http://www.kristofmeunier.fr/F-16drwF_ae.jpg
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]