
Focke-Wulf Ta183 Huckebein

Started by Draken35, August 21, 2014, 11:50:20 AM

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I'm starting a new build, that will be a funny one:

Why funny? Because that kit is far from excellence. I will have lot of work to obtain something valuable out of that basic stuff - But it's a nice challenge!

First step: sanding!

The parts of the kit are ruguous. Sanding is not a luxe; it's really necessity. As you can see on the photo, the first wing (above) is the original one; the second wing is the result obtained after sanding, first with 600 then with 1000 sanding paper...

In the meantime I considered the air intake and was not satisfied because there is nothing to see - Detailing was not good enough for my mad brain!

So: I recuperated an empty ink cartridge and dismounted an old jerk

I made a hole in the rear of the cartridge

...And positioned what remains of the jerk into the hole

What happens:

But I have not glued my new part yet; before that I will paint it and before painting: DETAILING   :party: :party: :party:

As I have said, kit is far from excellence. I give me the challenge to obtain a very good result when finished ;)


good thinking  :thumbsup:

im currently putting the finishing touches on a PM Huckebein myself, its a pretty bold and basic kit isnt it?
but i think with a little work and scratchbuilding it can turn into something nice  ;)

just a fair warning, look out for the wings, the fit is terrible and show up uneven, you might have to find a way to support them.
also there will be a huge gap beween the wing and the fuselage, so thats gonna need plenty of PSR.
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


Thank you for the infos, Nils.

I have seen that there will be problems between wings and fuselage... I will try to find a solution.

Actually I'm searching in my stock for some photoetched parts. Have found a seat and some other goodies...


Some progress on that kit...

To the left, the original part of the kit and to the right: the scratchbuilded one

Another modification, with PE parts from my spare box (PE for Horten Go 229)

The original seat end the one made with PE

Some evergreen

Resin carrots are sometimes useful: I will make lateral consoles with that

The result, with on the drawing the original parts

And finally, miliput to mask wings holes, that are visible from the cockpit


Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.



you are making my eyes bleed - I can't could close to that in 48 scale


Army of One

Lovely work......one of my fave Luft '46 a/c......



Thank you!  ;D

Painting of the parts but also study of the kit. Careful study will be useful to avoid some "traps" with that kit...

RLM for interior of the cockpit

The exhaust

Canopy is masked + RLM02

Wheels, wheel legs and doors

Seat and seatbelts

Instrument panel is recuperated from an old photoetch set and adapted. It will be placed on a support made with Evergreen (kit contained no instrument panel)

The little ring in copper wire is simple the antenna that will be placed later on the aircraft

The lateral consoles

And finally the air intake, modified and that asked for lot of work to avoid problems with cockpit floor but also with the floor of the front wheel emplacement

Captain Canada

Very nice ! All those little details are really going to add up to once very nice model...especially in such a small scale !

CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?



Gloss varnish then oil wash then matt varnish then pastels. Followed by:

cockpit is inserted in the fuselage with an instrument pael. Then half fuselkage are assembled together and wings glued in place.

As you can see, lot of putty is needed...

Evergreen for the front wheel trap

The new air intake and exhaust

The wheels

And the new seat, from far better than the original one!!!


I like seeing how others work on these small parts. You see things and you go "why didn't I think of that way of doing it ?" Thanks  :thumbsup:
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.

