Does anyone know where to find this?

Started by maxmwill, December 21, 2014, 06:44:19 PM

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I'm deep into a rather interesting bash project, and I'm wondering if this is still available.

A few years back, I got a 1/48 kit of the Do217, and before I started building it, I started looking for all the documentation on this I could find. Out of all the material I've found on this, two proved to be the most informative, and also started me in the direction of this current build. One of the books is a tome by Manfred Griehl, titled do 217, 317, 417, An Operational Record

And Vom Original zum Modell Dornier Do 217 by Karl-Heinz Regnat, and among the pages of each were drawings of a paper project for the See Stuka Projekt, with an E1 being used, in the Greihl book, it was a drawing of the Do 217G, with a single fin, a sub fin under the tail, and everything else, except for the addition of floats, that was that.

In the German book(and yes, I did have somewhat of a difficult time with the text, because I can understand Russian better than I can with German, but I muddled on, because pictures need no translation), it was the Do 217W(Wasser), which featured a different engine, the proposed powerplants being a Daimler 600, or a JUMO 211, and little else was modified.

And so I decided on the W version, because I wasn't sure I'd be able to pull off putting the single fin with sub fin, and I always was partial to the  twin tail the 217 has, although I still can't figure out why the engineers at Dornier put leading edge slots on both fins, but that's a small matter.

Segue to now, I have been in the process of putting together more material for this, including doing research on float planes of nearly the same size as the 217, which were also mentioned in both books, and after looking at the specs for the 217 and the He`115, they look close enough that I could use the floats and struts off a 115, and get away with it.

However, I could'nt do this in 1/48. Yes, there are 217 kits in that scale which are affordable, but the 115 in 1/48 is a bit expensive, as there is only one out, and it's fairly recent, and more than something like this could justify.

But, 1/72 is affordable, as much as I don't like it(the parts are too small, and I feel I'm a bit too clumsy for it), but I'll just have to "suck it up" and take the plunge.

Got an old Airfix 217 kit.

Got an old 115 kit.

And took a chance on a He111 kit, because it was the only type that has been modelled that has the JUMO 211 engines.

So far, I've been able to put the nacelles on the wings, and am taking a break until not only the glue dries, but also to do some more boning up with a book on the Luftwaffe anti-shipping units are 1939-1941, as that was around the time that the Do217G or W was supposed to be deployed. And for that, I scrounged a copy of Sea Eagles Volume 1.

Anyway, a few months ago, I saw up for bidding on Ebay, a 1/72 beaching dolly kit for an He115, and since then, haven't seen another. Does anyone know of a kit maker which makes this, or one like it? It'd be kinda nifty to have this model when it is finished on a little beaching dolly, instead of a holder of some kind, like one of those which is used to display a model on an executive's desk.

While the nacelles on each looked like they'd fit, they did, but not quite perfectly, but what I've gotten so far, it looks pretty good, although I'm waiting for the demigod Murphy to strike me with the corollary to his famous law, "nothing is as easy as it looks"


Reality is an illusion caused by an alcohol deficiency

Captain Canada

Looks like Kora have some interesting subjects ! I'll have to go check that thread/ website.

CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?