Chinook whif

Started by maxmwill, January 06, 2015, 01:26:10 PM

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Some time ago, there was some discussion on the M15 Belphegor, and in that thread, or another similar, I posted the Boeing-Belphegor, which was a mish mash of a Boeing Chinook and an M15.

And I got curious, because for more than a few seconds, I wondered if I could actually pull that off, with a Chinook kit, and (I thought existed), an M15 kit(there are none, which is actually a shame, because as ugly, or homely, as that was, as slow, inefficient and noisy as it was, to me, the Belphegor did hold a certain amount of character, or perhaps I felt pity on the ugly mutt that everyone professed to hate, one of the three or four or so.

But, in looking for a likely Chinook kit(not very recent, or expensive, as Chinook kits tend to cost a pretty penny, I was also looking in Ebay at a lot of other things Chinook, including photos, press releases of the time, and stuff like that.

One advertising page, that had a ridiculous price(if I'm going to pay 12 bucks for a page out of a magazine, it had better be worth it), but did set a few wheels a-turning and possibly burning, but definitely with my old friend, the faint sound of metal-metal grinding(gotta keep the moly grease handy), it was an illustration of a missile being loaded up the back ramp of a Chinook, with the missile half way in, and fairly filling up all available room. I think it was supposed to be an Atlas, or something like that, but since I'm a bit weak on missiles(but I do know the difference between the Polaris and Poseiden, so at least there may be hope for me), and if this might seem a fantastical conception, there was the Minuteman(I think that's what it was), that was dragged out the back of a Herky Bird, and lowered by parachute, and fired at a certain altitude.

But a missile being loaded on a Chinook. It still feels fascinating, or maybe I'm too easily amused, or something silly like that.

Still, I thought someone else here might like the image of that, if only the concept of a ICBM or IRBM being loaded onto a cargo helicopter(and maybe recreating the afore mentioned Herky Bird stunt),  which is almost as wild sounding as an ekranoplan-type surface skimmer hauling and possibly launching strategic missiles. And that was actually considered.


The ICBM launch was from a C-5 Galaxy:

Interesting idea, though a Chinook might not be big enough - maybe a smaller "tactical" missile of some sort. MGM-140 perhaps?
Some of my models can be found on my Flickr album >>>HERE<<<


I plead the mercy of the court, having been the innocent victim of a vicious conspiracy of the Time Lords to cloud my memory of of that.

And, like I said, I'm a bit weak on missiles, so perhaps you are right.

But then, this being a what if, it could be just about anything of similar size, or even vastly stretching credulity, as was the case in the Expendables movie, with, not only a 3 or 5 inch cannon fired through the nose, with the barrel running under the cockpit, and no blinding flash, but a satisfying explosion of the bad guys, but also an aft door in the tail for the skidoo riders to escape off into the air, just ahead of more bad guys, which, I'm still scratching my head on(I may not take Life very seriously, but believable aircraft modifications I do, partly because that's part of how I make my living, but also because like science fiction, it can be more entertaining to actually be possibly plausible, and in the case of science fiction, I'm not referring to Buck Rogers, Flash Gordon, or even George Lucas' Star Wars, I'm referring to the kind of Sci Fi that could be achievable with development of current actual technology, the last best Hard Sci Fi film being, to me, The Crack in the World). Now the cannon on an Albatross, I can buy, because that was done during WW2 on another twin, the Mitchell. But the aft "door"? Show me the structure, then I'll buy it.


" Somewhere, between half true, and completely crazy, is a rainbow of nice colours "
Tophe the Wise


The missile is a MGM-52 Lance.
How to reduce carbon emissions - Tip #1 - Walk to the Bar for drinks.

Captain Canada

Anything Chinook gets my vote !

Be pretty cool to see one launch an ICBM !

CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?


Yep, dat's de one.

And again I see that the memory is worse than imagination can invent, because I did think that it was 12 bucks.

Still, perhaps instead of a group of soldiers, something motorized loading in.

Or, taking the idea, and finding the right kit, a Soviet Mil of some sort in similar straits.

Of course, if you really wanted to be silly(or inventive, because Whif)............

Nerts, I couldn't find it, although I do remember seeing it, a giant 4 rotor missile carrier that Mil pitched to the Soviet government, and was just a paper proposal, but the illustration, if treacherous memory is close to correct, looked awesome.

Of course, if you wanted to try something a bit more down to earth(a flying machine that's headed for the clouds), a Mil Mi 26 with a missile or more being loaded up the aft cargo ramp. I think that there is an Mi26 model available, and even in 1/72, it would be fairly good size(with a cargo hold the size of a Herky Bird's), so you have a lot of room for imaginary exercizing.