He70 & BV141, blue : primary seaplanes

Started by ericr, April 23, 2015, 01:37:25 PM

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Quote from: PR19_Kit on October 14, 2017, 03:28:36 AM
Quote from: Rheged on October 14, 2017, 01:44:38 AM

I can imagine comfy in the back of an old  Citroen C5 I used to drive (wonderful Citroen suspension and all that)  but can you really get comfy in the back of a Lockheed C5???......I'd have thought that it might be a little noisy/bumpy/hard seated      (To misquote Oscar Wilde"  If that's how Uncle Sam treats his soldiers he doesn't deserve to have any")

Doesn't the C-5 have a special pax area fore and aft of the wing, but at high level, not down in the hold?
They do, up front have a small area for the crew and small amounts of people "hitching a ride" but when they want to haul around 100's of troops they have pre-fab seating attached to the same pallet system they use to load everything else up with. All they do is load on the pallets, secure them, and get to loadin' GIs. They did the same with Starlifters and with and now with Globemasters and maybe others, too. I think I recall hearing that they could convert to or from passenger seating in about an hours time.

EDIT:  I just learned that the C-5 also has a "troop deck" on the same level but at the rear: it's forward and above the door and can store 75 GIs.  :mellow:
-Sprues McDuck-


I note the guys in the above pic holding their weapons while seated. Try doing THAT on a commercial flight!  :o ;D ;)
Kit's Rule 1 ) Any aircraft can be improved by fitting longer wings, and/or a longer fuselage
Kit's Rule 2) The backstory can always be changed to suit the model

...and I'm not a closeted 'Take That' fan, I'm a REAL fan! :)



I was reminded of this old build, modestly trying to upgrade a Superfreighter to a flying boat



Oh man, that is great!

Very nice work... my only lament is that this would make a fantastic entry to the upcoming GB!
-Sprues McDuck-


thanks !

I built it years ago, so it couldn't go into a present GB ; but I have other ideas ...
(I will ne far away from my modelling table until nov. 15, but might still achieve something)


Quote from: PR19_Kit on October 14, 2017, 03:28:36 AM
Quote from: Rheged on October 14, 2017, 01:44:38 AM

I can imagine comfy in the back of an old  Citroen C5 I used to drive (wonderful Citroen suspension and all that)  but can you really get comfy in the back of a Lockheed C5???......I'd have thought that it might be a little noisy/bumpy/hard seated      (To misquote Oscar Wilde"  If that's how Uncle Sam treats his soldiers he doesn't deserve to have any")

Doesn't the C-5 have a special pax area fore and aft of the wing, but at high level, not down in the hold?

There is a pax cabin behind the wing with airliner seats facing aft. You have to climb a ladder in the cargo hold to get to it. I flew to Thailand in one. Very cramped.
" Somewhere, between half true, and completely crazy, is a rainbow of nice colours "
Tophe the Wise


one more picture of this old build, wth 1/72 cars, Minis, appropriately, and in appropriate colors too


From my archive, done quite a while ago, recalled by a discussion on another thread, and relevant to this thread :

and another one, also Tophe inspired at the time :



yes the yellow is patchy : it was before the time when I acquired a bit of better skills regarding that  ;)


Hey, bud!!  I'm building a seaplane for the Group Build. It's not the final the paint scheme, but, I took the opportunity to snap a picture of it while it was in the "primary colors seaplane" state so I could do an ericr tribute:

-Sprues McDuck-


very good !  ;D ;D ;D

thanks for thinking about me : I sometimes sketch a back-up story saying prceisely that the livery in an intermediary one, just before putting markings and insigna  ;D

I also did a Mustang or two in the past ...


Why.... they could all be long lost cousins, I tell ya!  ;D :lol:
-Sprues McDuck-


Quote from: ericr on October 28, 2017, 07:47:49 AM

From my archive, done quite a while ago, recalled by a discussion on another thread, and relevant to this thread :

Nice idea  ---- but  (always a but)

Max take-off weight of an F-82 is 25,591 lbs, almost the same as a C-47 (26,000 lbs)

It would need floats this big ---

If I'm not building models, I'm out riding my dirtbike