
F-15CSE - Finished

Started by DogfighterZen, July 04, 2015, 08:10:39 PM

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Quote from: FAR148 on September 08, 2015, 07:12:10 PM
Like what you did to the intakes.
Keep it up!
Steven L  :thumbsup:

Thanks, Steven!! I'm glad you like it!  :thumbsup:
The CSE has been a bit sidelined as i've been putting some effort into getting my first GB at the Portuguese forum where i normally post RW stuff. I'm hoping to do some work on it next weekend.

"Sticks and stones may break some bones but a 3.57's gonna blow your damn head off!!"


Finally did some some minor painting on the scratch-built pilot and cockpit area, didn't wanna waste time putting in a better figure, so finally tomorrow it's canopy masking and on to the paint shop! :thumbsup:

"Sticks and stones may break some bones but a 3.57's gonna blow your damn head off!!"

Captain Canada

Looking good ! Can't wait to see her fly out of the paint shop  :thumbsup:
CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?


Quote from: Captain Canada on November 22, 2015, 06:34:41 AM
Looking good ! Can't wait to see her fly out of the paint shop  :thumbsup:

Thank you, sir!  :thumbsup:
So today i got the canopy masked up and started thinking again about what, if any, pylons should go on before the colors and lost about an hour just looking at pics and the model to figure it out... Ended up going with the normal pylons on the wings, but with only the outboard launcher and Aim-9X on each pylon.
This is to allow the deployment of the CWB's missiles from the side bays... I can get away with the lie cause this is in flight so, unless it was shooting at something or showing off at a demo, the bays would be closed, so i say they're conformal weapons bays...  :wacko:
Later on, i'll add a LAU-127 and an AIM-120C to each main station and that's it for the external stores.

The color was a test of mixing Tamiya's XF-50 metallic grey with the XF-56 field blue in a 80/20 ratio, didn't come out exactly as i wanted but i liked it anyway. It's not finished, i have another idea i'd like to try so in a few days it should look a bit different.

"Sticks and stones may break some bones but a 3.57's gonna blow your damn head off!!"


Ok, digging this one up from the pile again...
Today i had a day off work to take my mom to a Doctor's appointment in another city, 60km away, and got home earlier than expected, so i sat at the bench to do some work on the CSE and, according to what i chose last night, finished up the scheme. It will remain simple as on the real Silent Eagles, although with a different tone, more F-22/35 like on the fuselage and, a different colored coating for the radome and wingtip Launchers/ECM pods... ;D

While i cleaned up the airbrush, the radome dried up too so, i just filed the cup back up with some gloss varnish. After 5 minutes, it was ready for decals.

"Sticks and stones may break some bones but a 3.57's gonna blow your damn head off!!"

Captain Canada

Beauty ! Love the colours on her glad she's back on the go
CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?


Quote from: Captain Canada on July 19, 2016, 05:46:11 PM
Beauty ! Love the colours on her glad she's back on the go

Glad you like her, Captain!  :thumbsup:

Got the main decals on, the small ones maybe tomorrow. It wasn't very easy to choose the operator and markings, but after a good google and stash search, i made up my mind.
No pics today as i'm gonna keep this one a secret till i finish it... Not that it's anything really special but as i normally show every step, this time it'll be revealed in the end for a change.

"Sticks and stones may break some bones but a 3.57's gonna blow your damn head off!!"


Ok, so after the second decal session tonight, i noticed that i'd forgot some small stuff again... Added a couple of antennas to replace the old square one...

Then, scratch-built some air date probes, and, realizing that i'd need a pair of missiles, which i don't have, and never seen in 1/72 kits or AM sets, so i modified an Aim-120B from an Hasegawa US air to air missiles set...

And fortunately, the mods went well on both! :thumbsup:

Hopefully, the final decal session will be tomorrow night, and weapons painting on Saturday.

"Sticks and stones may break some bones but a 3.57's gonna blow your damn head off!!"

Captain Canada

Nice work on the tiny bits and details.....always adds to a finished model !

CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?


Thanks, Captain! Finished it a few minutes ago...   :thumbsup:

More pics and backstory tomorrow.

"Sticks and stones may break some bones but a 3.57's gonna blow your damn head off!!"


"When the F/A-22A Raptor became operational, the Israeli Air Force was one of the first to ask for the new fighter to be exported, but it was a short-lived dream because the US government deemed the aircraft off limits for exportation. It was to be an American fighter only as the technology was top secret and there was no way the USAF would allow their best aircraft to be used by anyone else.
In early 2015, the IAF sends the US government, an order of 25 F-15SE airframes to equip 2 squadrons, surprising everyone, including Lockheed Martin.
The debate among IAF generals, about the purchase of more F-35s was heating up because of the supposed lack of maneuverability in a dogfight, this being a critical issue for the IAF, which, by having such a reputation of aerial combat masters, didn't wanna rely on the alleged ability to survive by having a higher situational awareness and better electronic countermeasures and stealth.
The IAF Generals wanted to have 2 squadrons of new F-15 fighters to replace the aging models, which are now well over 20 years old and all have a large number of flight hours. Also, there was a growing concern that the sovereignty of the Israeli state was becoming compromised with their neighbors' latest military acquisitions, so the air superiority would have to be a priority.

From when the order was submitted to the US, the new fighters, which were to be F-15SEs, but the IAF wanted single seat Silent Eagles, but Boeing wasn't very interested in reopening the single seat assembly line for only 25 airframes. They were "forced" to take the twin seat SE, which were to be equipped with indigenous hardware made by Elbit systems.

While the US congress decided if the sale would be allowed or not, the IAF generals asked Elbit engineers if they could use the Silent Eagles as an example to convert the old F-15C BAAZ/2000 airframes into Silent Eagles. "Yes and we can make it better than the original ones!" they said.
The generals scratched their heads but gave them the green light, for them, if it flew as good as the F-15C and had up-to-date avionics, it was fine.
The engineers at Elbit would only have to wait for the sale to be accepted. In a couple of months, the first 4 jets arrive at the Elbit hangars for the electronic systems installation. At the same time, the engineers made sure they got every bit of info they needed to convert the old airframes into "almost 5th gen" fighters...

Along with structural reinforcements, there would be a few new features used on the Eagle for the first time, like the internally-mounted IFTS sensor in front of the canopy, 2 powerful radar jammer pods on the wingtips, similar to the ones on the EF-18G Growler. This would make the Eagle much harder to detect when engaging aerial opponents, as it could reduce detection range by over 40% on enemy radar.

But the most striking external differences would be the SE 15ยบ canted vertical stabs, and the new intakes, which were redesigned and reconfigured with radar wave deflecting panels on the inside to hide the engines, with the leading edge angles aligned with the LE of the wings.

These new F-15s would be covered with a coat of a special formula of paint, supposedly created by Elbit systems. Although there were rumours that Israeli Mossad spies had infiltrated the Lockheed Martin's Forth Worth facilities and stolen the F-22 and 35's paint formulas, the Israeli government would deny these accusations and point fingers at the Chinese.
Even if it was derived from the stolen formulas, this coating was developed to be stronger, strong enough to resist the scorching heat of the desert and sand storms, and yet maintain it's radar absorbing properties for a reasonable period of time.

Redesignated by the IAF as the F-15CSE "בז שותק" or Skia Baz, the Shadow Falcon, these new fighters would be stationed with the 253rd squadron, the Negev, at Ramon air base, from the beginning of March, 2017. Joining the F-16I, this would become one of the best equipped squadrons, protecting the southwest region of the country."

List of important internal upgrades:
FAST packs, which held 4 amraams, carrying 2000 pounds of fuel, a new AESA radar similar to the Raytheon AN/APG-82(V)1 but with optimized air to air modes, new communications and data link system capable of integration with the future F-35I's MADL data link, electronic jammer pods with MILDS sensors, EADS sensors just below the cockpit canopy , the newly developed EL-100 IFTS sensor, with capabilities similar to the Pirate IRST of the Eurofighter Typhoon, placed in front of the canopy.
Python5 and the new I-Derby ER missiles with reduced front fins to fit into the missile bays on the FAST packs would make this a frightening adversary for quite a few more years."
"Sticks and stones may break some bones but a 3.57's gonna blow your damn head off!!"



This project tempted me in the past. I think you have done a great job. I find curious your work in intake area.

:wub: :bow:
Will die without understanding this world.


Looks great! Nice sugery.

Dave "Sandiego89"
Chesapeake, Virginia, USA


Dang dude. I'm tossing my Silent Eagle in the trash now.
"We can resolve this over tea and fisticuffs!!!"