
Arado Ar-234B2-JN wt Junkers Jumo 213C - 05/11 Major Update...finally

Started by trickyrich, October 10, 2015, 01:37:51 AM

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Rick Lowe

Coming along really well... keep up the great work!



Gosh after what seems to be years I'm finally back to this build! Unfortunately life and other GB's had gotten in the way of this GB, she was put aside but never forgotten! Also along the way the old Mojo got lost, but I'm happy to say after a difficult resin build (it's still underway) the old Mojo os back as strong as ever!!!!

While out of place these are some of the builds the got it the way will I was away, all 1/48th unless stated!

Lots of custom made stuff for these two builds

Custom made flaps for this one, 1/32nd Zouke-Muira model

plus a double in 1/32nd and then 1/48th.

..and finally

with custom made Recon Door

Ok back to the real world and finally an update.....after 18 months!

No photos for the first part, it was just pretty much finishing up the cockpit, which really only needed some final detailing and assembling. The nose section fitted really nicely to the main fuselage for a change, in the past I've had issue with this join.

It looks pretty good and even the engines sort of look like they belong there!

Next up the engines, I want to be able to fit these last as it'd help when painting, The cowlings were in two parts in which the radiator is sandwiched, I wanted to fit this separately as well to help with painting. Unfortunately the join between the cowling front and flaps wasn't the best and there was a slight size difference between the two. So out with the grinder, while I was at it I opened up the flap area, this would allow me to slide the whole assembly over the radiator, plus the flaps looked a bit more realistic in thickness.

Not too bad. I also assembled the props as well.

A quick trial fit and the beast is starting to look like something, I thick she'll look really nice once done. One strange think though I did find is that I didn't check to see if I had enough prop clearance!!! I sort of assumed I did, but the fuselage of this one is a bit wider than on the Ta-154 and I had a slight alignment issue! Opps. A slight modification was required to one set of props. It wouldn't be a proper Wiffy without the odd issue like this.

But I do really like the overall look of her, very clean with two massive engines hanging under the wings!

She looks great nose on!

Those props are huge, but they're straight off the Ta-154 and were the "production" type.

Ok I had been putting this part off but if I put it off for too long it'd never have gotten done.......the FuG-220 antenna!!!

I have used the Master Models antenna before....but these ones! 7 pieces go into making each one, not helped by the tiny support brackets being etched slightly out of register!!

The drill bit reference best the bits is 0.5mm, so you get an idea of the scale of the bits

Ended up looking ok

So a quick look at the complete beast.....

I like!!  I'm almost to the stage of primer her, just a little bit of tiding up to do. The current schedule is to have her and her sister finished together probably by January......maybe!

Old Wombat

Very nice work on the Arado! :thumbsup:

Though not a Soviet fan, I really like the Czech Su-17. ;D
Has a life outside of What-If & wishes it would stop interfering!

"The purpose of all War is Peace" - St. Augustine

veritas ad mortus veritas est


Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.



Will die without understanding this world.


thanks guy's, it's nice to be back. I've missed doing this sort of building as it's a great Mojo builder, something I had been running very low on for a while. I have one more week session on my 1/32nd resin Ki-44 then I can get back to these pretty much full time on my breaks.

I'm very close to the painting stage on this build, I'm still not 100% sure on the scheme though. Any ideas would be appreciated, it'll be a Nightfighter based around Stalingrad after the retake in late 45.

Next you I'm planning a big build, so for the contenders are at the moment:

1/72nd Henkel He-477 Amerika Bomber project (He-177 Zwelling 5 engines) + He-277 nose, the big sister to my He-177Z A6/R5

1/72nd Arado Ar. E-555/He-177 (E.555 wings & He-177 fuselage) + He-277 nose? Another Amerika Bomber

1/48th Collect-Aire North American F-107A as either a single or two seater, Vietnam F-107D or F-107G "Wild Wessel". Or possibly F-107F single seat version if the two seater version turns out to be a bit too hard to build. Though it has been suggested I use a F-100F as the donor cockpit for the two seater. I may have to custom build the cockpit either way then cast it, might be the easy way to go.

Anyway I need to get back to serious crazyness!!  ;D Stay tuned.