
Has anyone built any John Harris aircraft?

Started by VickersVandal, January 20, 2016, 11:03:28 PM

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Is anyone aware of any builds of aircraft from John Harris aviation stories? I'm thinking mainly the Martin Falconer and Ira Penaluna series.
I'm building two currently (both Avros), one from The Revolutionaries and one from The Mercenaries. Previously I built a DH4 from Revolutionaries, though I don't have pictures of it.

I'm interested to see any other examples out there of fiction builds from Harris books if anyone is aware of such a thing. It could well be that I'm alone on this one (which I wouldn't be surprised by)

If you're not familiar with John Harris books, rectify this immediately! The Falconer and Penaluna series run from early WW1 through to the late 20s. They sit somewhere between Neville Shute stories and Biggles.
Harris wrote a lot of other war fiction and is best known for The Sea Shall Not Have Them.
Biggles modelling loony.

My Biggles Model display website: https://tinyurl.com/y74ydzae