

Started by overscan, July 25, 2016, 04:07:33 AM

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Good morning. I am a bit confused, too - but the expiration of the domain is a good explanation. Out of a sudden the site layout switched to the ElkArte layout yesterday afternoon local time (for a fellow user, pirx, too), with content from around 14th of July. Me and others posted there, confused - and it's even more weird that the "Double-L"-site now pops up for me from my usual link? Or is there a URL re-direction in the background? Anyway, this looks much better, and thanks a lot for keeping the site(s?) up and everyone in the info loop!

The Chaos


Using my old link, I end up at www.whatifmodelers.com/index.php?action=unread (one L)
Clicking Mark ALL messages as read, there, takes me to a http://www.whatifmodellers.com (two Ls) page, that says:

An Error Has Occurred!
Unable to verify referring url. Please go back and try again.


Touching all the wood going I seem to be fine and I've tried both L and LL
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