
Deep Space Passenger Cruiser - first time Kitbash/scratch build

Started by sykotik, August 10, 2016, 09:16:35 PM

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Hi everyone
I've often said before in many other threads of people who have already done and do this sort of thing, that I've always admired said people who can scratch build these amazing subjects. And for a long time, I have been thinking about having a crack at one. I have an online friend who for years has been pushing me to do one, but it wasn't fear or doubt that was stopping me - it was lack of a cool enough subject that I liked and really wanted to do.

However, I have finally now decided on a subject. Drawing on various art works and other sci-fi builds I've seen in my quest for inspiration and design ideas, I've settled on a Deep Space Passenger cruiser. I might do something military another time, but for now, I'm going with civilian, so no weapons.

I'm still coming up with a solid design plan for the rear and middle of the ship but what ever I think of now will no doubt change as the build progresses. But for now, I do have a vague notion of direction. I'm always up for constructive criticism and suggestions, so feel free.

Starting with the main body of the ship, I'll use a 1/144 Revell U-Boat as the basis. I love the sleek lines of the U-Boat and have long thought it would make a great basis for a very cool spaceship.

I was looking through my parts boxes for something to add and found an old superstructure from some WW2 1/700 battleship and thought this was could be about the right style piece I was looking for. Since then, I have bought a modern day 1/700 US ship and I'll use that one instead - with modifications of course. Then I'm thinking about a bridge and found this marvelous look little piece that when flipped over looks just like a spaceship control deck could look like. It's sleek-ish in design and would work well with the overall shape. 

Then I'm thinking about engines and what type to go for. SBY style single exhaust or Star Wars 2 tubed style side by sides? Or how about externally, like Star Trek but not make it look too obviously like ST? Event Horizon kind of wing?  Nozzles were an easier choice to make: I'll just use resin copies of the nozzles that I did up for the Venator but have them sitting inside another tube, so the insides would be white lights and around the outside blue lighting.

Interior lighting would be aqua blue in color and framed using some radiator panel PE (again, like the bridge of the Venator windows)

Up front and down below, have a forward facing multi level hangar bay and with another 2 hangar bays on the side wards facing walls. 

So, here are some of the core items I'll be using. Lots of cutting and sanding to do

I foresee a LOT of cutting going forward and possible total public humiliation if this goes to pot :) lol Not like that's never happened before....
Well, let the fun begin!
Thanks for looking and I'm interested to hear your opinions

Old Wombat

I like the big chunky engine idea (either vertical or horizontal arrangement). :thumbsup:

What's the final 2 pic's? :unsure:

I'm thinking they'd look better up front, possibly on forward swept "wings". You could call them "field generators", or similar - perhaps creating a field ahead of the ship to protect it from dust, micro-meteors, etc., & even for steering the ship.
Has a life outside of What-If & wishes it would stop interfering!

"The purpose of all War is Peace" - St. Augustine

veritas ad mortus veritas est


Cool idea, the submarine hull shape reminds me of a Zentraedi ship? I have seen a similar build before, where a german submarine was mated with "wings" from a Klingon Bird of Prey. Did not look out of place...

Looking forward to see what becomes of this. Spaceships are fun. Messy, IMHO, but fun.  ;)


Quote from: Old Wombat on August 10, 2016, 10:01:59 PM
I like the big chunky engine idea (either vertical or horizontal arrangement). :thumbsup:

What's the final 2 pic's? :unsure:

I'm thinking they'd look better up front, possibly on forward swept "wings". You could call them "field generators", or similar - perhaps creating a field ahead of the ship to protect it from dust, micro-meteors, etc., & even for steering the ship.

That's actually not such a bad idea of having them up front. I didn't think of that. I will see how I like it. Thank you!

"What's the final 2 pic's? :unsure: " - I'm not sure what you mean sorry bud. Are you referring to the quality of the photo or the arrangement of the smaller subs? Or something else altogether?


Quote from: Dizzyfugu on August 10, 2016, 11:57:55 PM
Cool idea, the submarine hull shape reminds me of a Zentraedi ship? I have seen a similar build before, where a german submarine was mated with "wings" from a Klingon Bird of Prey. Did not look out of place...

Looking forward to see what becomes of this. Spaceships are fun. Messy, IMHO, but fun.  ;)

I've never heard of Zentraedi ship before. I will have to Google them shortly to see what they are
I'm still deciding on the engine arrangement. I'm wondering if 4 of those little subs are put together in an X formation would be the way to go. Kinda in the spirit of the Roger Young but more stream lined looking

Old Wombat

The arrangement of the smaller sub's.

Looks a bit too Star Trek for comfort like that.
Has a life outside of What-If & wishes it would stop interfering!

"The purpose of all War is Peace" - St. Augustine

veritas ad mortus veritas est


yeah I get you. I too want to steer away from ST, which is why I thought having 4 of them might make the way to go.
I'm also entertaining the thought of having them closer to the body


This will be an interesting build especially as it's for a civilian space ship  :thumbsup:
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


Old Wombat gave me the idea about putting these little subs up front and I have come up with some more configurations. I'll have to buy some more of those little subs if I go with one of them. I especially really like the last one myself

Sorry for the first 2 blurry pictures. Very shameful

I think I will develop the last one - that's my favorite yet. I'll use a smaller 1/72 F-14 as the 48th is just to large.

Old Wombat

Has a life outside of What-If & wishes it would stop interfering!

"The purpose of all War is Peace" - St. Augustine

veritas ad mortus veritas est


Very Cool! if You're looking for Ships from Robotech,PM me and I'll give You the Address of a Site that May Help. This Ship is Starting to Look Super Cool & Kinda like something the Battlestar Galactica Original Series! Keep up the Superb Work :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: Dan

Captain Canada

I liked the earlier look better. You started out with a 144th sub for the 'sleek' look, and now that's almost totally obscured. What kits are the 2 smaller subs ?
CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

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they are the ICM 1/72 ... schwindhund.... or something like that (I honestly can't remember the exact name but Revell have re-boxed the exact same kit.

I dunno, I kind of thought the way it looks now is kinda sleek. The 4 rear swept wings idea does do it for me. It's certainly detracted my original plan, but in a good way.

I would need to work in the obvious kit parts into something more stream lined and not so boxy
However, I'm wondering if it would need rearward facing engine tubes if it has these winged ones.

By eliminating the F-14 stuff, yeah, I could make it thinner, but at the same time, I quite like that fat end. I also think that the F-14 shell and intakes gives the mid and rear end some extra substance and body. I like a bit of chunk in my space ships.

I would also be making my own wings. The ones there are just for conceptual purposes  ;D

I'm thinking a Battleship Yamato style comms mast might look quite cool to


The fourth configuration (aren't the fourth and fifth images of the same?) looks the best, but by all means, keep the 1/48 Tomcat fuselage. The fat rear end somehow supplements the outlying engine pods and the sleek upper superstructure, making this more "balanced" and for me, feels more "leisurely" suitable for a passenger liner. Configurations #1 and #2 feel so "aggressive" that they could be warships and the flat rear wings on #3 don't feel "right" - having roughly the same anhedral and the pods roughly at the same distance from the fuselage as in in #4 is better in its symmetry.


There's some nice ideas there  :thumbsup:

Looks like a really aggressive hydrofoil in some of the shots. Up turned U-Boat hull looks very purposefull
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.