
Generic? Share it! Experiences with generic products

Started by TheChronicOne, August 12, 2016, 12:37:02 PM

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As you'll come to know, I'm a cheap fuzzy bunny. I love saving money. Mostly out of necessity but saving money "just because" is fun, too, because the end result is...you have more money!

In my endless search for knowledge I figure I could kill two birds with this topic: learn more killer penny pinching methods and products myself and also have a place to gather it all together so everyone else can, too.

Anyway, floor polish.... on my up coming builds I am using Family Dollar brand generic acrylic floor polish. Anyone else use it in particular? Any other dolla' sto' brands?

Paints... I read somewhere a few weeks ago about someone using Wal Mart Color Place paint and they said it worked very well. What I can't remember is they decanted it or shot it straight out of the rattle can.... EITHER WAY, I'm trying the black and also the white on an upcoming build. I SUCK at painting but I'll report the results nevertheless. 

-Sprues McDuck-