
Touchy Topics ---Is there a line?

Started by TheChronicOne, August 31, 2016, 02:25:43 PM

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Quote from: Old Wombat on September 01, 2016, 06:52:59 AM
Of course, if he builds a dio of a crashed ISIS/Daesh/ISIL plane or destroyed AFV, he may have to look out for IED's in the driveway! :o

There are always 2 sides of the same coin, right?
"Sticks and stones may break some bones but a 3.57's gonna blow your damn head off!!"


Right I'll put my moderators hat on.

Touchy Topics ---Is there a line? : Of course there is, but it's almost impossible to define as once you write a definition someone will point out an area within it which is grey to say the least.

In all honesty you shouldn't have to ask this. You can get a feel of what is acceptable on site simply by looking through it. Seeing what is not there will give you some steer as to what is not acceptable. Please remember that we have members from all over the world and therefore you need to bear that in mind. Something happening on your own doorstep will give it a completely different perspective then something happening 1,000's of miles away. In particular different nationalities have completely different senses of humour. If in any doubt don't post.

In most historical cases it would be the back story which made a model unacceptable and if you really can't work out what is and isn't ok then simply send it to a moderator for checking before putting on site. As I've said if you really can't work this out then ????

As far as current global politics are concerned then avoid a lot of it. I would find a model of an ISIS vehicle or aircraft on site in poor taste. I wouldn't block it (others might) because I do believe in freedom of expression but I would see it in poor taste and I'd be watching future posts like a hawk.

If I'm honest this type of question seems to me designed almost to stir things up ? Hopefully I'm wrong but as said if you really need to ask ?

Right I'll leave it at that, other than to say I am very, very tempted to lock this thread.


Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


"If I'm honest this type of question seems to me designed almost to stir things up ? Hopefully I'm wrong but as said if you really need to ask ? "

Uhhh? NO?

Go read through my posts here and my posting history. It should be obvious from just looking around what my intentions are, right? If that advice works for me, it should work for everyone else, right? I have done nothing but be cordial, try my best to contribute, to the point of even making actual models and posting them, and be supportive of everyone here. I scour the internet and find new, great whif things and run back here to share them with you all.  I fell in love with this place and have done all I can to contribute because I figured it would be the least I can do for a bunch of folks that have provided me with so much joy through hours of looking at the amazing things here.

If my intentions were to stir things up I wouldn't do it by asking a question. The fact that I looked around and DIDN'T see anything about it exactly is why I asked.  If I wanted to STIR THINGS UP, instead of asking, in a polite fashion, I'd just post something and say, "HERE IT IS, DEAL WITH IT."  Where I come from, when someone asks about something we try to help them learn, not shoot accusatory looks in there direction.

That said, thank you for the reply and tips.
-Sprues McDuck-


To the rest, the replies are so numerous I can't do individual responses, so I'm making this post.   Thank you for helping me with my quandary, as I said many posts ago, I regret having asked now but I wanted to make sure because I did research and took my time looking around here and didn't find anything on the subject, I figured it would be prudent to ask around, gather more opinions, and see what other thought instead of just blasting off with some ridiculous offensive thing. Seems logical, right? If you're not sure, ask? Seems better to ask and be sure than make assumptions.

From what I've seen, this has been one heck of a decent, polite discussion, though, and I thank you all for that and for the thoughtful, helpful response. I admin a Star Trek board and...let's just say, this level of decorum and respect in what could be a iffy thread is almost un heard of. I mean.. these folks can get into downright insults over the color of a button on a klingons overcoat so I thought the level of respect here to be commendable and a credit to the community. A legit question was asked, a courteous response and intelligent discussion returned.

Anyway, thanks again... and as I said on the other page.. won't be no builds of this type coming out of me (aside maybe from the one I said I wanted to do that I won't mention again)..I mean, I never planned on building these things but one comes across things others do on the internet so,if I ever find any of it, I'll leave it right where I found it and NOT bring it here. You all have been very kind to me and I love looking at the stuff you put here so I wouldn't dare to to cause any ill feelings toward you. 

-Sprues McDuck-

Green Dragon

Never knew they had captured some planes Brad, very surprised the Syrians didn't drop a couple of grenades into them or even fire off the ejection seats before abandoning the base. Love the L-39 Albatross BTW! Best kit in 1/72nd is from Eduard (7 in the stash so far) though AMK said they'll be doing one soon. In 1/48th there is the MPM/Special Hobby kit (I've got the James Bond boxing) but again AMK are supposed to be doing one soon after their Tomcat kit.

Paul Harrison
"Well, it's rather brutal here. Right now we are advising all our clients to put everything they've got into canned food and shotguns."-Gremlins 2

On the bench.
1/72 Space 1999 Eagle, Comet Miniatures Martian War Machine
1/72nd Quad Tilt Rotor, 1/144th V/STOL E2 Hawkeye (stalled)


Quote from: Green Dragon on September 01, 2016, 10:29:21 AM
Never knew they had captured some planes Brad, very surprised the Syrians didn't drop a couple of grenades into them or even fire off the ejection seats before abandoning the base. Love the L-39 Albatross BTW! Best kit in 1/72nd is from Eduard (7 in the stash so far) though AMK said they'll be doing one soon. In 1/48th there is the MPM/Special Hobby kit (I've got the James Bond boxing) but again AMK are supposed to be doing one soon after their Tomcat kit.

Paul Harrison
Me neither.. I didn't think they had more than technicals and rpgs and stuff. Learn something new all the time! Supposedly one section of the video shows them actually flying one of 'em.  It couldn't be confirmed, however.

Interesting thought on the Syrians not fouling the planes before they scattered. Things are such a mess over there...we'll never know why. Perhaps these were some of the planes they couldn't get to and the other more modern, higher value stuff they either moved or destroyed first? Just a theory.

The Albatross...   it just now struck me, but I remember now watching Pawn Stars when some feller tried to sell his to the shop. I remember thinking back then how pretty she was and how I'd love to own it!

Thanks for the tip for kits, Paul  7 in the stash?!? You have big plans, my friend! HAHA!
-Sprues McDuck-


Well put Chris.  Think enough has been said. 
Dave "Sandiego89"
Chesapeake, Virginia, USA


Quote from: TheChronicOne on September 01, 2016, 09:22:13 AM
"If I'm honest this type of question seems to me designed almost to stir things up ? Hopefully I'm wrong but as said if you really need to ask ? "

Uhhh? NO?

Go read through my posts here and my posting history. It should be obvious from just looking around what my intentions are, right? If that advice works for me, it should work for everyone else, right? I have done nothing but be cordial, try my best to contribute, to the point of even making actual models and posting them, and be supportive of everyone here. I scour the internet and find new, great whif things and run back here to share them with you all.  I fell in love with this place and have done all I can to contribute because I figured it would be the least I can do for a bunch of folks that have provided me with so much joy through hours of looking at the amazing things here.

If my intentions were to stir things up I wouldn't do it by asking a question. The fact that I looked around and DIDN'T see anything about it exactly is why I asked.  If I wanted to STIR THINGS UP, instead of asking, in a polite fashion, I'd just post something and say, "HERE IT IS, DEAL WITH IT."  Where I come from, when someone asks about something we try to help them learn, not shoot accusatory looks in there direction.

That said, thank you for the reply and tips.

Fair enough, points taken.

As a Moderator I do read everything that gets posted on site, so I am more than aware of your history and yes I've found no problems with anything and indeed find that you are exceptionally polite  :thumbsup: I can however sometimes see possibilities in posts that I except are not there and that is down to 30 years or so of being involved in European Union negotiations (at a very low level) and quite often trying to work out what someone is really after ? So maybe I should try and remember I'm retired, but it's in the blood now I'm afraid.

The up side to that however means that I do tend to think about the impact of what I might type would have on someone from a different culture and that means I'm very cautious.

Anyway as I said if there is anything you are even slightly concerned about then just drop me a PM, I've no problem with that and sometime two eyes as they say.



Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


Like you said, Brad. Better to have asked first.


"What young man could possibly be bored
with a uniform to wear,
a fast aeroplane to fly,
and something to shoot at?"


Yeaaaaaah... I mean...  I should probably know better but. I don't know.. curiosity, ya know? (I confuse easily LOL  ) Like I said I'd never build anything like that myself but if I found something somewhere I'd be interested in looking at it.  Not all people would be, though, so I'll leave my curiosity about those subjects to reside in my mind only. Thanks for the reply, Chris.

I hadn't planned on posting in this thread any more because I have my answers and I don't want to be pushy or anything but I also don't want to appear to be rude (ignoring replies), either, so I'm back for a final(?) posting on this. 

I already conversed a bit with Other Chris (hahah)  NARSES2  in private message about his response but, while I'm here, I'd like to go on record and state that I appreciate him and others here who look after the place. I appreciate his kindness and patience and hold no grudge or anything what so ever.  It's a mindful eye such as his that provide a valuable service to us all so I applaud him and the staff for their work and diligence. It may be corny or cliche but I really dig having an accepting, drama free "safe space."  In fact, thanks everyone for being understanding and putting up with me.

Keep on modeling on!!

-Sprues McDuck-