
Baltimore's Fleet Week and Air Show, October 12-17

Started by proditor, September 14, 2016, 09:00:28 AM

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I have some information about Baltimore's Fleet Week and the commissioning of the USS Zummwalt.

Dates are October 12 - 17.

You can start touring the Navy ships on Thursday, October 13th, through Saturday, October 15th.

The commissioning of the Zummwalt is on October 15th at 5 pm, but you must be invited to the ceremony, How do you get invited? You pay them money of course. It is not cheap at all. $250 bucks gets you one general admission seat, if available. Preferred invitations start at $1000. 

For those of you not familiar with the Zummwalt, it is this beast: http://usszumwalt.org/

And that sci-fi looking monster has Captain Kirk at the helm. I kid you not, the Captain's name is James Kirk.

I'm currently organizing groups of my friends for various trips out to the ships.

This will be my third one in Baltimore (I'm originally from NYC, so these were de riguer back home) and they are always a blast. If you go, you MUST go on the Norwegian ships as they are the friendliest people there, and they give you a great tour.

EDIT: Link to the fleet week/airshow event - http://www.visitmaryland.org/list/maryland-fleet-week-air-show-baltimore-events

Captain Canada

CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?


I added it to the first post, thanks for keeping me honest! ;)