
Star-shaped aircaft concepts

Started by McColm, September 15, 2016, 07:17:36 AM

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Just typed in star shaped aircraft to find that NASA is funding a project on this design.
Which begs the question has any aircraft manufacturer ever built a prototype?
I've seen forward swept wings and delta wing combos, but not forward swept and rear swept fixed wing.
I think that I have seen a Russian design of a forward swing wing and rear swing wing combo, but I can't remember where :banghead:
There were a few designs from Hawker in the book "Project Cancelled", not too sure if this is still in print or if you can buy it secondhand, the P1114-3 Supersonic Harrier comes close to what I was thinking.
It would be an interesting project to build or kitbash. Fighters/Interceptors or transport/ airliner even a jet powered flying boat!


There's a YouTube video that shows the 6th generation Russian jet fighter, by PowerRossiya .The rear swept wing is fixed but it's the front wing that can move forward and to the rear.Possibly a Sukhoi concept.