
Chronic's Research and Aeronautics Project (C.R.A.P.)

Started by TheChronicOne, September 20, 2016, 03:22:37 PM

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Storing this here for safe keeping. 

I plan to recreate this some day using stuff I find in my yard and maybe some odds and ends from inside, as well.  Wood, stone, cloth, maybe a bit of styrene to make the gears, peddles, chain,  and stuff...

-Sprues McDuck-


Quote from: TheChronicOne on December 02, 2016, 02:44:47 PM
Not a lot to talk about. Being doing a bit of work on my Vatican Air Force (Defense Force) airplane for the group build... now, In the midst of fall cleaning, I'm committing a bit of time to getting the modeling stuff organized and cleaned up.

So, anyway, here's another funny.   :laugh:

The kit box must be made with Time Lord technology!
" Somewhere, between half true, and completely crazy, is a rainbow of nice colours "
Tophe the Wise


Timey Wimey my friend! MUCH bigger on the inside..  --  perhaps he's living IN the box.  ;D ;D
-Sprues McDuck-


All done with me latest Old Kit Group Build project. I just realized I haven't linked to them here (I don't think) so I'll do that now but rather than linking to my individual build pages in that section, I'll just link to the finished builds thread which conveniently has said links therein. Not only that, while you're there, have a go at everyone else's stuff, too!! Lots of neat builds in there.


Moving forward... the only project I have going (shelved so it's not really "going" in my book) is the F/U-2 Spyplane thing I'm building. Still waiting on paint. lol  For a minute I toyed again with the notion of brush painting it but after sleeping on it decided again to just bide my time and wait for the paint.  If I can get it I don't foresee more than 3-4 days tops on the painting process so there's still a decent chunk of time left to get that sorted. 

In the meantime what to do with myself?  I have an f-84 build I want to do in a Republic of Molossia scheme. This model was already started and a decent deal of assmebly done so it might be a good way to knock a model out quickly.  Not only that, but I told the President of Molossia that I was building it so I'd rather not keep people waiting. I also would like to do a Star Trek OOB build. I have a 1/2500 three piece set of the original ships... the Enterprise, a Romulan, and a Klingon.  It would be cool to do maybe one of those.  I don't really have the proper paint for those though.

Here's the F-84 stuff:

I already have the decals picked out. I just need to finalize what I want to do with the paint..  I was thinking a combo of NMF and white with blue and green highlight as the Molossia colors are Blue White Green.    Maybe white wings and a blue strip across the top? The rest metal?  (tips tanks already green and some of my transfers are blue green and white striping) 
-Sprues McDuck-


That F-84 box has to be a contender in the 'World's Rubbishest Kit Box' competition!  :o

The plastic looks good though, and it's a pretty good kit too. It'll be good seeing what you do with it.
Kit's Rule 1 ) Any aircraft can be improved by fitting longer wings, and/or a longer fuselage
Kit's Rule 2) The backstory can always be changed to suit the model

...and I'm not a closeted 'Take That' fan, I'm a REAL fan! :)



^    That's without a doubt, sir!!   ;D  And thanks.. I hope it turns out great! The subject matter is pretty neat. A lil "micro nation" here in the states. I think the colors and scheme have a chance to be really sharp looking... these three colors have always been a favorite of mine and with some nice shiny metal could look cool.  :lol:

Having looked at the "stuff" again I do believe I will paint the fuselage NMF along with the horizontal stabs then I'll paint the wings proper and the fin white. I've already painted green strips on the end of the horizontal stabs and the tip tanks are green as well. The white along with some blue striping transfers will have mneat as I've located a blue/white/green striped bit of transfers so this will be having all the necessary colors!  Awesome!  I have all the paints I need, too, so this is great... no waiting to hit the supply house.

Here's what I've been working on and how I trim up my sprues before I prime/paint the small bits. I trim off all the connecting points down to one. I decide which one to use based on where it will fall; i.e. I'll leave where a gear door connects to the wing attached because when I do trim it off I can file it down without having to repaint as that small bit will be glued to the wing and never seen. For the other parts I select whichever connecting point is the sturdiest and remove the rest then file the nubs down. I try to do as much prep as I can at this stage to minimize handling and wear after the initial paint.

Uhhh what else...   no pilot figure with this. Just a seat. I guess I'll glue that in and call it good.. I'm not going to fiddle too much on this with intricate detail. Canopy and wind screen I'll hand paint like I did with the last one since I'm getting better at it. (someone would have to pay me to mask all that crap! )   ;D

Previous owner seemed to do a fine job of eliminating the seams on the fuselage so that's a plus. I doubt I'll do any of that myself on the rest. It would need it at the wing roots but I think it will be fine without it.. not every model needs to try to be some master model. Also, thankfully, previous owner installed weight into the nose!  Glorious!

That's all for now I guess. Stay tuned for more! Masking and some paint is next I think.  :lol:

-Sprues McDuck-

Rick Lowe

That colour scheme sounds really sharp.
Looking forward to future pics.

Yeah, masking that canopy would be a pain.... I'd freehand it myself, too; less stress, and it's supposed to be a relaxing hobby, right?



Quote from: Rick Lowe on December 10, 2016, 08:14:08 PM
That colour scheme sounds really sharp.
Looking forward to future pics.

Yeah, masking that canopy would be a pain.... I'd freehand it myself, too; less stress, and it's supposed to be a relaxing hobby, right?

Yes! An easy-going hobby. Doing this stuff shouldn't be "work."  I take fun too seriously some times, myself though, so guilty a lil bit ..   ;)


My experience masking canopies has lead me to a conclusion that;  if it's a simple two piece or not much going on, maybe.   But, if we're dealing with cathedral levels of glazing and frame work....  I'd rather a bit of "waviness" from painted lines than countless hours hollering obscenities at my rolls of tape.  ;D ;D

Thanks, bud! Glad you're interested.  I think the colour scheme sounds glorious, as well, and am looking forward to the process.

Some inspiration:

The Republic of Molossia flag.
-Sprues McDuck-


With a 'cathedral like canopy' (LOVE that description.  :thumbsup:) like the early F-84's I tend to follow your doctrine of painting the frames, and don't worry too much about how far you go over onto the glass bits.

Then when it's almost dry I take a cocktail stick and scrape off the 'over spray'. The cocktail stick isn't sharp enough to scratch the glass and it's pointed enough to get right into the corners. Result!
Kit's Rule 1 ) Any aircraft can be improved by fitting longer wings, and/or a longer fuselage
Kit's Rule 2) The backstory can always be changed to suit the model

...and I'm not a closeted 'Take That' fan, I'm a REAL fan! :)



Yeah buddy, that's what I'm talking about. I use some sharp toothpicks.. same thing with an additional point! There for a short while I was using a steel needle..  ...  SHORT. ... while. lol I naturally fell into the the method from butchering a canopy or two from trying to paint the frame work with toothpicks (different kind that are much more flat and no uniformity between individual picks unlike the nice sharp rounded ones). I don't know what the hell I was thinking..  I had a perfectly good never used fine point actual paint brush sitting here the whole time. I think I was holding off using it long as possible out of some weird sense of wanting to preserve it.  Whatever, I got over that and since then brushing canopies is the way to go! 
-Sprues McDuck-


Kit's Rule 1 ) Any aircraft can be improved by fitting longer wings, and/or a longer fuselage
Kit's Rule 2) The backstory can always be changed to suit the model

...and I'm not a closeted 'Take That' fan, I'm a REAL fan! :)



Good news, everyone! I finally bought the paint I need to use on my U2 Spyplane whif!! That project is coming off the shelf and work will resume probably tomorrow.  :lol:

In other news, I have a Star Trek itch need'n scratched so I delved into the stash and snagged me set of three 1/2500 Star Trek (TOS) starships:

These things are itty bitty. If I were to compare to aircraft I'd put them in the smallest of 1/72 or right in line with 1/144. The Romulan one, for example, measure 2 inches exactly from bow to stern (tip of the arc of the front of the main hull to the end of the fin..... whatever.. I do the best I can with terminology).

Crappy, hazy picture but you get the idea! Not many parts.  ;D

Klingon D7.

Glorious NCC-1701 U.S.S. Enterprise

This type of thing is not what I am used to seeing on the underside of model kit plastic. CBS maintains a love/hate relationship with the franchise as do the fans maintain a love/hate relationship with CBS. More so over the recent "fan films" fiasco.

The propag...err..advertising on an insert inside the kit. It states that this particular kit is a NEW TOOL! Scalemates say "new parts." I actually bought an AMT kit of these same three back in the day but the models were larger.

The larger kits of the same. This was a kit I bought and put together way back.

Finally, the sheet of decals.

My appologies on the substandard hazy pictures.  :o ;D

Along with the resurrected OKGB Spyplane and the F-84 I'd like to start on these lil guys pretty soon. I think I'll start with the Romulan one since it consists of a grand total of FOUR parts.  ;D ;D

As always, thanks for stopping by..
-Sprues McDuck-


You bar steward.  I've now got TOS theme stuck on my cerebral jukebox.


- Can't be bothered to do the proper research and get it right.

Another ill conceived, lazily thought out, crudely executed and badly painted piece of half arsed what-if modelling muppetry from zenrat industries.

zenrat industries:  We're everywhere...for your convenience..


-Sprues McDuck-


Saw this on the Facebook Scale Modelers page. No credit given...   

In other news. I plan to continue masking my F/U-2 HAWK. I started yesterday but I'm taking it nice and slow to avoid the fall off of qualite as one goes and gradually tires of the process. Most of the tedious stuff like wing edges has been done. I just need to finish up the horizontal stabilizers and a couple odds and ends in that area then I can move to the fields where I use pieces of brown paper sack. Might be able to paint later today but it is REALLY wind.. AGAIN.  I might try to paint out in my work shop but everything is so, so, so dusty and dirty in there... just moving around stirs it all up and I'd hate to get to spraying and have all that wind up on the model. We'll see...

Until next time!   :lol:
-Sprues McDuck-