
Chronic's Research and Aeronautics Project (C.R.A.P.)

Started by TheChronicOne, September 20, 2016, 03:22:37 PM

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Quote from: kitnut617 on December 30, 2018, 09:39:34 AM
There was actually a court case going on up here in Canada, where a Chinese travel agent was using similarly mark Canadian bills as a training aid for the plane loads of mainland Chinese tourists that arrive here in Canada. The outcome was the court decided it's still counterfeit so the travel agent got jail time.
Yikes! You can still get in trouble with these here in the US as well if you try to pass them. One of these bills had a mark on it from a counterfeit detection pen and... well... all I can do is speculate but someone likely tried to spend it in a store out there, got busted, then walked out the door and threw all the evidence out on the ground.  ;D ;D  IF that's the case, either the cashier/manager took pity on them and told them to scram or the law was called on them and they ran off before they could arrive

This type of thing makes my existence as a lowly bum picking up garbage as a living (well, and cutting lawns... lol ) interesting and even enjoyable from time to time. Sometimes the stuff I find in the parking lot and surrounding areas poses many questions and it's fun to get the mind churning trying to connect the dots. Sometimes I can some up with logical, plausible theories about the things I find and sometime the things are more mysterious... like.... "what on Earth... how.. and WHY is this here?!"

Consolation: I DO find real money out there, as well. Not much this year...  ~$40 but I found OVER $200 last year including a $50 bill... just laying there... it wasn't even blown off into a corner, it was sitting on the grass five feet away from the parking lot. This was by Chuck-E-Cheese, mind, so I hate to think some poor kid lost his Birthday money but then again if a child isn't mature enough to safeguard such a thing, they shouldn't be handed cash anyway...  I think I'm getting a little off track here.  ;D ;D

I'm on my way out there here in a few minutes in fact. It's THE worst time of day to go but it might rain tomorrow and that could mean I might not make it. So.. rather than risk losing tomorrow, I'll sacrifice some of my Sunday afternoon to appease the management and make my job easier when I DO return again. Wish me luck for finding REAL money!
-Sprues McDuck-


As a surveyor I find things fairly often. Once was a McDonald's happy meal toy that I turned into MaK the rabid rabbit. Other times have been a gold ring, money or a GPS ankle monitor. No dead bodies so far.
" Somewhere, between half true, and completely crazy, is a rainbow of nice colours "
Tophe the Wise


MaK the rabid rabbit, huh?! So you found a Happy Meal toy....  then kitbash it.  ;D   Love it.   

See there, the ankle bracelet.. had to have been a good story behind that one. Someone on the run from the law, I'd surmise!   Gold ring + $$$$  Hell yeah.  ;D  Beats diapers and straws.
-Sprues McDuck-


The thing I find most often is dog poop. Frequently on the bottom of my boot. I did find some model parts once. 1/48th Corsair and Mustang.
" Somewhere, between half true, and completely crazy, is a rainbow of nice colours "
Tophe the Wise


When I worked at the poo farm...

We ran the sludge harvest and anything that got to us after being digested by the bacteria was supposed to have been through multiple filters.  Didn't stop us finding toys, money (notes - Aussie plastic notes are bacteria proof) and syringes.
We collected the money, washed it and spent it on beer at xmas.
The divers who cleaned out the filters found large amounts of cash which they got to keep - and they deserved it.  I can't imagine what it must have been like diving in sewage sludge. <shudder>
But the thing they cleaned up most of was the little plastic sticks from cotton buds - millions of them.  The bacteria digested the cotton but the sticks were impervious to them.

- Can't be bothered to do the proper research and get it right.

Another ill conceived, lazily thought out, crudely executed and badly painted piece of half arsed what-if modelling muppetry from zenrat industries.

zenrat industries:  We're everywhere...for your convenience..


Those sticks, man...... wow... and I don't know what it is about cylindrical things but people seem to think things that are cylindricial are SUPPOSED to be just thrown out on the ground. Cylinder, near-cylinder (like cups), and "pillars" like the cotton bud sticks and sucker sticks. Anyway... straws, cups, ciggie butts, sucker sticks, Q-tips, cups.....  HANDS DOWN I find more of these cylinder and cylinderish items on the ground than anything else. They're trying to "ban" plastic straws in many places in the U.S. making a lot of people throw fits like little children, but I say.... WHY NOT. If people weren't too lazy and careless maybe they wouldn't be getting banned.  ;D ;D  It's like with children... if your children refuse to clean their room and refuse to properly take care of their toys, you take the toys away until they grow up and are mature enough to care for their things.

You heard of these weirdos that hop inside the bottom of portable toilets, right? I think they're perverts trying to look at.... things.. or something....  perhaps SOME of them enjoy swimming in doo-doo water just for the thrill of it and I can't help but wonder that if these people knew that there were lucrative jobs going SCUBA in doo-doo pools if they wouldn't be over the moon and try to get hired for one.   :wacko: :angel: ;D ;D ;D ;D
-Sprues McDuck-


Where I live is very rural, and you see some of the residents going along the ditches cleaning up. Sometimes the garbage that's just thrown out of vehicles gets really bad, but then it seems to coincide with the 'rig pigs' being in the area (sorry Todd), I've come to notice when either the service company guys or the hole drillers are in the area the garbage gets really bad along the road sides.  The road I live on is a side road which is just gravel so not a regular route people take and there's only four houses on our road in four miles so it's not like it's the neighbours --
If I'm not building models, I'm out riding my dirtbike


That seems to be a common theme among truck drivers, regardless of what type of truck or trucking or what job they're doing. OTR drivers or the guy that simply drives a big truck to places to do other work (and any other tag along employees). They don't want that stuff in their cab so throw it out for the rest of society to deal with. One time a driver went #2 right into a near-cylinder then just threw it out in the damn parking lot. Guess who had to clean that up. I wasn't very happy about that. There's a McDonald's that is open 24 hours a day with a restroom just inside the entrance. It's right in the parking lot. No excuse. If I ever catch someone doing it we're going to have words and their next stop just might be the Truck-Wash just off the interstate...   

Surely Cap doesn't do these things.  :angel: ;D

-Sprues McDuck-


All done!

1/144 ATR-72, American Eagle. Kit by F-RSIN, decals by Nazca. Finished with Rustoleum appliance epoxy then some Krylon gloss clear. OOB aside from the aftermarket decals. No mods of any sort.

This is only the third airliner I've ever made and I've only been doing them for a year now so It could be better but I'm very happy with how it turned out!

I'll grab more pics later, in particular some with it sitting with the other two!   :wub:
-Sprues McDuck-


If I'm not building models, I'm out riding my dirtbike


 ;D ;D    Thanks, Mr. Rob-urns!  ;D

More Photos:

Down to two ongoing projects now.  :lol:
-Sprues McDuck-


A finish is always a win! And this one looks great!
" Somewhere, between half true, and completely crazy, is a rainbow of nice colours "
Tophe the Wise


-Sprues McDuck-

Rick Lowe


Thanks, Rick! This is/was a dream project. I never would have imagined I could model this one but it was possible after all. Garage kit/decal makers can be heroes!
-Sprues McDuck-