
Chronic's Research and Aeronautics Project (C.R.A.P.)

Started by TheChronicOne, September 20, 2016, 03:22:37 PM

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Re: 737, thanks! That thing.... wooo......   well, it's finally in good shape and I am GLAD!  ;D

One reason why I gave up the reviews in addition to be turned off of kits is that sometimes people can't seem to agree. One person says one thing, the next says the opposite. I figured I'd just make up my own mind about things!

Moot point on the windows. They're all in there now. No worries! I settled into a method of doing them and the last 8 went twice as quickly as the first four. Won't be long and the fuselage will be closed up! Just a tiny little more painting inside then I glue in the howitzers. After that I can close up the fuselage, cram foam in the openings, and put blue tack or white glue over the windows. I tried using white glue on one yesterday to see how it would go and it's a bit difficult to remove, even more so after covered in multiple layers of paint I suspect, so I'm going to use blue tack instead.

Actually, it's a different brand. This is an item I found sitting in the parking lot at the shopping center I pick up trash at. Ever so often I find brand new items. I guess people buy them then they fall out the bag or... something. It's funny though, because I conveniently keep finding things I use in building. The first thing I found was my awesome USB light. This time I found the Loctite Fun-Tak:

Can't beat the price.........

Got a lot done yesterday. After the windows, I got back into the engine parts and aside from the spinners and props it's all together. I'm going to paint all those seperately so I can't go further anyway.

Also, I need to make vortex dissipators for the 737 so I decided to try making stretched sprue. The first attempt didn't work, but the second attempt and all attempts after worked out great. Hell, this is extremely easy to do! All I needed was a tea candle. So anyway... I went ahead and made three different gauges:

I'm thinking the middle one or the larger one there are the ones I need for the dissipators... the tiny stuff is nearly small enough for wire antenna.

50 billion errands to run today but when I get back, I plan to press forward with this gunship then TRY to get something done on the Nomad. Also, it's time to start building the finer aspects of the gravel plate and nose fairing for the 737.  :unsure:
-Sprues McDuck-

Rick Lowe

Yeah, stretching sprue can be fun and useful - initially I always used to pull with too much gusto and ended up with LOTS of antenna wire...
"Less is More" is something that applies to this too, and the results can be very useful.

As an aside, it also works with tubing, so small diameter gun barrels are only a heat'n'pull away. And the taper at the ends can be used where you need a tapering barrel.  :thumbsup:

I've seen someone use a brass tube inside the plastic one, as a former, to get a result of the desired size and shape; not had success along that line myself, but 'Your Mileage May Vary".

And yes, free is a great price!  :thumbsup: ;D


Tubing, huh?   I had no idea! Thanks!!   I've actually had that very problem a time or two. Of course, I don't have any tubing but I will. I've recently been "upgrading" my standards and have been buying things like styrene stock instead of using random garbage laying around the house. It sure as hell was easier making the floor in my gunship having actual sheet styrene.  ;D

As far as update.... I've painted more detail work on the fiddly bits of the Nomad. I just have a little bit left on the prop/spinner and to paint the insides of the doors and gear legs. Need my reference pictures for that but I'm pretty sure the gear doors and gear struts are that really pale grey color. The wheel hubs seem to be the same grey as the rest of the plane though, from what I can tell.... 
-Sprues McDuck-

Rick Lowe

No worries, glad to help.

I've just remembered that you can also shape a length of rod, like into airfoil/strut, or triangular, or whatever and it will keep the same cross-section when it's stretched.


@Rick:  Huh!!!!  Surprised again, I'd think that the "process" itself would turn it into a "solid" piece and lose the interior. I've been learning quite a bit of new things lately! Y'all never fail to help me with new stuff!  :lol:

Stopped work on builds to get back to working on winter house projects and getting them 1/48 kits packed away. I've spent more time on the house projects, though....    ;D     It's been much easier lately, I've somehow managed to escape the clutches of Sciatica after 2.5 years of MISERY. I've been hesitant to even mention it because I was scared that it would come back but... I'm pretty confident now. It was actually late Oct. last year that it suddenly got better. Ever since, it's just been improving. I changed the way I operate.... no more heavy lifting and working myself to death. It's worked I guess. That's now gout and sciatica both that I've conquered without the aid of medical professionals. Of course, it's been a much LONGER and painful battle but I've saved tons of money and haven't had to have surgery.

Anyway...  I'm finding myself working less and less on building, and more and more on dumb house work. This is encroaching on what used to be all my hobby time. Not sure how I feel about this but I think as long as I'm motivated to do house projects I need to do so.  For the last couple of weeks or so I've noticed that I keep spending less time on builds and more on these projects! I wonder how long this will last. I've never once said that I have "lost the mojo." I've taken breaks from building before because "real world" stuff became too time consuming... but like I said, I've never stopped building because I suddenly don't want to and would rather do other things. It's sort of been happening lately, though...  I just hope it doesn't become a "thing" and that I'm simply focusing on what I should and that it doesn't actually have to do with being burned out on building. I mean, hell, I've been having a ton of fun on my Gunship so how can I be "losing the mojo?"

Oh well, this is getting way too....  I dunno, "philosophical" or "feelings" or something. It's just really weird that "chores" is somehow more appealing than working on my builds....  :unsure:  Right now, I'm like, "I could paint some on the interior of the Nomad, or I can move furniture... "  and I'm choosing "furniture"....  :banghead: :unsure:
-Sprues McDuck-

Rick Lowe

Don't worry, as long as you haven't decided to sell Everything, I think you're in the clear.

Maybe it's cos of boxing up and selling the 1/48? Maybe suddenly having that space is making you think you'd like more?
Whatever, work on/around the house is never wasted time or effort.  <_<

Glad the medical issues are clearing up, and not spending money on them is a bonus.  :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


Thanks man, I think you're right. They've probably went hand-in-hand. I made progress with one project, then started having ideas about more. I do know one thing, finally being rid of all that pain and bullshit associated with sciatica has energized me. I'm even having more fun being out amongst the public, and THAT is astounding in and of itself.  :o ;D
-Sprues McDuck-


Quote from: Rick Lowe on February 23, 2019, 06:12:01 PM

Glad the medical issues are clearing up, and not spending money on them is a bonus.  :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Indeed  :thumbsup:

I hadn't tried to heat stretch sprue for ages until the other day. Took me a while to get the knack back, main problem was I was using the gas hob as a heat source, but got there in the end.
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


It's a handy ability to have. I've wished I had it in the past, but managed to get by without it. Now, my hand has been forced trying to make something that is about the size of a broom stick, but in 1/144 scale. I had no CHOICE but to learn how to do it. Surprise!!! It was very easy. I had it mastered in under 60 seconds. I think the REAL lesson I learned is to not be so afraid of trying new techniques.

Plans for today...   I'm going to try to work a little more on the gunship AND the 737. I need gel CA for that one, but I think I can still get started on the Miliput nose fairing. We'll see. I'm also going to get back to the whole house projects and 1/48 kit purge stuff. No use in fighting it. To that end... I need to either "build" a box out other boxes or I still need to find one large enough to put the kits in...     Funny thing is, I was AT the liquour store a few days ago but of course, at that time, finding boxes was the last thing on my mind. I did manage to grab 4 from "work." There were about 100 all bundled up. Flat packed, of course, and the end user has to fold them and assemble them. They looked bigger than I think they are, which is why I grabbed 4 in case I do indeed need to cut them up and make my own Franken-Box.

Also, the wind all but destroyed one of my out buildings yesterday... it was sustained over 30 ALL DAY and most of the time was gusting over 50. It was nuts...   That old building lasted more than 30 years, at least, but .... man, I don't need this right now. I'm still not even finished tearing down the other building for my buddy... you know...PAYING work. I need to get that done first before, I guess, I start tearing down my own. PRoblem is, this is a bad time of year for this... I'm not sure I'm going to have time to do it. I have to first take everything out and find places for it (which I do not have) then there's the actual tearing down. BUt uhhh.....  I have to start getting ready for Spring and summer as we all know I mow lots of lawns as the main function of my business. I wish I had some help. Literally ANY help. No employees, no kids, no spouse.... I'm basically a hermit. No friends which I can get to help. The 3-4 I actually know here  in Lawton are busy at their jobs, etc.  Oh well, I'll make it happen somehow!!!  ;D ;D
-Sprues McDuck-


Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


Thanks!!!!   That situation kinda bummed me out for a minute but oh well, whatta ya gonna do?!  :rolleyes: ;D 

Yesterday I decided NOT to do any more house work. I found myself to be exhausted. I had time to do plenty of work but I just couldn't get myself to do it. I was too tired and worn out. I decided to sleep in today to recharge the batteries so we'll see how I feel after lunch. :wacko: I'd like to get back to the house projects though. I have more vacuuming of the places I've moved mountains of stuff and also still need to build or find boxes for them kits. Gotta vacuume the stairs, as well. That is tedious as hell and has to be done one inch at a time with the wand so it generally takes awhile.  ;D   You know, I have an attachment on my vacuum cleaner that's expressly for stairs but ALWAYS forget about!! Maybe I can try it today.        BUT ANYWAY... .gettting of track again.  :rolleyes:    Those three items I really need to get done but I might leave it at that because I have to get back to paying working tomorrow and need my energy.

In the in between times....       all about cleaning up seams on the gunship! Glued that bad-boy together yesterday so before I glue on the wings, I'd like to get all the sanding and filing done on the fuselage. It's easier without the wings in the way, you see....    Then, I have a little piece of the fin to glue on and the tailplanes.  At that point I think I'll go back to working on the engines. I think I'll finish them off completely seperate from the rest of the build them glue them on much later.

Check it out, it's starting to get somehwere!

737 stuff? Still don't have my glue so that means I will have to focus on the nose fairing. At this point I'm repeating myself... let's just hope I find some time for this today.
-Sprues McDuck-


Oh... .wait wait wait......   I forgot about this....  funny little side note. I post a couple of my builds on a page(Facebook) that is NOT about modelling, specifically. It is simply the "Greatest Planes That Never Were" and they were more popular than when I post them on pages that ARE for models.  ;D  I'm not sure how to interpret this...   ;D    Are my builds crappy so actual modellers recognize it and people that just look at pictures of planes are less critical?? Or what???  ;D  I think it's pretty funny though. Maybe I'll find some generalized "arts and crafts" pages to infiltrate next and see how it goes.  ;D ;D   

Hell, mama has told me a few times that I could my stuff down to the arts and crafts fair thing we have down here once a year or whatever. If it's artsy craftsy type stuff, it pretty much doesn't matter what the hell it is. I've no clue the category structure or how they judge things but ... there ya have it....
-Sprues McDuck-

Rick Lowe

Oops - I meant to say the F-84 came out really well! :thumbsup:
Can't believe* I missed commenting, when I was the one nagging suggesting you to get the cockpit done... :banghead:

*actually, I can... :-\


Quote from: TheChronicOne on February 25, 2019, 09:11:01 AM

Hell, mama has told me a few times that I could my stuff down to the arts and crafts fair thing we have down here once a year or whatever. If it's artsy craftsy type stuff, it pretty much doesn't matter what the hell it is. I've no clue the category structure or how they judge things but ... there ya have it....

I had a few of my Whiff models in a local arts & crafts shop display for a while, and they created quite a bit of interest apparently. The late Mrs_PR19 knew the owner quite well and she'd mentioned my crazy hobby, and the owner suggested they could be 'of interest' to her community.

There's no such thing as bad publicity.  ;D
Kit's Rule 1 ) Any aircraft can be improved by fitting longer wings, and/or a longer fuselage
Kit's Rule 2) The backstory can always be changed to suit the model

...and I'm not a closeted 'Take That' fan, I'm a REAL fan! :)



Quote from: Rick Lowe on February 25, 2019, 09:39:35 AM
Oops - I meant to say the F-84 came out really well! :thumbsup:
Can't believe* I missed commenting, when I was the one nagging suggesting you to get the cockpit done... :banghead:

*actually, I can... :-\

I'm pleased as punch over that one!!! That little feller looks really nice now....  it's vastly superior to the way it was.  I posted it out on the "what if modellers" facebook page and people liked it!  ;D

I've recently discovered that I'm not as observant as I think I am and miss things around here all the time.  :rolleyes: :rolleyes: ;D     Another "oh well, whatta ya gonna do things."  Ain't no thang, it just comes with the territory. Dare I say that the person that catches everything and misses nothing needs to find a hobby........
-Sprues McDuck-