
Chronic's Research and Aeronautics Project (C.R.A.P.)

Started by TheChronicOne, September 20, 2016, 03:22:37 PM

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Rick Lowe

Quote from: TheChronicOne on December 03, 2021, 01:13:06 PM
that's a process that once started needs to be completed in one sitting....  see.... Miliput is easier to work with before it dries and using water with it to help shape it is a lot LOT easier than trying to shape it after it dries with files and sanding. This stuff is hard as a damn rock after it dries.  ;D 

Preachin' to the Converted, Brotha! (I know this pitfall now...)

And yeah, sometimes a wreck just isn't worth the effort to try and save - move on and start again...


Good work with the Lysander repair, shame the Phantom is a write off, what happened to them anyhow? Heat or chemical affected?  :unsure:
"I'm a precisional instrument of speed and aromatics." - Tow Mater.

"People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing all day." - A. A. Milne.


Funny store about the woes of having ADD.  ------ Problems focusing, problems staying on task, short term memory issues, etc. ---- 

I was simply cleaning house. I was in the utility room which I use as storage and has a medium sized fridge and microwave, etc... it's sort of like a break room/storage room type of deal. It also houses the hot water heater (and yes, the terminology is correct because it heats cold water as it enters but also heats the hot water already inside to KEEP it hot!) and the furnace/AC blower unit. Even though it ain't a main room or anything, I still try to keep it nice and neat... and clean... and once or twice a year I deep clean it. I actually have two or three models displayed in there and.... well... long story made short: I moved those two models to the top of the water heater so I could clean something with the intent of moving them right back... but I forgot.... eventually the heat came on and those two were right next to the flue so they were partially melted.  :rolleyes: ;D   ADD sucks and mine's gotten worse over the years.. I'm considering talking to my doctor about it. I did once, years ago.. and my last doctor prescribed me something or other that the blasted insurance wouldn't cover and would have cost me $100 out of pocket so I had to do without. 

In other news... I got the Milliput fairing thing built and shaped to within 80% of what it needs to be. It's turned out better than expected so far and indeed I won't have to do TOO much to it in the sanding phase.. in fact, I might not need any files at all and just go straight to wet sanding with sponge and paper. This is cool.... I've looked around the internet a wee bit at pictures and ran across numerous models/toys of this thing that are all missing this little skid. 100% of PSA Tristars had it so it's a must for a model of one... so... in that regard, I'll have a bit of accuracy to my model that a lot of others won't. I've made a mess of the paint work on this but at least I have the damn skid!!! 

Here's a picture of that thing.. you can see it there directly aft the nose gear.

Speaking of paint...and forgetting things....   I need to remember to finish up the paint work around the windscreen. I keep forgetting it but it sticks out once you notice it's there...  There should be no white between the pink cheatlines and the windows and there should also be no white up front by the anti-glare patch.. so that's another last minute thing I need to do.

I plan to get cracking on the Delta Herk today. I'm also looking for something to do in 1/72 and military and I think I'll do a KFIR. Wombat sent me one along with a communist airliner (lol, it's an Il-96... totally cool) and having just repaired on Israeli thing.. it's time for another. I do enjoy the Israeli air force stuff!!

-Sprues McDuck-


Oh OK, bummer. Quite sure I have ADD also, never been formally diagnosed but all symptoms are there.
"I'm a precisional instrument of speed and aromatics." - Tow Mater.

"People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing all day." - A. A. Milne.

Rick Lowe

Airliner is coming along, and yeah - once you notice the omissions, you see them all the time...

The skid looks pretty near perfect, too - getting something right the first time certainly makes life easier, and we can all use a few wins like that!  :thumbsup:

I heard a couple, which you probably already know, but anyway - hope they provide a smile or two:

I have CDO - it's like OCD, but the letters are in the correct Alphabetical order, as they should be!

I also have OCD and ADD - so everything has to be PERFECT, but not for long...


I'd certainly talk to your Doc re the ADD. It's amazing how quickly medical science can progress at times and you never know.

Quote from: Rick Lowe on December 06, 2021, 07:59:08 PM
- once you notice the omissions, you see them all the time...

Tell me about it  :-\

Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.

Rick Lowe

Quote from: NARSES2 on December 07, 2021, 06:11:07 AM

Quote from: Rick Lowe on December 06, 2021, 07:59:08 PM
- once you notice the omissions, you see them all the time...

Tell me about it  :-\

Yup; I, too, know of what is being spoke...  :-\

Quote from: NARSES2 on December 07, 2021, 06:11:07 AM
I'd certainly talk to your Doc re the ADD. It's amazing how quickly medical science can progress at times and you never know.

And agree, it's easy to keep on carrying on with all the old stuff, but you never know what's come along since you had the first prescription. :thumbsup:


Thanks, everyone.. It has gotten pretty bad recently. I have tasks.... tasks that I know would take, say.... 30 minutes to complete, if I could just focus. I'll go 8 hours and not even accomplish a third of it. There are other factors playing a part, too.. such as a lack of proper rest (sleep) which I try to solve the side effects of with caffeine...   NEITHER are good for this condition. Too many outside influences, as well, causing undue stress at unprecedented levels. Doctor's appointment is in mid January so not too far off.  :thumbsup: 

Going on a break for a little while with the builds.... I'm now facing down the prospect of having to MOVE.... one of my least favorite things. It's a headache I don't want because I have zero help and have accumulated a lifetime's worth of "stuff" that I have to move!  :banghead:   Not to mention everything that goes along with my business... all that is stationed at the house so.... I have to find a new place within the budget that's large enough to facilitate all this crap. That's no easy task.. oh sure, they're easy enough to find but finding one within the budget is nearly impossible.
-Sprues McDuck-


Well, then!! That resolved itself fast....  I'm not going to have to worry about moving after all!  BRILLIANT. What a relief.  ;D   I started unearthing more problems beyond the physical hassle of moving and .....  I'll pass... just not worth it. Tomorrow and Friday are freed up now, though... so back to business as usual I suppose.  :mellow:
-Sprues McDuck-


Glad the move situation sorted its self out. It can be one of the most stressful things in life, after death and divorce.
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


Moving can indeed be stressful unless you really want to move, which is not your case so, i'm glad to know that issue sorted itself out.
And BTW, great recovery job on the Lysander. :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
"Sticks and stones may break some bones but a 3.57's gonna blow your damn head off!!"


Thanks, it now has a place of honor in here on the main display shelf. I'm very happy with how that turned out..... It didn't look to terribly bad but there were parts of the fuselage that had been warped somewhat and I was worried I would have to cut further into the thing and my goal was to not have to cut into the invasion stripes and roundel area.... I just barely made it but it worked!!!!  :mellow: :mellow:

Moving... yeah damn right I didn't want to move.....  The last time I had to deal with it was some of my kinfolks that moved from one place then to another in just the span of about 12 months...... and it was all one of their decision, it didn't HAVE to happen.... and of course there's all this huge heavy crap and tons of it... it's like... PICK ONE AND STAY IN IT. As for my situaton... well, here, I have mama with me and she was having one of those moments of pride where she finds it difficult to take money from someone else... See, I want to fix this house up... my house... our house (I own it and she's also on the title until she passes... I forget the proper term, co-own or dual ownership or whatever, and yes it matters and there can be a distinction... and it varies state to state)   AHEM... anyway....  I've been saving up money and want to remodel the house and she was having none of it at first so I was going to sign away my rights to the property outright but I convinced her that it's better to fix this house up than me running off into another one (I would continue to stay with mama to help her in her old age, however) , only to have to fix that one up, too, and have less money to do it....     as usual, money and lack of played a part so.....   I mean, it just makes way more sense to spend the money I have on THIS house.

Anyway..  glad that crap is done with. It has been a thing for a couple years now and we had really been going back and forth about it over the last week... I told her... you have to decide what you want because I, myself, am getting too damn old to be moving with no help so if I have to find a new place then I need to do it now, rather than in the future. So... uhhh... yeah, that's about a 2 year moneky off my back finally... this is actually a pretty dig deal for me because I won't have it nagging at me any more... RELIEF.  :angel:
-Sprues McDuck-

Rick Lowe

Whew! Glad that worked out well.
Yeah, Mums and Dads can be funny like that - I completely understand their point of view, but sometimes you need to make things different/better/more modern.


It's annoying is what it is but the thing is, I'm the same damn way. I've turned down money and you name it a bunch of times over the years, despite typically being pretty poor.  ;D    It's pride and also a bit of "I don't want to be beholden" mixed in. The tactic this time that helped out a bunch was to frame it in a way that wouldn't make her feel so bad... so I this time I started talking about how this was for ME, too... and I WANTED to do this not just for her, but for myself as well.  :rolleyes: ;D    It worked and is true so.... all's well that end's well I suppose.

I plan on working on the Delta-Herk today and also getting the skid thing wet sanded into its final form then painted. It's been... uhhh... I dunno... days now since I've gotten any model stuff done. Bout time to get back to it.
-Sprues McDuck-

Rick Lowe

Quote from: TheChronicOne on December 10, 2021, 01:15:46 PM
It's annoying is what it is but the thing is, I'm the same damn way. I've turned down money and you name it a bunch of times over the years, despite typically being pretty poor.  ;D    It's pride and also a bit of "I don't want to be beholden" mixed in. The tactic this time that helped out a bunch was to frame it in a way that wouldn't make her feel so bad... so I this time I started talking about how this was for ME, too... and I WANTED to do this not just for her, but for myself as well.  :rolleyes: ;D    It worked and is true so.... all's well that end's well I suppose.

Well, it worked and everyone's happy, so I'd call that a good result.  :thumbsup:

And that 'not wanting to be beholden or owe favours'-thing can be a b!tch, I agree... kinda have the same thinking myself... :banghead: