
Chronic's Research and Aeronautics Project (C.R.A.P.)

Started by TheChronicOne, September 20, 2016, 03:22:37 PM

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" Somewhere, between half true, and completely crazy, is a rainbow of nice colours "
Tophe the Wise


Roger that! 

I'm actually done decalling and it looks great! I'm going to gloss it here in a few.  Had to glue the deflector dish back on and I just couldn't get it to line back up the way it came off.. so I need to put a tiny bit of gold paint on it (waiting on the CA to dry... ) to cover the gap. No worries. I'll do that in a minute then let it gry then I can gloss it. 'Bout an hour from now I should be able to provide pictures.

For all the things I messed up, I think this lil feller WANTED to be finished because it turned out really good! There're flaws here and there but the overall product is neat! I really like it.

-Sprues McDuck-


I go outside and am immediately pissed off.  (LOL)   No matter what side of the house I go to...... WIND.  And this is bunk! It's 10 o'clock at night!! I HATE Oklahoma weather!  No matter.....  I hung the starship on an ornament hanger then hung it from a clothes hanger then stepped inside my shop...  I figure if I just stand there and hold it... then spray.. I'm good and also won't lace my arm and hand up with gloss coat.  ;D   

It worked well if I didn't spray too much. Seems like it should be a done deal, now. I have it hanging from the chandalier once again. I'll check it in an hour or so..   :lol: :thumbsup:
-Sprues McDuck-


Enterprise is looking good!! I struggled with taking pictures but I think I got some good ones.

-Sprues McDuck-


Woke up at 3 AM today so I could get done with work early before the heat is too much and so that I can get back to model building!!

Going to finish up the F-84 today.  Transfers are half done then it's time to glue on all da fiddly bits. 

After that... I'd like to stop and repair four 1/700 Mustangs that I have. I bought a lot off ebay for $4 shipping and all..... 12 built 1/700 models. 4 Me 262s, 4 163s, and 4 Mustangs. Problem is... I wasn't very careful when I opened the box and knocked off one propeller on each of the Mustangs! Bollocks!! Tinier than...well... I dunno.. they're so small but I managed to find 3 of them and will have to scratch up a fourth then it's time to break out the glue and fine tipped needle nosed reverse action tweezers to put them on.  Ought to be interesting....   I'll provide pics, too, because ol' boy that built these little fellers did an EXCELLENT job.

Next after that I'd like to look at my defunct 25 year stalled Space Shuttle project. I stupidly broke off all the engine nozzles thinking it was a good idea as part of the refurbish. I'll be gluing them back on if I can... they came off all wrong and it wasn't pretty.. I should have left them on there and just masked them over. OH WELL, lesson learned.

Beyond that.. I'm considering doing a build for the Sci Fi GB. I have a Ferengi ship I'd like to build in a Starfleet livery but I don't have any transfers. I might be able to find some in the internet but the price has to be right. It's going to be a "Captured" ship re-christened U.S.S. (Billy) Mays NCC-1995. 

I don't know if I'll get this far today or not because I have tons of yard work and house chores to do, too.  Beyond THIS stuff, I have other stalled projects I'd like to work on. I'm trying to take the opportunity to get all, or at least a bunch, of that stuff finished while the SF GB is going because I probably won't be participating with more than one build. This could change... but... I'm really lacking in suitable kits and ideas right now. We'll see...

-Sprues McDuck-


That would have been an interesting episode  ;)

Reminds me a little of one of my favourite Far Side cartoons. ;D
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


EDIT:  First off, these were built by ebayer mntjulp.  Just superb.  He says, "I've hand-painted them and added scratch details including props, guns, antennae and tail wheels.  At 1/700 scale they are very small with wingspans of about 5/8". "

OK....  Tedium first....   the 1/700 Mustang repair project.

I managed to lose one of the props....   and also break another off so that's 2 I now need to scratch build. I was going to use the plastic off of the package that holds them cheap little Testors throw away brushed but it's WAAAAAAY too thick.. I'll have to find something else. Either way.... I DID manage to get 3 of 5 props glued back on. 2 Mustangs are now complete again. I would have done a third but the prop I was gluing on didn't match up with the others. One of the planes had "thinner" props on it.

Them little specks there....  are the props. 700 of them stacked end to end would be about the size of a real one. SMALL! 

1/72 props there for scale reference.

Komets... amazing that all 4 of those antennae are still intact... . ..

Sturmvogels.  This dude that painted and put the transfers on these is good at what he does!

Mustangs!  Look how neat!!   


Going to check up on lunch and try to find some thin clear plastic to cut up to make a couple more props. Might have to resort to cutting up a sandwhich baggy. Being so small, the, the pieces ought to be "stiff" enough despite being so thin. I have to get the correct thickness though or the new props simply won't look right.

-Sprues McDuck-


Making my own props wound up being a huge pain. I eventually used the thin plastic wrap that went around a roll of paper towels but cutting something so small without it disappearing instantly after is a task, indeed. Not to mention if I still have the tiny little thing, merely grasping it to get it to the work was difficult. I finally got them both on, however, but rubbed all my pen ink off so I'll try to come back in later and shade them up so they match the rest. Either way....they're on now!  Not too shab looking and I ain't complaining at this scale....  They look just fine. Damn near need a magnifying glass to see it all anyway.. 

-Sprues McDuck-


Those little birds look good, nice work on the props, i'd surely need a magnifying glass for them. :thumbsup:
"Sticks and stones may break some bones but a 3.57's gonna blow your damn head off!!"


Aint them the coolest?! I'd rather build my own than buy completed models but these were so utterly cool... at the time my bid was the only one... at 99 cents and free shipping.. I was like "why not!!"" Then I kinda got worried because even if I didn't wind up with 'em I figured ol' boy who made 'em deserved more than a freaking dollar for these!!!!  Gllad other people finally bid...   It was up to $3.49 when I decided to leave for work. I threw another bid on there at $5.76 then let it roll... I think it went up to $3.79 or stayed at $3.49 but either way I didn't feel so bad then. I still think ol' boy deserved more than that for such fine work but hey... eBay... win some, lose some....

-Sprues McDuck-


F-84 transfers are done. They actually look pretty decent. I think the decalling process has helped matters. Still... this thing may go over like a lead balloon.. but... ehhh... it's damn sure a whif!! Ain't no other Thunderchunk quite like this'n.   :o ;D ;D ;D

Time to let the things dry a bit then on to gluing the wheels 'n junk on.
-Sprues McDuck-


Alright!! Two models completed in two days! I feel like I'm getting somewhere, now!

Transfers all on and all fiddly parts glued on. Just went in for another gloss coat and it is hanging to dry. Pics to follow soon!  :laugh:
-Sprues McDuck-


Shelf of doom project that I started months ago. I finally finished it up about an hour or so ago.

An F-84G in service to the Republic of Molossia.

Disaster on the canopy so I decided to "tint" it. I also painted the vinyl reinforcement webbing black, too, because ^#%^#^ it. Trying to clear the shelf of doom, not re-invent the wheel..

Ya know... these pictures turned out pretty good! Sometimes I swear I'm learning and getting better at taking pictures... then... sometimes not.  :o ;D ;D

Also.....  I'm really happy with how this turned out!!! I think it's neat!!! I was worried to death that it would turn into a flying turd but it's not so bad after all.  ;D
-Sprues McDuck-


Alright, glorious. Moving on! 

I finished some builds.

I think now I will try in earnest to fix my Space Shuttle.

It's been sitting around un finished for 25 years!! I can remember the very day that I got this kit. It was 1992 or so and we took a day trip to Texas. My folks wanted to buy the just started Texas Lotto scratch off tickets. Or something. Either way, we wound up somewhere and we bought this kit for seventy five cents.

Anyway I still have it and never finishedd it.  Still have all the transfers too. I just need to sand and file on it a bit then peraps I  can spray primer then go back in for more PSR.

I think it will be a neat project.     
-Sprues McDuck-


Quote from: DogfighterZen on July 19, 2017, 11:00:35 AM
Those little birds look good, nice work on the props, i'd surely need a magnifying glass for them. :thumbsup:

I'd probably need the Hubble  :banghead: Superb work on such tiny things  :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

F.84 looks good, well done mate  :thumbsup:
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.