
Chronic's Research and Aeronautics Project (C.R.A.P.)

Started by TheChronicOne, September 20, 2016, 03:22:37 PM

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Quote from: DogfighterZen on September 08, 2017, 06:03:10 AM
Love Kathy... ;D :thumbsup:

Me to  :thumbsup: I'v seen lots of signs with a similar meaning on tables at shows but none that good.

Just need a photo of that gorgeous Sicilian nurse who attended to me last time at St George's  :wub: ;)
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


-Sprues McDuck-


Got a bunch of putty work done on the C-Fury. It's looking like it should be good after I sand it and prime once more.

Going to try to do this today.
-Sprues McDuck-


Back to work! 

There's a dude on the Scale Model Society right now doing a live feed of his build(Fred Foot).  I like it when people do this because I can watch this and it's like having a work buddy ... doing a group build of club meet up or something. It's pretty neat.

Anyway.. more PSR on both the Sea Fury and the Mitsu. I am OHHHHHH SO close to being done with it on the C-Fury... so I should be able to prime it later. That said, it sure has gotten windy around here.....   

On the Nipples, go, well... I'm still fixing where I trashed the surface with that big surplus of glue. The wing roots themselves don't look so bad but I still would like to see what everything looks like primed. I feel like I'm getting pretty close to being done with PSR on this one, too.
-Sprues McDuck-


Local internet service has gone Tango Uniform. Just testing to see if I can get anything out. I can get certain websites to.... SORT OF .... work... but I haven't been able to post anything (send) yet.
-Sprues McDuck-

Old Wombat

Has a life outside of What-If & wishes it would stop interfering!

"The purpose of all War is Peace" - St. Augustine

veritas ad mortus veritas est


Systems go. Everything is working now. Might have been already for a couple hours, who knows... I went and reset the modem and router and everything came back. Should have tried it sooner!  ;D

Anyway... no work done. I fell asleep on my arm/hand the other night and woke up with it feeling pretty bad. It was "OK" until this morning when I washed my unruly puppy dog... Puppy, hell, he's 7 years old now. But anyway.. he's 65 pounds and HATES baths so I hold on to his collar and try not to hurt him..but the whole time all this strain on my already hurt hand. Long story short.. I guess that's all it took and the damn GOUT has set in there now (down in the thumb-root lol...  ).  Hurts like hell. Radiating pain all up and down my arm from finger tips to shoulder... all from the stupid thumb joint that is inflamed.

Been slipping lately on my diet, though, so I'm partly to blame.

ANYWAY.  Glad to be back!! No internet is like.. having no food.. or.. no air... or something.  ;D ;D ;D

-Sprues McDuck-


Quote from: TheChronicOne on September 14, 2017, 06:16:53 PM
Anyway... no work done. I fell asleep on my arm/hand the other night and woke up with it feeling pretty bad. It was "OK" until this morning when I washed my unruly puppy dog... Puppy, hell, he's 7 years old now. But anyway.. he's 65 pounds and HATES baths so I hold on to his collar and try not to hurt him..but the whole time all this strain on my already hurt hand. Long story short.. I guess that's all it took and the damn GOUT has set in there now (down in the thumb-root lol...  ).  Hurts like hell. Radiating pain all up and down my arm from finger tips to shoulder... all from the stupid thumb joint that is inflamed.

:o Hope you get better soon, if your hand's not good enough for modelling, i can only imagine what working is like... :banghead:
"Sticks and stones may break some bones but a 3.57's gonna blow your damn head off!!"



You have my sympathy.  But if you know what it is then you know what to do, yes?


- Can't be bothered to do the proper research and get it right.

Another ill conceived, lazily thought out, crudely executed and badly painted piece of half arsed what-if modelling muppetry from zenrat industries.

zenrat industries:  We're everywhere...for your convenience..


Quote from: zenrat on September 15, 2017, 05:16:16 AM

You have my sympathy.  But if you know what it is then you know what to do, yes?

Tourniquet, extremely sharp hatchet and a bucket of hot tar.
The F-106- 26 December 1956 to 8 August 1988
Gone But Not Forgotten

QuoteOh are you from Wales ?? Do you know a fella named Jonah ?? He used to live in whales for a while.
— Groucho Marx

My dA page: Scooternjng


The odd part is is that I entertained the idea!! "If I chopped my hand off...well... the whole pain area will be gone but then how much will it hurt to have a severed limb?!?!!?" 

And yeah I've been here before and already have it on the mend. It feels better this morning already and I imagine by tomorrow it'll be back to normal.  Or.. at least, I hope. Ever since I changed my diet 2-3 years ago I haven't had any problems with this nonsense. Needless to say, yesterday, I was not too happy to see this "old friend" returning for a visit.

Update time!! I went and grabbed the C-Fury to have a look.  99% there on the PSR!  Ha...  thought I was done but I could have found out it was worse. There's just one tiny little pinhole that could use a dab of putty and a quick sand then I can put another bit of primer on and she's ready. This is looking like a good airframe now.  Won't be long before I have the silver on and let the thing sit around for a few weeks while I go cotton glove shopping...
-Sprues McDuck-


PSRed enough on the C-Fury to warrant more primer but I SWEAR it's done this time. It's drying up now then two days from now I can put the black on.  ;D ;D ;D

Watch me go right back to PSR again......     Man, I dunno what it is. It seems like I get stuck in the PSR phase more often, for longer, these days. (CHRIS!! YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN!!  ;D   )

To this end......  I came up with an idea that may help me shake loose the uhhh....  entrenched desire to get the sanding and filling PERFECT. I'd imagine I could live with less intense applications of PSR and be happy with the results if I were to just try. That is.. TRY to not get bogged down in that phase. SO... like I said, I did some thinking.....

ONE DAY BLITZ BUILD. Speed build... or what have you...   I want to pick out a really simple little kit.. pick a one color paint job design.. and just build the entire thing in one day. Gluing in the morning....  PSR early afternoon.... paint work late afternoon... decalling in the evening... pictures in time for bed.  AMBITIOUS!  :thumbsup:  It may serve me well to hit the reset button though and see what it's like knocking a build out at warp speed.

So anyway... I'm going to attempt this MONDAY. THIS Monday, so stay tuned for that. Between now and then I'll try to pick a kit and maybe do some prep work like how we d the GBs around here. Clip out the parts and clean off the flash and file away burrs..... gather up my paints and brushes, glue, etc.... and get everything staged so that when I get home from work on Monday and I can start immediately on gluing things together.

Anyone care to join me and do a "day build" too? 

-Sprues McDuck-


  :o i'm working on Monday so i'm out...hope it gets your mojo back up and running. :thumbsup:
"Sticks and stones may break some bones but a 3.57's gonna blow your damn head off!!"


Me, too.

I want to break free from the suddenly "anal" approach to PSR. I think the NMF aspect of the current projects has corrupted me.  ;D

Going to slap this together.

I found a kit. In keeping with the spirit of speed I settled on the first kit I looked at. An MPC (Airfix) P-51B.  Parts count is itty bitty. Paint scheme is green over grey. Transfers are less than.. 15 I think (and they look to be in GREAT condition!! ) . Didn't see any flash or any obvious flaws...   Only thing that says "time" is the canopy.. a bunch of framed stuff, unlike the P-51D canopy.

-Sprues McDuck-


Quote from: TheChronicOne on September 16, 2017, 02:31:30 PM

Anyone care to join me and do a "day build" too?

Haven't done a one day build since I was a kid, but I know what you mean. I do occasionally do a 3/4 day build and it does seem to recharge my batteries  :thumbsup:

Strangely I find something like a Planet resin kit ideal for these short, sharp builds ?
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.