
Chronic's Research and Aeronautics Project (C.R.A.P.)

Started by TheChronicOne, September 20, 2016, 03:22:37 PM

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Quote from: TheChronicOne on May 04, 2017, 06:11:51 PM

My God and to think all this stemmed from going to the Dr. and picking up some bug from their office... the irony stings. 

When you think about it, doctor's surgeries are the most unhealthy places in town. EVERYone there is ill, by definition.....  :banghead:
Kit's Rule 1 ) Any aircraft can be improved by fitting longer wings, and/or a longer fuselage
Kit's Rule 2) The backstory can always be changed to suit the model

...and I'm not a closeted 'Take That' fan, I'm a REAL fan! :)



" Somewhere, between half true, and completely crazy, is a rainbow of nice colours "
Tophe the Wise


YEAH, I was so PISSED over this deal.

My appointment was for Dec. 29 but the office canceled 4 in a row!!!!  Doctor kept wanting to go home early or go on vacation...... 4 times in a row.  Well, back in the dead of winter, I could afford to take off time to lay around and get well but not in the heart of the growing season! I've had to work out in the heat mowing lawns all day because of them constantly pushing my appointment back. I finally go in April and walk out and feel sick by the evening and within 3 days I'm full on sick and having to deal with the most strenuous and busy season yet. Think I can tell my customers to shove off for a few weeks? No... so I've been sick a month now because I've really only spent 2 days.. maybe three, actually resting.

Day by day I'm getting better though... couple days ago I even managed a few backed up chores around the house here (like washing the dog... lol  ... poor guy is allergic to grass so he's always with a skin problem).

Any how... I am getting better and woke up today at 3:40 AM so I can get to work nice and EARLY and stay OUT OF THE HEAT AND SUNLIGHT.  Depending on how I feel after getting all my paying work done I need to mow my own yard. It's large and takes 4 hours usually.  Point being, is I may decided to skip it in which case I'll be back to doing inside chores and after a couple hours of that I could settle in and work on my Bomber some more. If I don't skip it, then, well, may not get much done on it after all but we'll see.  I have to go grocery shopping, too, at no less than three stores although I may be able to skip one.
-Sprues McDuck-


So much for Model Time!  Big water leak at work that I'm going to fix now rather than later.  Mostly digging a ditch then some cutting and gluing and the like.  Kinda like modeling!   ;D ;D

Here's the good part, though, I'm really starting to feel like normal again finally.  Feeling pretty energized right now even after wakiing up at 3:40 AM.  I doubt I'll feel too good after digging this ditch, however.   :o ;D
-Sprues McDuck-


Good to hear you're feeling better! Irrigation systems are a bit like modelling indeed, although it's a lot of digging, i love to set up a new system.  :thumbsup:
"Sticks and stones may break some bones but a 3.57's gonna blow your damn head off!!"


Thanks! I'm back to my usual bloviating and ridiculous self.  ;D

You're right!  It is pretty fun doing the irrigation!  I enjoyed myself for the most part doing that type of work for a company here in town back in the day. I learned a lot working for that guy.   :lol:   Adding to that, the problem I had today was solved, thankfully. I'm glad I could handle it.

Did I mention I woke up at 3:40 AM?   (I'm reading back across my comments and I look like an insufferable humblebragging douche)   ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
-Sprues McDuck-


I busted the valve on my rainwater tank yesterday.  You want to come down here and fix it for me?
There's a drink in it for you.

- Can't be bothered to do the proper research and get it right.

Another ill conceived, lazily thought out, crudely executed and badly painted piece of half arsed what-if modelling muppetry from zenrat industries.

zenrat industries:  We're everywhere...for your convenience..


Well then I'll just lace up my walkin' shoes and be on my way!  :mellow: :mellow: ;D
-Sprues McDuck-


Going to try to do some modeling today!

Let's see how it goes. Going to get right in there on the Cuban bomber and see just how much I can get done. I'd like to put a coat of primer on it pretty soon so I can start painting. Kind of "over" the construction phase right now. These bombers can drag on sometimes because of all the extra stuff that has to be done. I'm ready to move on. I still have to sand all my putty work and the repair on the tailplane then I need to get back in the instructions to make sure I'm not forgetting anything, then.. I believe.......  I can close up the fuselage. I think once  I get to that point I'll be on the down hill slide and it will only be a matter of time before it's finished. I think all the major stuff is out of the way and at that stage not too much more "busy work" should be necessary. 
-Sprues McDuck-

Rick Lowe

My, how time flies when you don't have 'net access... glad to know you are recovering well, or were back then.
How are things now?

Yep, I can feel motivated and rarin' to go when I wake up early, but the day after that? Not pretty how quickly I can crash & burn. Old age doesn't help...  :banghead:

And yeah, that's come out really well - nice work.  :thumbsup:


Quote from: Rick Lowe on May 13, 2017, 03:54:53 AM
My, how time flies when you don't have 'net access... glad to know you are recovering well, or were back then.
How are things now?

Yep, I can feel motivated and rarin' to go when I wake up early, but the day after that? Not pretty how quickly I can crash & burn. Old age doesn't help...  :banghead:

And yeah, that's come out really well - nice work.  :thumbsup:

Good God, it was somewhere around the 3-3.5 week mark when I finally felt better. Lungs cleared up and I could operate better.. it took about ~4 days or so before the "after effects" wore off but I'm good to go now!  Haven't been sick for years because I typically stay away from groups of people, especially kids. I'm already planning on skipping the next doctors apointment which they want on August 17th... yeah right, like I'm going to risk getting sick again during the most miserable time of year!

Thanks, Rick!
-Sprues McDuck-


Well!! Long time no bloviate!!  ;D

Ready for the 1 week group build so now I've unearthed one of my shelved products: the Republic of Molossia f-84!  Last we checked I butchered the canopy and had a crazing problem... also knocked the nose piece off and re-attached it creating a bit of a gap. Also.... wing root seams.. but.. I think I will leave those alone because I'd have to do a bunch of repainting with rattle cans in order to tackle that and the fit isn't all too bad... what I might do is paint on some flat black to simulate the anti-slip tread strips that sometimes occupy those areas. The black can not only hide the seams some but I can probably "glob" it in there pretty thick and possible seal them up!

A coincidence about this one today, too. I already had plans to get back to work on this but I was sort of thinking... "ehhhh, maybe not..."  But like I said, a coincidence today....  from the Republic of Molossia FB page: 

The Republic of Molossia, the nation down the street, welcomes you to join us in celebrating our 40th Anniversary, Saturday, 27 May, 3-6 PM. Come enjoy a tour of the nation, free food (while it lasts), music and more!

So, how 'bout that! Just enough time to make repairs and then have this done for the celebration!!  JUST HAPPENS TO BE THE DAY THE ONE WEEK GB STARTS!!  Couldn't plan this crap this well if I tried!   :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Speaking of the one week GB... I do have a really neat build planned and in the works for it so go see my thread in the 2017 One Week GB forum if you're interested in that.  :lol:

-Sprues McDuck-


Tried good ol' paint thinner on the canopy. I tried rubbing it, then let it sit in a bath of it for hours and hours, ---wouldn't even touch it!!

Going to try brake fluid on it today.  ;D

As for the rest... since I have sanding sticks now, I think I can use them to get rid of all the crazing without wiping out too many of my raised detail lines.  If I can get that done then I can start masking things up to start painting again. Three areas to address... the rear sections with all the crazing, the nose piece, and the wing roots.  Nose piece I'm going to mask and make a different color. The paint alone should fill in the gap created when I broke the nose piece off. Simple enough. (I also broke off the little antenna or whatever it is that connects to the diverter)  Same story on wing roots... a combination of paint fillin the gap and also being black to help "hide" the wing root seams.  We'll see!!   Simply going back white again on the tail section although I think I'll use my acrylic paint and hairy stick instead of rattle can again.  I'll finish the whole thing off again, SANS CANOPY, with gloss once all this is done then I will be back on track again pending the canopy project works. If not, I'm going to do what I can with it, make it black, and we'll have limo tint on the canopy.   ;D

-Sprues McDuck-


I don't have any over clean at the moment but barring that, what other things might I try if the brake fluid doesn't work?  Mind you this gloss coat has had months to cure.
-Sprues McDuck-


Alright! Good news all around. Wings weren't really attached so I took them off and cleaned up the mating surfaces. HUD thing fell off which was  OK because I forgot to paint the inside of that part of the cockpit. Also, the sanding of the fuselage APPEARS to have went well. Canopy is chilliin' in the brake fluid. 

'Bout time for lunch but after that I can go ahead and start masking and painting. Going back white on the rear of the fuselage then I'm going to add an anti glare strip that flows into a black ring around the edge of the intakes (to fill up that little seam.)  Not going to bother with the black on the wing roots. I'm going to go ahead and do them properly now that the wings are off. I can glue 'em and should be just the glue itself should fill up the seam. May go back with another coat and sand it all up later. Between this and the paint it should look good.

In other realms, It's nice and sunny out so I'm trying to get better pictures of the last couple of builds. I took some of the Tucano and I'll need to look at them on the computer here to see if they are up to muster,if so, all I need to do is get some of the Cuban Bomber then that will be out of the way as well.  :lol: :lol:

EDIT: All but one or two of the Tucan pics are garbage. "One extreme to another." Too dark and hazy or too bright and glare-ey!   :banghead:

One of these days I'll buy a proper digital camera instead of relying on this phone which does manage to take good pics from time to time but I barely know how to work it and....... well... it's old technology now, for sure.
-Sprues McDuck-