
Chronic's Research and Aeronautics Project (C.R.A.P.)

Started by TheChronicOne, September 20, 2016, 03:22:37 PM

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-Sprues McDuck-


Being the cheap assed person I am, I can't help but love scoring (ebay) a 1/72 C-130 Hercules (for less than $17, shipping and all). It's Testors/Italeri one. Blue Angels (comes with no transfers, PERFECT!!! it's going to be a whif). All the major outside components are definitely there but I could not ascertain whether or not the clear parts are there.

They said, " As far as we know it is complete.  .  We have put all other parts in sealed or ziplock bags. "

Definitely a bag w/ the kit,  I just couldn't tell if the clear parts where in said bag. Looks can be deceiving. I've looked at other such things and it only becomes apparent that the parts ARE there once you actually lays eyes on the bag of goods. This due to clear parts blending with clear bag, other parts in the bag obscuring the clear ones,  shoddy cameras taking pics of the stuff, shoddy photography technique, you name it.

Anyway, here's a pic of the parts. See what I mean? I don't SEE any clear parts but then again with the clear bag, the lighting, and poor clarity I just don't know. For the price I would have gotten it anyway, though. Perhaps I may need to search out aftermarket clear pieces and I would also appreciate help with that.
-Sprues McDuck-


If the clear parts are actually there you shouldn't have a problem, they fit pretty well and are commendably clear (unlike some manufacturers whose name ends in '2'......)

It looks like the original owner already painted some of it as the whole thing is moulded in pale grey styrene and the main gear wheel arches in your pic look green already.
Kit's Rule 1 ) Any aircraft can be improved by fitting longer wings, and/or a longer fuselage
Kit's Rule 2) The backstory can always be changed to suit the model

...and I'm not a closeted 'Take That' fan, I'm a REAL fan! :)



If the clear parts are missing then you could always build a model of the worlds biggest drone.

Think of it this way, worst case scenario is you've got an excellent collection of whiff spares including four turboprop engines.

- Can't be bothered to do the proper research and get it right.

Another ill conceived, lazily thought out, crudely executed and badly painted piece of half arsed what-if modelling muppetry from zenrat industries.

zenrat industries:  We're everywhere...for your convenience..


I can't wait to get it...  I hope all the stuff is there. All the main components certainly are but not having glass is a deal breaker!

I'll have to revisit the idea but I made that "air show" Yak a while back and wanted to paint this thing some type of orange and white and yellow maybe, to match.. and throw some bird decals on it or something..   but now.... I'm thinking... I dunno... I'm itching to try a NMF project.  I bought some really snazzy paint and I'm going to get a bunch of good sand paper so I can try to get whatever I paint looking good.
-Sprues McDuck-


What to do with myself??!!??!!?!?   No GB. I have two stalled builds on the bench and a "refurbish" project for an A-10 but that one involves printing my own decals which I've only just barely started to get together. I'm trying to load the entire piece of decal paper with stuff before I print it out because I'm not sure how to just print one thing, cut it out, then use the paper again in the printer. I'm sure there's a way but... I haven't looked into it. I also am having difficulty making things on the computer and then fiuring out how large they will be after being printed. I also need a better program than MS Paint. So... that's on hold (although I'd appreciate some tips and pointers on this whole process....   main points being tracking down a good paint program and how to make sure what I see on my screen will print out to be the proper size).

So anyway... I'm wanting to try to get a good NMF on something. I have an Iranian F-5 that is in NMF and should be an easy build so I'm thinking of doing that??? Not going to be a WHIF but... neat just the same, I'd say, and who doesn't want to see if a clown like myself can come up with a good NMF?!?!??!?!?   :thumbsup:

So anyway, I did a little research into what rattle can paint would work well and a lot of people mentioned this stuff, so I bought a can:

Sooooo.... yeaaaaah here we are. I've heard that gloss black is the base coat to work on, and also, that one should work their way up to about 4,000 grit sand paper whilst smoothing the plastic before hand. And polishing....      Now, how do I go about that?? I have a scrap of blue jeans denim that I was using but it seems kind of like a pain. Is it feasible to buy a Dremel Tool and use tiny little buffing wheels? They make them, right?

If there's anything else I'm missing, do tell... I'd really like to learn how to do this and make a stellar end result.

The kit:

Does this have raised or engraved detail? Would this be a good one for my first TRUE NMF project?  Should I choose another kit? 

-Sprues McDuck-


Raised detail IIRC.  That is one of the three kits my dad built me which got me started off modelling.  The other two were an EE Lightning and a Fairey Battle.  Both Airfix 1/72.  He brush painted it and the Lightning with silver enamel (Airfix or Humbrol) and I still don't know how he got such a great finish.  Not shiny but smooth with no brush marks.  I couldn't do it that well, not with enamel.

What size decal paper sheets do you have?  I get Letter size and usually cut them into quarters.  Your printer should be able to cope with smaller sizes.  It might not go down to 1/4 Letter but it should handle 1/2.
I also always print two of everything "just in case" and fill spaces up with "could come in useful" stuff like numbers, zenrat industries logos and nose art.  Don't get too carried away cramming everything together though as you need to cut around your designs and that is easier if there is room between them.
I design all mine using Micro$oft Powerpoint.  I've been drawing stuff with it since the Windows 3.1 version and so i'm getting the hang of it.  Or at least I think I am and then they go and change something.
Obviously you can test print onto plain paper but at some stage you are going to have to try it out on decal paper and then you'll need to adjust your printer settings.  Chances are your printer won't have a setting for decal paper but it should have one for glossy photo paper which is close.  You might need to reduce the amount of ink it uses though if you can.

Good luck.  I can't wait to see that F5.

- Can't be bothered to do the proper research and get it right.

Another ill conceived, lazily thought out, crudely executed and badly painted piece of half arsed what-if modelling muppetry from zenrat industries.

zenrat industries:  We're everywhere...for your convenience..


I do love your gun-shaped pencil-sharpener. WANT!!


Thanks, Fred.. exactly the type of info I was wanting.

It's either the F-5 or the old Airfix Cessna Bird Dog.

In light of what you have told me, and my own penchant for the Freedom Fighter, I think I'm going to go ahead and proceed with the F-5. The paint ain't here yet but that's kind of good.. you know.. gives me time to actually work on this thing and get it smooth and all that.

(Oh yes.. I just opened it up, looked at the transfers, saw the plastic in the bag and was hooked.. I gotta build it.. )

I need to find a series of sand paper.
-Sprues McDuck-


Quote from: Librarian on June 06, 2017, 08:58:38 AM
I do love your gun-shaped pencil-sharpener. WANT!!

Not mine, unfortunately. Just funny pic I saw. But maybe you knew that or not, I didn't make it clear.. but yeah someone posted that on a FB modeling page.  ;D

I do enjoy my firearms, though! I have a "nothing but business" Mossberg 590A pump 12 guage that is a mean feller, then my sidearm which goes nearly everywhere I do is an ATI Berreta M9 clone (made in same factory on same machines with same parts and materials, etc.)  But, my prized "piece" is one I inherited when my pops died 4 years ago (oddly enough, today is his birthday... or was... whatever..)   It's a 1977 Browning 9mm with custom made grips. Worth quite a damn bit by itself..not sure what the custom grips add. I keep it tucked away and clean as a whistle. I haven't even fired it yet.

Pops.. he started out in the USAF then reinlisted with the Army then did stuffo like Rangers, Airborne, and Green Beret (special forces).  Served time in the cluster known as "Korea."

-Sprues McDuck-



OK, so the F-5 kit is a right dog, & I'm not wanting all that.. I'm trying to focus on the paint finish, not filling in sink marks, ejection pin marks, and trying to reinvent the wheel to get things to fit together so this lil feller is going back on the shelf.

Anyone know anything about the lil Bird Dog? Mine is the 1981 boxing so not sure if that is good (closer to being a new tool) or if that is already far enough down the line that the molds were suffering. I think I'll start looking around for reviews but if anyone here knows about it, then by all means...

I just want something that goes together hassle free so I can spend time on the paint job, not construction...   :thumbsup:
-Sprues McDuck-


I've only fired a real gun once...funning about with border guards years ago in Venezuela. Some machine gun. They did warn me but I nearly took my arm out of its socket when I pulled the trigger. Did manage to knock some mangoes out of the tree though ;D The noise is incredible...only time I've ever heard the right sound from Hollywood was during "Heat" (DeNiro/Kilmer).


Ohh man, I'm envious! I bet that was a blast.   :lol: :lol:

In other news, seems like this Bird Dog kit is a tough cookie like the F-5....   

Time to re-visit the stash to either find another OOB build with a NMF or perhaps find a kit that is a dream to build that I can WHIF into one having a NMF...... 

I have this one f-16 kit that comes with Norweigian decorations that are boring as piss. Who ever seen a NMF F-16?! Could be cool. Maybe I could do a retro thing. Maybe re-create a WWII eara Mustang livery on it or a 50's/60's Century Series get up or something. :::shrug::::

-Sprues McDuck-


I've only fired a small automatic pistol so far, which belonged to my grandpa, don't remember what it was but it was a pocket size thing. Believe it or not, my dad showed me how to do it and then let me fire it at some trees... i was around 6 or 7 years old, can't remember that detail very well... I do remember that afternoon vividly because i was always fascinated by weapons... it was good fun, but i've never had a real desire to own one, and i wasn't accepted into military service because of the steel rod in my left tibia (bmx backflip gone wrong, broke both fibula and tibia), so i never got a chance to shoot anything else.
Now, the NMF viper would be very cool, how about the Blue nose Bs scheme of the 352nd fighter group?  :thumbsup:
"Sticks and stones may break some bones but a 3.57's gonna blow your damn head off!!"


Bad news, bro.......  .Me poor viper!!!! It's front section is busted off. LAME! I'd have to do a nasty repair job on it.  :dalek: :dalek:  I guess the parts sustained trauma at some point. An easy enough fix, to be sure, but I'm wanting oddball things going on under the paint, no matter how smooth I manage to get it it. At least not in an area such as where the break is at. Along wing roots or other borders or joing areas, or seams, sure, but not a splotch in the middle of a "field" of plastic.

So much for that idea. Back to the drawing board. Definitely going to revisit the idea however, and I like the idea of the blue nose. Homie don't do repair work this time around. Homie just focuses on the paint finish. I think I'll do the Viper in pre war Army colors.... blue fuselage, yellow wings, big ol fin flash and the good ol' wagon wheel roundels. To hell with the $50 Hasegawa sheet of decals. I can make my own with some I've already ordered so I can do a Texan (Harvard) the same way. Will look like this (for the most part. . . . ) but cost ~$40 less.

I thought about doing an F-100F but my kit has bad glass....  if I could get ahold of an aftermarket canopy set I'd do it but cheapest one I found was in excess of $10.

Focus now turns to Mitsubishi Nippon Go 'Yamato. '


It meets a lot of my criteria:
                                             Seems to be accurate enough as of now (still researching), although rivets...are these the type that are too big that I often hear about?
                                             Recessed detail.
                                             Transfers seem to be good to go
                                             No kinky detail that makes sanding a pain in my butthole
                                             Seems relatively simple and doesn't have 8 billion parts :thumbsup:

So next up grab a couple slices of pie. (The pizza variety!!!!) And get back to reading up on this kit. If it isn't a disaster then we're a go. Once I get that knocked out I'll either have to begin my search again for a different kit or I'll be done with research for now and can start building. The chance also exists that I might start working on that T-2 Texan, instead......

I hope I'm not the only one around here that absolutely loves this color scheme....     I also have a B-17 build planned in these colors...... maybe I could do all three at the same time... or the Viper and Fortress at the same time at least after I'm sure my colors are right. . . . In which case, I'll do the Texan (Harvard) first and separately.

Later all..


-Sprues McDuck-