
Chronic's Research and Aeronautics Project (C.R.A.P.)

Started by TheChronicOne, September 20, 2016, 03:22:37 PM

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"Sticks and stones may break some bones but a 3.57's gonna blow your damn head off!!"


Thanks y'all!!  What a combo, right?! It's going to look sharp, I think! I still have some somewhat tedious work coming up after with putting the ailerons on but I'm kind of looking forward to it. these are different from what I'm used to and "hang" underneath the wing.. should be interesting. I'm regretting not putting them on earlier, though, but I figured they just glued into the back of the open space. Now I'll have to be VERY careful with my glue so as not to "erase" this silver paint. I'll apply it with toothpicks or something... tiny bits at a time.
-Sprues McDuck-


How'bout gluing them on with a different glue that doesn't attack the paint?
"Sticks and stones may break some bones but a 3.57's gonna blow your damn head off!!"


There's a thought.  :mellow:  I have a tube of "cold" model glue that might work. I can test it on the stand I already have painted in this color that I was using as a test piece anyway. Why hadn't I thought of this already?!  ;D

Failing in that, I'll use my gel CA because it doesn't RUN all over the place. I can put a tiny dab on the end of a toothpick, apply it, then it won't leak out all over the wings like the pure liquid stuff does. Not as good of a bond but ehhh..... I don't think much of anything WILL be. The way these ailerons "hang" from the wing appears to have them connected with connecting points that are tiny. Not much surface at all to join with.

-Sprues McDuck-

Old Wombat

The Mitsi wing looks great, cup-holders an' all! :thumbsup:
Has a life outside of What-If & wishes it would stop interfering!

"The purpose of all War is Peace" - St. Augustine

veritas ad mortus veritas est


Thanks!! I think they give it hella character. I can claim it's a whif, too, if I wanted!  :o ;D
-Sprues McDuck-


Not breaking any speed records today, either. BUT, getting stuff done! So far managed to advance three builds. The Polet Hercules is over in the Floatin'-GB but the Vanquish is having more tedious canopy work done. I have the rear one on and secured finally so I'm getting the other done. I'll clean up the joins after they're both fully on and dry.

Also steadily working on the Lil Baby Galaxy. Fuselage halves are together and now I'm going to probably do the wings.

Speaking of..

I have a special scheme in store for this one. It's going to be the same type of thing I'll eventually do the 1/144 when I finally find one. It's a real scheme, though, so sorry... BUT... I think it looks really cool.

ANYHOW.. back in the 80s' they re-winged the whole fleet but it was about the same time they decided to do away with the glorious glossy white over grey and go with the new European 1 camoflauge. So anyway... a lot of these planes were a MIX of the two because the wing block thing came from Lockheed pre-painted. At the same time they were upgrading the nose piece to hold a new, smaller radar unit. Instead of putting some dinky stupid lookin' radome on the thing they put in a spacer piece instead so that the nose and radome, externally, where the same as they always been. ANYWAY... in short, this, like the wing block were painted before being sent back to be put onto the aircraft. SO, they painted them GREEN. SO, what we have are Galaxies in various configurations with some having the MAC white over grey, camo wings, and a green, rather than black, radome. They look COOL if you ask me so that's what I'm going with:

C-5 Galaxy In Action, Richard Lippinott, Squadron signal productions.  

C-5 Galaxy In Action, Richard Lippinott, Squadron signal productions.

Not sure if the particular bird the transfers are for was in the exact configuration I'm going with or not... may not even be real numbers, who knows, but I'm not going to sweat the details. I want this scheme and no silly numbers are going to distract me.  :angry: :angry: :angry:   ;D

Baby-G' and the Vanquish:

AWWWWW it's so cute!  :wub: :wub: :wub:   ;D

Good to see the camera is back to taking a good picture once in awhile interspersed with vaseline smeared B.S.  :rolleyes: Oh well, gets the job done.  :thumbsup:

-Sprues McDuck-


Baby Galaxy is proceeding at a fairly reasonable pace.  :thumbsup:  Wings are together and I've managed to trim the tiny engines and turbofans from the sprues. Painted the turbofans. As far as the engine pieces.. I've had to do some tedious filing with needle files to address flash and the "slag" inside so that the fans will actually fit.

Any smaller and this would be too difficult to work with. I know some folk thrive doing things with tweezers and magnifying glasses;  people can carve pencil lead into tall ships and stuff but homeboy only lives once and ain't got the time for all that...  That said I fully intend to build the 1/700 size of this thing, too, but I doubt the fans will be separate pieces on that.  :rolleyes: :lol:

Just so happens I actually scored a 1/144 Galaxy kit about 3 months ago for a grand total of $10......    Well, it didn't have either fuselage half.  ;D ;D  Still... I got the wings and engines all the rest including the transfers, etc. Glad to have it because of whif potential. Long story short, though, I have some stuff to do comparisons with:

1/144 v. 1/480

1/144 v. 1/480

After this I decided to have a little bit of fun and mash the 1/480 fuselage with the 1/144 wings:

:lol: ;)

-Sprues McDuck-


Quote from: TheChronicOne on December 04, 2017, 06:26:25 PM

You have to go with this.  Scaleorama it into 1/72 putting a pilot in it under a bubble canopy.  Use the  1/144 horizontal tails as vertical tails at the ends of the wings. It'll be an awesome all Galaxy flying wing thing.

- Can't be bothered to do the proper research and get it right.

Another ill conceived, lazily thought out, crudely executed and badly painted piece of half arsed what-if modelling muppetry from zenrat industries.

zenrat industries:  We're everywhere...for your convenience..


Don't that look rad?! That's actually a cool idea and just looking at this stuff sitting like this conjurs up all kinds of ideas. I'd like to stick some wing root engines on there like on the DH Comet and then put a V-TAIL on it.  :mellow: :mellow: :mellow: :mellow:

Hmmm... flying wing boatplane?! Naaahhhh  ;D ;D ;D
-Sprues McDuck-


Was that one of the ancient Otaki C-5s you have there?

It reminds me that I've had one half built for a few decades now, I should dig it out.............
Kit's Rule 1 ) Any aircraft can be improved by fitting longer wings, and/or a longer fuselage
Kit's Rule 2) The backstory can always be changed to suit the model

...and I'm not a closeted 'Take That' fan, I'm a REAL fan! :)



Yes, but the later Entex boxing.  :mellow: :mellow:  Pretty cool in that, because of the sheet of transfers that come with the special whif PAN-AM' civvie L-500 stuff:

Both are brilliant if you ask me... that MAC White over Grey is a winner and any Blue and White combination of anything is a winner to me and airliner stuff is cool, etc.  ;D

-Sprues McDuck-


Whew!  All the transfers are on the Mitsubishi but man what a task. Took awhile to keep from tearing them all to hell but they look pretty good!  They need to settle in for a couple hours before I risk handling it more.

That said, the Vanquish(formerly "Morningstar", so as not to confuse.. ) is getting vital canopy seams work done in the way of PSR. I want to lessen the gaps but not take them away so much. I'm pretty close already but I had to go back in with some glue in a couple places. Still... the stuff is looking a lot better than I thought it would at this point. It won't be long before I can glue on the fin and then.. I guess.. start painting.

Baby Galaxy is having PSR work done on the seams. It's getting there, too. In fact, the glue may be dry enough now that I can file/sand on it some more.

Only other thing I've been working on is the Polet Hercules but I've only done a smidgen of work on it in the way of getting the two little areas by the wings fixed up.. But uhh... I'll get into all that over in the thread for it once I've actually done enough to warrant an update.

A little more fun with Baby-G:

:o ;D


Just mocked up... the wings and tailplane aren't actually attached yet.

I just wanted to see what this little kit looks like. I think it's VERY cool. I love this little kit. I think it's going to look very much like a Galaxy. I wish I could find more stuff out on the web about it, though. Kit reviews, previews, build pages, etc. I think I found like... one thing and that was it. It would be interesting to see what the "professionals" have to say and just how accurate it is. For my money, and time, however, I think it's just dandy.

The Vanquish "roof" work:

Threw some Mrs. Surfacer 10,000,000,000 on it (white paint) just to get everything the same color and see how smooth it is. I think it looks great! I wasn't sure this would work out but ehh..... I guess so?!  ;D

The canopy stuff:

Still a ways to go, but not bad at all. I can definitely work with this.

That's all she wrote for today I think. I might get bored of video games in a couple hours and get back to it.. who knows. For now, though, I might sand on the Galaxy fuselage a bit but that'll be it.

-Sprues McDuck-


Vanquish canards are on as well as the fin. I think I'm done with PSR.

Can of primer went tits up. I don't know what the hell is wrong with Rustoleum's 2X rattle cans. Normally Rustoleum stuff is great but these, for some reason, simply stop working after a while. A ton of paint left in them. I did everything I was supposed to as far as cleaning spray tips off and stuff but these.... somehow... are getting clogged up way down in the stem (separate piece entirely from nozzles) or something else is going wrong and they simply stop spraying. Getting close to calling and complaining. These cans are built in a way that allows you to spray upside down if you want whereas traditional cans will stop putting out paint when upside down.. in fact, that's the last thing you do after you get done painting before giving the nozzle a quick wipe and putting the cap on. It evacuates the left over paint from the lines so keeps the can in good shape. Maybe this is why these Rustoleums one won't work?

LONG STORY SHORT,  I have a whole mess of rattle cans that don't work, including my primer, so I guess I'll just be painting right onto the plastic for awhile.  :lol:

Bottom side... I don't think I've put up a picture of the bottom side yet?

Back to front.

Starting to look a little better!!

This is glorious. I could probably spend more time making the cockpit sections better, but, by golly... I think it's good enough and this is another situation where I could just make things worse if I keep trying too hard to make it absolutely perfect.  Gotta let the glue dry some more on the canards at least then I'll start putting white paint on there. Whole thing will be white so should be an enjoyable mask-free time.  :laugh:

SLOWLY moving forward on the Mitsubishi. The instructions weren't clear, at all, about the whole gluing the hanging ailerons on so I had to stop and study them for a while and then do some research online in the way of looking at others' models. There are a number of them out there and all make for very handy pic references!  :thumbsup:  Anyway, so far, research is all I've done but at least it was successful. I managed to get everything figured out. Next step are to trim the tiny little parts I need off the sprues and start gluing them on.

The GALAXY....   is going well. I finished up all the seams on the fuselage and have the tail plane and wings both on. I have to keep dry fitting and sanding the butting surfaces of the wings before they would go on right then I had to file the C.R.A.P. out of the insert tab thingies to get the wings to actually sit flush with the roof. Going good, though! I started clean up on the engines. Still a ways on them... gotta file and sand up the seams. Not sure what to do next but I have to put some putty on the T-tail section.

Not even sure what project to start working on again after a short break. Probably the mitsu... get the tedious trimming done...   :police:
-Sprues McDuck-


Quote from: TheChronicOne on December 08, 2017, 01:19:46 PM
LONG STORY SHORT,  I have a whole mess of rattle cans that don't work, including my primer, so I guess I'll just be painting right onto the plastic for awhile.  :lol:

I usually use Krylon Ultra Flat Sand as my primer...on almost everything.  Never had a problem with it either applying or painting over it.  I've also run into that problem with Rusto's rattle can bedliner going Tango Uniform after pausing during the spray.  I wouldn't be surprised if it was their propellant.
The F-106- 26 December 1956 to 8 August 1988
Gone But Not Forgotten

QuoteOh are you from Wales ?? Do you know a fella named Jonah ?? He used to live in whales for a while.
— Groucho Marx

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