
Chronic's Research and Aeronautics Project (C.R.A.P.)

Started by TheChronicOne, September 20, 2016, 03:22:37 PM

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Well... finally painting on the glider. I tried some of my Model Master paint today.  :mellow:   

What can I say? It didn't work. Might just be this color but uhhh... I get the impression this stuff is meant to be shot through an airbrush. First thing.... is it's really thin for being straight out of the bottle. I often don't even thin my craft paint to this looseness before I use it so I didn't thin it, needless to say....    I made sure it was shook up very well then got right to painting with my good brush. Paint didn't brush well, didn't cover, and dried WAY too fast. I couldn't even apply it then brush it out... stuff was drying faster than any glue I use!  It left me with stuff like this:

Not good.. 

So anyway, my conclusion is that this is probably some very nice paint indeed, but, I will SAVE IT to use in an airbrush rather than trying to hairy stick it.

So, back to the paints I've been using. I managed to "fix" the mess I made as best as I could without sanding down the top of this thing yet ANOTHER time. The finish is far from smooth but at least it's somewhat consistent in coverage.  :thumbsup:

With that said... Masking continues for the next phase of wing uppers. I'm not sure what I'll do on the bottom of the wings, if anything, in the way of a pattern. Probably just leave them white.

In other news... I picked out a weird purpley-bluish color to put on the cabin part.... more blue than purple but you can tell there's red off in this. It's called "blue water."  Should look good, I hope!

Work also slowly continutes on the Raptor. I'm having difficulties reconcilling the instructions with the way I normally do things. I don't normally build an entire model then paint it but this one ..... the way it goes together and such.... well.... let's just say it's taking a lot of careful thought and consideration to figure the best way to do it. There for a good while I lost the will to look at the silly thing because I couldn't figure it out but now I think I have a handle on the situation.  ;D ;D    Pictures of that later I'm sure..... I think I might be actually putting the fuselage halves together later so that should be pic worthy!  :lol:
-Sprues McDuck-


Through with the masking work on the uppers.  Not looking too bad!

It's sooooooooooooo CUTE!  :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:

Anyway... I'll probably do all the touch up I can before I get into the next round of masking and painting. Still undecided on what to do on the fuselage but I'll come up with something.... not a whole lot of real-estate to work with.  :rolleyes:

The missile bays are all glued into the Raptor and the insides of the intakes are glued together. I have to paint the piece that goes on the end then I can glue them all together and put them into the fuselage half and I think at that point I can go ahead and put the halves together. We'll have a solid plane at that point!

The Navy F-5 is getting work done as well... a lot filing on the fuselage stuff to get everything to fit right. I think I have it pretty good. I'm also building the nose piece. Next up will be to put the back end of the fuselage pieces together.

-Sprues McDuck-


The glider's looking very good, very 1950s-60s Eastern Europe colour scheme.  :thumbsup:
Kit's Rule 1 ) Any aircraft can be improved by fitting longer wings, and/or a longer fuselage
Kit's Rule 2) The backstory can always be changed to suit the model

...and I'm not a closeted 'Take That' fan, I'm a REAL fan! :)



Thanks, bruh!  I just need to figure out what to do with the rest of it. I'm pretty solid on how to paint the tail but painting the fuselage and then coming up with transfers is proving a touch troublesome. I was wanting to do a "racing glider" but I'm not sure I have any transfers wee enough to even fit on it anywhere other than wings. I might just throw some soviets stars on it and some civilian registration from Poland and call it a day.  :unsure: :lol:
-Sprues McDuck-


@#$^$@%@$%^@$%^ :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

Finished painting on this stupid thing. Like.......... No real simple paint job, I put a lot of work into this damn thing... just to go outside and start clearing it for it to jump off the hook and land in a pile of dirt, dog hair, leaves, and grass. I had a momentary flash of rage and I was about to start throwing shyte but I got ahold of myself.   :angel: 

ANYHOW, OF COURSE it all stuck to the glider because the clear is wet.... so I pick it up and try to grab a bunch off and that just smears the paint and puts finger prints all in it but at least it doesn't look like a Chia Pet.

Anyway.... I started polishing it down with paint thinner and got most of it off... I still need to take a needle or something and dig the stuff out of the under carriage but............    By God, I think it's salvageable! Going to have to re-paint some of it but uhhh.... I think it will be fine.

It's always SOMETHING in the final stages... every time.... SOMETHING. This is the first time I've had THIS happen, though...... but uhhhhh.... hell, it was bound to eventually anyway. Better this than..... Trumpeter Tu-95 or something.  ;D ;D

Going to stop and drink a beer and break for awhile before I smash something then I guess I'll start painting on this.... AGAIN.  ;D  :rolleyes: ;D

-Sprues McDuck-


I've managed to nearly completely un-$@^# this build. I love it.... when I saw my baby laying in the pile of dirt and stuff I was so sad, but now, It's back on track!!  :lol:

The overall paint job and finish is less than it was... not much I can do about that... That said, I'm stunned at how well I've been able to recover it.

So, what I've done is fixed the paint to the best of my abilities without re-doing it all and then glossed it. THIS TIME it didn't fly off the hook!  ;D

This was hours ago, though. I've basically been sitting here the whole time trying to figure out the transfers!! I've come full circle, I'm all the way back to the "racing glider" idea again. 

I won't divulge much... but I've picked out a few of the business adverts to use that should hopefully not look terrible and work well with all the stuff I've already painted. I've also figured out the actual code markings. Going to stick with Polish and the one that goes on the side will just BARELY fit.. but.. from what I can tell from research, it needs to be there...     As far as the rest, i've had to scour my transfer collection to come up with NUMBERS of all things (the designation numbers, I went with 7, as in "car number 7 takes the lead"). I finally got that sorted. Between searching and brainstorming, this process has eaten up a large chunk of time but I think it's worth it because I've found everything I need. This said.... let's hope they all work. Some are very old and come from parts unknown . ..

Awwww... so cute... lil feller....     See? It didn't turn out bad, but you should have seen it there laying on the ground with all the stuff stuck to it... 

I'm going to quit while I'm ahead, now. I'm going to box this and all the transfer prospects up then.... I guess.. take a look at the Raptor. I left off at the missile bays and air inlets on that one. Ran into quite the problem with those inlets, by the way....  I'll get more into that and take pictures in the future. For now, though, I'm thinking I might be able to join the fuselage halves.
-Sprues McDuck-



- Can't be bothered to do the proper research and get it right.

Another ill conceived, lazily thought out, crudely executed and badly painted piece of half arsed what-if modelling muppetry from zenrat industries.

zenrat industries:  We're everywhere...for your convenience..


Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


Thanks fellers!  Might be done with it today, who knows?  :lol:   All I have left are the transfers and to glue on the windscreen and the tow line thing. Wow,that tow line thing... so wee... it snapped in half just from holding it. I glued it back together and have it sitting in my hidey-hole (cupboard in this computer desk). I'll put it on dead last.  ;D

You know, I'm starting to wonder, if there were ever any actual glider races at some point? Had to have been at least a couple ol' boys up for a cruise when they decided to race back to home field..... but.... in an "official" capacity I wonder? About as exciting as soap box derby but uhhh.... hell, if it moves, people will want to race it.
-Sprues McDuck-


Quote from: TheChronicOne on January 31, 2018, 07:36:06 AM

You know, I'm starting to wonder, if there were ever any actual glider races at some point? Had to have been at least a couple ol' boys up for a cruise when they decided to race back to home field..... but.... in an "official" capacity I wonder? About as exciting as soap box derby but uhhh.... hell, if it moves, people will want to race it.

Hell yes, it's very common, even today.

Each glider is launched and flies around in the local area until all are airborne, and then the launch director announces that the launch gate, a point on the launch airfield is open, and then each pilot has to fly over the launch gate, noting his start time, and then fly the pre-defined task for the day.

Because they can't all start at exactly the same time it's a case of noting the times at each turning and finishing point etc. and then the results are computed at the end of the  day.
Kit's Rule 1 ) Any aircraft can be improved by fitting longer wings, and/or a longer fuselage
Kit's Rule 2) The backstory can always be changed to suit the model

...and I'm not a closeted 'Take That' fan, I'm a REAL fan! :)



Whoa!!! That's sounds awesome! Makes the most sense to do it that way, for sure. I bet there are a bunch of a highly polished gliders in the competion.  :mellow: 

I wonder how many PZL 16s race or have raced.  :laugh:
-Sprues McDuck-


That little bugger is looking great, i like the scheme. :thumbsup:
"Sticks and stones may break some bones but a 3.57's gonna blow your damn head off!!"


That's looking very smart. Lovely to see he's recovered from his adventure in the rough.

Still, it's got me thinking what a Tu-95 "ChiaBear" would look like.  ;D

"So many ideas, so little talent" ;)


Thanks y'all!!! 

Chia plane...   ;D   I had to google image search to see if anything was there.

CH CH CH CHRONIC! I mean... CHIA!  :lol:     

I think I'll give some of these racing decorations a go here in a bit and if they work out I should easily be done with this. No promises. I'll probably go to seal in the transfers and it takes flight again. I don't think I'll go outside today, rather, just hang it out the window instead. It's real windy again today and I just don't want to walk through the yard with it to the side of the house that is out of the wind. This long wings catch the breeze like crazy!

I'd like to get some more work done on the Navy F-5 which I'm contemplating turning into something completely different name wise... like.... Northrop Grumman F-6 something or other. I can't recall offhand what the actual F-6 (Intruder is what used the slot I guess, even though it was "A" and not "F") was (of the jet era, not the Bearcat, obviously) but I think I could probably get by using it for this.... what, with being alternate universe stuff anyway... 
-Sprues McDuck-


"So many ideas, so little talent" ;)