
Chronic's Research and Aeronautics Project (C.R.A.P.)

Started by TheChronicOne, September 20, 2016, 03:22:37 PM

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Rick Lowe

D.21 looks good, glad the transfers worked for you.  :thumbsup:

Looks like you're cracking the masking thing, too - sharp blades are your friends... sometimes.

Yeah, I can understand the last bit of paint getting 'gluggy', It's been opened so often and some of the carrier is bound to have evaporated over time - or sumpin.
Would squirting in some thinners work in the short term? I mean, if you were thinking of ditching the can/bottle at that point anyway, it couldn't hurt to give it a shot.


Yup, the D XXI has come out very well  :thumbsup: Show's what can be done with an older kit.

Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


Thanks y'all!!   

Yeah good razors are important. I actually remembered to grab one last time I was at the hobby store!  I've been using these little $2 Testors ones. It's just the traditional hobby blade pre-attached to a plastic handle. Works great so far for everything I've tried them on.

As far as the paint goes, I was putting it into little measuring cups (like that would come in a thing of cocoa mix or something) then thinning it and using it that way. I had been just opening the bottle of paint and dipping the brush directly into it but that was troublesome because it leads to solid chunks forming and dropping into the bottle. NIGHTMARE STUFF. Oh yeah, can't thin it either and gives too thick paint. So, nowadays, I pour some into the little cups and add some thinner but just like with a whole bottle, when I got down to the end of the paint it would just not be as consistent as when I first poured it so I'm just not going to use that paint any more.

I don't like wasting things but then again if I have to just sand it down and then add two more coats to fix that single coat then that's " wasting " paint as well so I may as well skip the middle man and toss out the less than optimal paint before it reaches the project.  :unsure: :angel: 

No projects or work at all today! Just browsing the forum... I'll upload my Boeing 707 to the stash thread, and then it's movie day. I'm going to make cinnamon rolls later, too, so it's a "fatazz" day as well.  ;D ;D ;D


Oh hey, here we go! I took a picture of one of my little temporary paint pots a bit ago and didn't really realize it. It's what the box is sitting on (It's full of painted gear and bombs 'n stuff for the liberty... )

Handy as pockets on shirts... clean up is easy and the handle is some high falutin' luxury I tell you what.  ;D
-Sprues McDuck-


Well let's see here. I have a lot of real world work to do today... not even officially open for business but I've already been mowing lawns and I have two more to do this morning after the trash picking up affair. I'm having other customers come out of the woodwork, as well, asking about mowing so it looks like my "vacation" days of winter are over and will be for no less than 6 months. I just hope this stupid Sciatica will chill the hell out and let me get things done. The weather changed the other day and I could barely walk Wednesday.  :rolleyes:

The aircraft I'm most interested in working on today is my 737! I think I now have the grey bottom good to go so I just need to mask a straight line up and down the fuselage so I can paint the navy blue. At that point I'll mask the wings and get them painted. They're supposed to be metal color on the outside edges and a grey color in the center. Shouldn't be too hard to do.

Next, I'd like to start painting the Raptor. Now that it's all masked up I can start painting the tan or paint the blue on the bottom. Still need to work on the missiles 'n stuff, though.

In other news, I'm itching to build a C-5 Galaxy and I just bought another one.  ;D   I had to.... it was in a bundle with some blown out 747 that has interior stuff with it. I got them both for $95 so that's like.... $47.50 a piece. No way I was passing that up as I find the C-5 to be a must-have at that price and the 747 is damn cool, too.

So... why not build one for the Cold War GB?  I just need to figure out what I want to do...... RAF? RCAF? RAAF? Monaco Air Force?  I need to be able to buy aftermarket transfers for it so I need to have something from something else big I guess and that limits my options but uhhh....    I open to suggestions.  I kind of wouldn't mind it being RAAF with a nice camouflage. If RAF or RCAF then it would likely be a cleaner paint job like white over grey that USAF and RAF have used on transports.  :unsure:
-Sprues McDuck-


Quote from: TheChronicOne on March 30, 2018, 03:24:47 AM

At that point I'll mask the wings and get them painted. They're supposed to be metal color on the outside edges and a grey color in the center. Shouldn't be too hard to do.

You can get decals for the darker bits, they're called 'Inspar decals' and quite a few of the airliner decal people do them. Then you only have to paint the wings one colour and plonk the decals on. Result!

Quote from: TheChronicOne on March 30, 2018, 03:24:47 AM

In other news, I'm itching to build a C-5 Galaxy and I just bought another one.  ;D   I had to.... it was in a bundle with some blown out 747 that has interior stuff with it. I got them both for $95 so that's like.... $47.50 a piece. No way I was passing that up as I find the C-5 to be a must-have at that price and the 747 is damn cool, too.

That 747 is the one I mentioned earlier, and that price it was a steal!  :thumbsup:

The only problem with building it is you get VERY tee'd of with painting all those seats. And of course you'll have to add all the seat belts, won't you?  ;D
Kit's Rule 1 ) Any aircraft can be improved by fitting longer wings, and/or a longer fuselage
Kit's Rule 2) The backstory can always be changed to suit the model

...and I'm not a closeted 'Take That' fan, I'm a REAL fan! :)



Maaaaaan I was looking at them seats man... like... wow... I was thinking "maybe I'll leave them the weird colors they're molded in."  ;D  Seatbelts ha!  ;D   I don't know, but yeah, at the point where I'd commit to painting the seats I'd definitely not feel right omitting the belts, you're right. How it always goes.  ;D ;D :wacko:

Oh well, this thing will likely sit around in the stash for a few years anyway. It's very cool, though. I don't recall ever seeing one so it was pretty neat to snag. I love 747s so it's not like it's a mere tag-along with the Galaxy, it's something I would naturally want anyway. 

Hell, while we're on the subject of 747s... I found and old Braniff junker for $10 and free shipping!! Missing the gear and tail planes. I HAVE tail planes that came with that pile of crap I bought a couple weeks back and I can whip up some landing gear out of something... perhaps the extra set I have for a Galaxy. Yay, there, now it's a whif.  ;D 

I need to stay the hell off eBay.  :rolleyes:

Anyway.... the wings and engines nearly look decent enough to leave as-is but I suspect upon closer inspection they'll wind up all sanded down and re-done along with the rest. 
-Sprues McDuck-


I believe Draw Decals does RAF C-5 decals (IIRC)

And u/c you can get here, you just need to find wheels


You might be able to get away with these.

If I'm not building models, I'm out riding my dirtbike



Oh yeah, that hits the spot, thanks. The undercarriage bits look REALLY nice. Wow!  :o   So do the transfers. Exactly what I would want for an RAF bird.

Wheels I'm pretty sure I can manage with what I have already. Of course I'll want to do some measuring and what-not but the C-5 wheels ought to be about right? If not I can snag some Tristar wheels afterall.  ;D

-Sprues McDuck-


That looks awfully like the old Airfix 'Big Orange' kit. Just possibly the most inaccurate 747 kit ever produced, but this is WhiffWorld so maybe it doesn't matter all that much.  ;D

That fin is about 5 ft thick in scale I think.  :o
Kit's Rule 1 ) Any aircraft can be improved by fitting longer wings, and/or a longer fuselage
Kit's Rule 2) The backstory can always be changed to suit the model

...and I'm not a closeted 'Take That' fan, I'm a REAL fan! :)



 :o ;D    Well now I'm really looking forward to getting my hands on it to take a closer look. Sometime next week we can all "gather 'round" and see what the score is. It's looking like it's not going to be accurate in any sense once I start messing with it anyway so I'm not too bothered for a change about the accuracy. It's looking like I'll be throwing mismatched parts on it anyway if I wish to save some money. I still have a couple items from those two junk lots I need to identify and some of it may be for 1/144 747s. I dragged it all out earlier so I'll be taking a look at it all here in a bit if for nothing else to label it. Even if it's NOT 747 stuff, well, "welcome to whiffworld. "  ;D

In other news, in attempt to try to stay true to my word and get some sort of actual build work done, I have started the next phase of masking on the 737. She's almost ready for the dark blue. I had to paint the upper side of the tail planes grey so I still need to mask them off but that will take 5 minutes. Everything else is done. The De-icer for the fin and the split down the fuselage. After I do that I'm going to go have a look for these wing spar decals because they sound like my type of laziness.  ;D ;D

Coming alongl now!! This is going to be sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet on the shelf!

-Sprues McDuck-


Buckle your seats and grab some peanuts or whatever because we're about to be civil as hell flying in some airliner stuff.  :mellow: :mellow: :mellow: :mellow: :mellow:

The blue is on now. I think I got the color right!!  I was more worried about the blue than the grey but I think the grey looks about right as well. I still need to come back and cut-in but this is a good start and I'm pleased as a possum eating peach seeds for now.  :lol:  I also need to sand away the raised bit of paint that formed at the side of the masking tape. Even though it will be under a transfer, I'll need to be careful not to get carried away with the sanding and stray into my paint work that WON'T be covered by the transfer . . .

Next after the clean-up and doing the close-in paint work will be the wings. I'm going to investigate the wing spar decals and try to find some at a price I can live with. Otherwise, I'll mask it. No worries either way but them transfers would save a decent chunk of time!

This is probably it as far as building goes for tonight. I'm still sorting through my junk airliner parts to see what goes where so I might continue that or I might go play some video games. It would seem I have gathered together a 1/200 747 and a set of "everything but the fuselage" for another. That's nice! There are still a couple things left to identify, however. One may have been already, I'll have to go back and check the stash thread. The other is a set of tail planes and stairs that appear to be in 1/144 scale.  :unsure: 

TTYL  :lol:
-Sprues McDuck-


Video games lasted 30 minutes or so. I think I'm getting tired of the one I'm currently playing.  :o

So, I got back to the aeroplanes.

Posted a couple pics of my 737 on the ol' Facebook in a couple groups because I was motivated to do so after an FB friend posted a glorious picture of a BOAC 707.  Showboating aside, it's a hell of a coincidence as we were discussing this in the stash thread. I showed him a picture of my recent find.  ;D

Said picture:


But that's not all.. I'm down to the last of "what I don't know what is" of the junk lots. I took some pictures and need help identify this stuff.

^This stuff all goes/came together. The stuff below is separate:

They're apart now, but these parts were all on the same sprue initially. 

A couple measurements:

Picture quality is trash but I'm pretty certain we can read the numbers on the rule....   

Thanks, folks!!   :lol:

-Sprues McDuck-


I'm impressed with your straight line masking  :thumbsup:
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


I know what all that stuff is.  It's whiff fodder...


- Can't be bothered to do the proper research and get it right.

Another ill conceived, lazily thought out, crudely executed and badly painted piece of half arsed what-if modelling muppetry from zenrat industries.

zenrat industries:  We're everywhere...for your convenience..


Those engines are P&W turbofans, TF-33s in USAF parlance, as fitted to early model E-3 Sentry AWACSs. In the civvie word they're JT-3Ds I think.

Typically three of engines have the small turbo-compressors mounted on top and one doesn't, don't ask me why, that's just the way Boing did it. Some airlines only had two turbos for some equally obscure reason. At that length they look to be 1/144 scale.
Kit's Rule 1 ) Any aircraft can be improved by fitting longer wings, and/or a longer fuselage
Kit's Rule 2) The backstory can always be changed to suit the model

...and I'm not a closeted 'Take That' fan, I'm a REAL fan! :)
