
Chronic's Research and Aeronautics Project (C.R.A.P.)

Started by TheChronicOne, September 20, 2016, 03:22:37 PM

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Damn right!!  It's funny, this company offers an "early payment" feature where they will take 10% off the bill and pay it early if I were to ask for it. But, when they are late (and it has been as much as 3 weeks late) do ask for 10% interest? No....    next time I just might mention it. "You guys take 10% for early payment, do I get to take 10% for LATE payment?"

Yes, money gone in seconds that takes weeks to get back.. I could speak at lengths about that bullshit. Like the time the ATM machine charged my account but didn't spit out any money. I even pressed the issue. "So, at the end of the day when you count up the books, you'll see the discrepancy" "Yes, but we can't give it back."  It took 5 seconds for them to steal my money, but it'll take no less than 5 WEEKS to get it back.

Or, you know, it comes time to pay a bill and you're 12 hours late and they crawl up your arse wanting their money, but, if they take a week and a half to provide their service they don't care.

In a similar vein, a company could be having problems, or what-not, such as an internet provider and they somehow fail to provide service for 2 and a half weeks...... yet, they want money, full payment, for the entire month whereas if I waited 2 and a half weeks to pay my bill they'd be pitching a fit.

On and on...

-Sprues McDuck-


Don't worry brother.  Come the revolution...



- Can't be bothered to do the proper research and get it right.

Another ill conceived, lazily thought out, crudely executed and badly painted piece of half arsed what-if modelling muppetry from zenrat industries.

zenrat industries:  We're everywhere...for your convenience..


Quote from: zenrat on October 07, 2018, 01:25:41 AM
Don't worry brother.  Come the revolution...

At one time in the office that was regarded as my catchphrase, but I was a right little so and so back then  :angel:

Quote from: Rick Lowe on October 06, 2018, 12:47:13 PM

Course, that's how all these rich people/companies stay that way... making you wait for your money.

I worked for what at the time was one of the largest steel companies in the world and while we were still nationalised there was a company ruling that we had to pay small company invoices within 7 working days of receipt. Larger companies had to wait a minimum of a month, dependent on exactly what time of the month the invoice was received it could be 7 weeks. I can't remember what the definition of small was but it was quite generous.

The only problem was that half the time we couldn't get an invoice out of them  :banghead: It was fairly low down in their list of priorities  :-\
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


Quote from: zenrat on October 07, 2018, 01:25:41 AM
Don't worry brother.  Come the revolution...

Most of the Jersey seaside will be up in flames. :wacko:
The F-106- 26 December 1956 to 8 August 1988
Gone But Not Forgotten

QuoteOh are you from Wales ?? Do you know a fella named Jonah ?? He used to live in whales for a while.
— Groucho Marx

My dA page: Scooternjng


Well, there it is... over a week now since I worked on anything. Just too busy trying to get things done elsewhere. I worked on my yard the other day from about 6:30 to right about 2 PM. I did take some breaks, however, about an hour or hour and a half all together. Anyway. I didn't even finish weedeating. Didn't even touch a mower!  So, I'll have to finish the weedeating. That will take about 20 minutes then I'll have 2-3 hours of mowing to do. Sheesh. But, I have 50 billion other things needing addressing so I don't know if I can get back to work or not. If I do, it'll be BAC 111 and ATR-72.

-Sprues McDuck-


EHHHH....  This happened once earlier in the year. First time since I got back to building in 2016, a two week break with no action. Now it's happening again! I'm already 8 days into this one so I'm just going to throw in the towel for now and not plan to do any building until a number of important things happen first. I'm not finding time for it and when I do, my mood is crap.  I worked all day, right up to 5 oclock, and that after getting started about 7AM, minus a couple hours for breaks and lunch, but STILL not done with my yard thanks to equipment failure that I lost 3 hours to. Add to that all the junk with my money situation and the rest and I'm just not in the mood for much of ANYTHING.  ;D 

Once things smooth out and start going my way again (just a matter of time!) I'll get back into the normal swing of things. There's just too much stuff going on right now that needs attention and also doubles as mood-ruining nonsense. I prefer to be in a less frustrated, more relaxed state, ......and with more TIME when I work on my builds. For now, with my free time (what little of it), I'm playing video games which requires no set-up, no prep work, no finding things or any of the other stuff I like to have in order when I work on me builds. I can pick this stuff up and be underway in seconds. If I'm going to work on builds, I want to have plenty of time for it and also the time to actually get my bench in order.

So anyway... it's getting to be a bit tiresome repeatedly making plans then not being able to even pick up a paint brush so for the time being, CRAP is flushing closing down.  ;D   Hopefully not for too long, I've been itching to get back to it!   :thumbsup:
-Sprues McDuck-

Rick Lowe

Sad to hear that, but I get it - having spent more time than I like to think of trying to get moving and do SOMETHING, but achieving very little by the time I have to put everything away again.

It'll get better and things will start happening again, but I agree it's best not to push it - it's supposed to be fun, after all, not a job.

Keep in touch though, and we'll hopefully see more of your stuff when you get back in the groove.  :thumbsup:


Thanks!! It won't be long. I'm just tired of making plans and having them never happen. I AT LEAST need to get this stupid lawn mowed and get my floor vacuumed. I've tracked in so much grass I'll have to mow the carpet. I have to sit down and get bills paid and get things into the mail. I need to grocery shop and prepare meals for the week. Oh and I still have to work too, trash and mowing lawns. I only had two days where I didn't schedule any lawns but now it's back to having them again every day. A million other little errands I need to do and places to go. It's maddening.

BUT... anyway... I'm thinking 3 more days or so then I'll be caught up. Lost another day yesterday because it was Columbus day and the mail didn't run. Columbus was a hooligan anyway...   ;D ;D ;D   

Sure enough though, it won't be too long!!! I'll be rollin' again in time for the weekend.  ;D :mellow:
-Sprues McDuck-


Ahhhh yeaaaaah.. getting there now. After 4 hours of tinkering I finally got my lawn tractor going.  ;D    Want to know what it was???   "Did you un plug it and plug it back in again?"   There's a little electrical thing that plugs into the bottom of the carb. I unplugged it.... and plugged it back in. That took care of it all. Next time I'll try that FIRST! So.. Finally, after a span of 6 days and.... uhhhh..... I dunno, like 12 hours or more... I finally got the property mowed. I also did the first 1/3 of grocery shopping. The largest part, though! So that's good. I picked up my prescription... got my check and cashed it of course....  uhhh....    All's left if I need to cook my food that I cook about once a week or ever week and a half and that gives me all my evening meals for that time period...  and... I need to vacuum the floors and a couple more odds and ends chores type things but I'll do that Friday. It's already past 4 oclock so It's about time to relax finally. I'll play some video games. I'm getting pretty close to beating the one I'm on now so that would be nice.

So, looks like Friday I can open up shop at CRAP again and get back to work on the airliner builds.  ;D

I even have a little extra money for some kits and model supplies! Aside from the kits, I think I'll pick up some Tamiya extra thin and a thing of milliput white. I need to up my filler game. Trying to use bunches of solvent is proving to be troublesome as I found out on the 737 so I need some real deal stuff.

-Sprues McDuck-

Rick Lowe

Woo Hoo, back in the saddle again. Go, Team C.R.A.P. :thumbsup:
Wait, that sounded better in my head...  :rolleyes: ;)


 ;D ;D

Hell yeah!!! Tomorrow's the day. I'm thinking no matter what happens at work I should be home in well enough time to finish off the chores and get my food cooking then early or mid afternoon it's time to start sanding and painting again. I'm reeeeeally looking forward to it. I want to have my movies, my beer, and my hobby time, damnit!  :angry: :angry: ;D   Best part of the day on a Friday!!!!!!!
-Sprues McDuck-


Planning to resume operations here at CRAP once I get home and get a few chores done. It's been raining, albeit slowly, for a couple hours and if it keeps up I won't be able to mow my yards I have scheduled today so I'll be back home and able to get started earlier than I had planned which is nice!!! I don't like having these jobs hanging around un-done but there's nothing I can do about it. I don't mind mowing wet grass, etc. I'll mow in the rain if it isn't a deluge and it's warm enough but the temps are low enough now that I wouldn't really consider it unless it's just a light shower. I'm not going be miserable, wet, and cold, in a yard just to prove a point. Ever so often, things get delayed. They'll have to deal with it like I do. Some people act like they're my only customers, though. If I have to move one or two people back a couple days, that means I have to move everyone else back unless there was an empty day in there. Right now I have ONE empty day (Sunday) but it could be rained out as well, and if that happens, my people scheduled next week will be moved back. Sorry, it's not fair to the other customers to move them back TWO days instead of one because you don't think it matters because it didn't rain the day I WAS going to show up. 

Anyway, I'm getting ranty here. Plans today are to sand the ATR-72 to where it needs to be then hit it with one last round of primer then proceed into the appliance white stage.

BAC-111 will have the yellow cheatlined masked for then I'll paint that on then remove all or most of the masking to in turn re-mask so I can paint the portions gloss black that will be NMF and also the vertical stab which I will leave black for artistic purposes.

Got me some movies lined up. We're going to start in Vietnam then go backward:

Operation Dumbo Drop
Thin Red Line (one I somehow missed all these years, been trying to watch it ever since it came out but somehow never have been able to)

Lastly, if things are going well with the 1-11 and the ATR 72 I'll be sanding more on the filled windows on the 737.
-Sprues McDuck-


I love Operation Dumbo Drop.  One of my favourites.  An underrated film.  Good choice.


- Can't be bothered to do the proper research and get it right.

Another ill conceived, lazily thought out, crudely executed and badly painted piece of half arsed what-if modelling muppetry from zenrat industries.

zenrat industries:  We're everywhere...for your convenience..


I saw it once or twice but it was back in the late 80's or early 90's so it'll be like watching a new film again. I'm looking forward to it!   

I swear I had one more film lined up to watch but I can't recall what it was. I'll figured it out later.

I saw a film the other day that was really good, Tom Cruise is a drug smuggler and the whole movie is him flying around throwing drugs out the bottom of his airplane. (well, there's more to it than that obviously, but I really enjoyed it. )   ;D
-Sprues McDuck-


Personally I would pair up Operation Dumbo Drop with either Air America or Bat 21.

- Can't be bothered to do the proper research and get it right.

Another ill conceived, lazily thought out, crudely executed and badly painted piece of half arsed what-if modelling muppetry from zenrat industries.

zenrat industries:  We're everywhere...for your convenience..