
Chronic's Research and Aeronautics Project (C.R.A.P.)

Started by TheChronicOne, September 20, 2016, 03:22:37 PM

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Thanks, bud!

Hmmmmmmm............... .


I'm going to try to work on some builds today before I play Read Dead Redemption II. I'm done with that other game and even started RDR but only messed with it for about 10 minutes. I just wanted to quickly get in, adjust some settings to my liking, then get out. TODAY is the day I'll start actually playing it.  :mellow: :mellow:

But yeah, builds. I'd like to sand on the 737 today and try to get the fuselage lined out. I'm still working on figuring out what colors to paint the wings. I THINK I have the problem solved as I found this.... :

   ............  which shows that the wings are indeed Boeing grey with NMF leading edges. So....  eureka?  :thumbsup:    I hope so! I really full tilt this time, picking out a somewhat difficult to achieve paint scheme. I found another type of livery they had that is essentially the same, yet, below the cheatline is all white instead of NMF and grey. It would be easier but I think this version with the NMF looks better!!!   :thumbsup: :mellow:

In other news, I think I'll paint my glider. It would be nice to update that thread finally but I've done nothing to it other than prime it black.

That's going to be about it. I can start sanding the F-52 I guess but I'll probably let it sit awhile longer and the ATR-72 is still drying in purgatory.

Oh yeah, I found this this morning which is cool. Dude that made these was an engineer or sommat at Boeing:

-Sprues McDuck-


Ref the 737 wings, they're both Boeing Grey, NMF AND Corrogard.

The panels down the middle are Coroguard, and you can get decals for that. It's a sort of metallic grey stuff, and almost impossible to paint accurately. Needless to say I can't find any pics of a 737s upper wings either, but I can take a pic of my Aloha example when I get home later today.

As for doing those cuts on a 747 to make an SP, that's EXTREME masochism!

You can get vacform and resin conversions for an SP though, I've got a Sasquatch resin one, that's probably a world resin shortage in its own right as it's SO heavy!
Kit's Rule 1 ) Any aircraft can be improved by fitting longer wings, and/or a longer fuselage
Kit's Rule 2) The backstory can always be changed to suit the model

...and I'm not a closeted 'Take That' fan, I'm a REAL fan! :)



Thanks!! Figuring them wings out cost me a fair amount of time. I'd have them all painted by now if not for that hang up. Hell, if I get those done, the gear doors done, and the engines done then there's nothing left but the fuselage.  :wacko: Painting the wings and gear doors could all be done pretty quickly, too, I imagine.

RE: SP, I'm going to sit and wait patiently for a main stream kit to be released. It has to happen eventually. Zvesda, hello? This is your cue!  :mellow: :lol:
-Sprues McDuck-


Quote from: TheChronicOne on November 26, 2018, 04:03:51 AM

RE: SP, I'm going to sit and wait patiently for a main stream kit to be released. It has to happen eventually. Zvesda, hello? This is your cue!  :mellow: :lol:

Very true, I'm amazed no-one's done an SP yet. And they come in some wonderful colour schemes too.
Kit's Rule 1 ) Any aircraft can be improved by fitting longer wings, and/or a longer fuselage
Kit's Rule 2) The backstory can always be changed to suit the model

...and I'm not a closeted 'Take That' fan, I'm a REAL fan! :)



When I first saw a picture of one, I thought it was photoshopped BS!
-Sprues McDuck-


Speaking of PS shenannigans, I just went to FB and saw this.

Hey, Tophe, check it out...

-Sprues McDuck-


That's a Whiffed Whiff!

Stephane's original Stallion had the fuse/cockpit mounted on the centre section of the wing, and it was the original inspiration for my Tri-Stang.  :thumbsup:
Kit's Rule 1 ) Any aircraft can be improved by fitting longer wings, and/or a longer fuselage
Kit's Rule 2) The backstory can always be changed to suit the model

...and I'm not a closeted 'Take That' fan, I'm a REAL fan! :)



I remember this now, the last time I saw it I thought it was real and that's when you told me about it. haha!!   I knew this was familiar but I couldn't place it.  ;D ;D

This is like that Iranian airliner with the F-5 nose glued to the top of the tail.  ;D    (which would be the coolest seat on any airplane ever... the view!!!!!!!)
-Sprues McDuck-


Got some work done!!! Not much. I've been distracted and been watching TV and stuff. But... I did do a lot of sanding work on the 737 fuselage and it looks pretty good! I'm going to prime it again here pretty soon and I'll check it again in a couple days.

Also, with the ridiculous wing conundrum sorted I have proceeded with work on those. Masking has been done. I still need to mask the bottoms of the main wings (how the hell I completely forgot about this I'll never know but at least I caught it  ;D ). Tail planes are good to go and just need the silver painted on then they're into the cupboard.

That's it for now.. I'm going to tinker around a little bit with the current projects and sort of take stock in what needs to be done still and prime that fuselage like I mentioned. Also, have a couple things in the mail. I need open up the second one and take pics and post in the stash thread!! Broke as hell lately and haven't bought anything at all in... like... . 4 weeks.  :o   Then, onto Red Dead Redemption II.

Giving up the ciggies has gone very well the last couple of days. 5PM now and I haven't had one since 10AM. Furthermore, I've only had 4 over the last 43 hours. Not too bad!!! 

TTYL  :mellow: :mellow:

EDIT:    Here it is, it's not looking bad at all!!! might need one more round of sanding and light skim coat of filler but it's getting closer and closer!  :laugh:

-Sprues McDuck-


Quote from: TheChronicOne on November 26, 2018, 03:03:01 PM
Giving up the ciggies has gone very well the last couple of days. 5PM now and I haven't had one since 10AM. Furthermore, I've only had 4 over the last 43 hours. Not too bad!!! 

Not bad at all!  I know several people who have taken weeks to get to this stage.  A couple of them are, in fact, experts a giving up smoking, having done it so many times.  Keep on keeping on, there's people cheering your every success.
"If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you....."
It  means that you read  the instruction sheet


It helps, thanks! I'm just afraid that I might be getting ahead of myself. I hadn't really planned on being this "far along" at this point, either. I mean, it's not hurting anything really, I just don't want to go from a 4 ciggie day to a 6 ciggie day and somehow think I'm failing when really I hadn't planned on being at this stage for weeks!

If all that makes any sense...    ;D     

Update I guess... once again, 4 ciggies since the last update yesterday at 5. So... that's 15 hours. So..... uhhhh....  8 ciggies over the last 58 hours? That's an average of less than 4  a day I think.

Nothing else going. I have to go to bed early today so I can try to get up around 3AM. BUT, -tomorrow- I will get back to work on the 737. A little more sanding and probably another couple coats of primer. I'll likely be done with the wings as well. Time to paint those gear doors I guess. -

I may be biased, but I wouldn't be able to look at anyone with a straight face that didn't agree that this thing is glorious!!!!!  Talking about the paint and colors....   the blues and greens and then the pristine white and gorgeous shiny NMF....  quite possibly my favorite livery and scheme. They had another version of this with the bottom and engines painted white and it looks good, too, but this one is better.

I'm now in the process of trying to track down the old Photocut gravel kit which is nigh on impossible from all I've gathered (and ol' boy has passed on, unfortunately) but that damn sure won't stop me from trying. I've tracked down some pretty rare model kit wares from time to time so it doesn't hurt to look. 

Easier to acquire are the upgraded JT8D engines required to turn my 737 into an "advanced." BRA.Z....  I haven't found any in America yet, but Hannants has them and I suppose they won't mind selling me a pair...     

This is going to be the coolest 737 model ever if I can get my hand on all this stuff.   :wacko:     If not, I'll be scratch building the gravel kit. Most of the time Saudia didn't operate theres with the rock deflector on the nose gear (I guess they removed them when they didn't NEED them, the things look sort of heavy after all and stuck out on the belly creating drag I imagine) but the vortex dissipators on the engine cowlings are there. So....I COULD cheat and just do the vortex dissipators. We'll see.... at least this way if my scratch built rock deflector looks like a sky-turd I can revert to the deflector-less version since it's totally accurate and just fine.  :thumbsup:

-Sprues McDuck-


I can't find a single pic of my Aloha 737-200, and I can't even find the model either!  :banghead:

It usually lives in the 'Airliner' box naturally, but it's not there. I've no idea what I've done with it.

Flying Colours and AHS sell the Coroguard panel decals for all sorts of airliners, and they usually include drawings of the wings with the other colours noted.
Kit's Rule 1 ) Any aircraft can be improved by fitting longer wings, and/or a longer fuselage
Kit's Rule 2) The backstory can always be changed to suit the model

...and I'm not a closeted 'Take That' fan, I'm a REAL fan! :)



Thanks!!! This is so annoying---- I've ran into this problem before; there's just not as many pictures of planes from above because... well.. hell, it's harder to get UP there to take 'em I guess!!  ;D Occam's razor.  I've never even been to the flying colors site!  :wub:

Keep looking....   I like the funbird livery:

-Sprues McDuck-


That's how I painted mine, but without the yellow flowers as they added those later on. And the titles were on the forward fuselage in the earlier scheme too.
Kit's Rule 1 ) Any aircraft can be improved by fitting longer wings, and/or a longer fuselage
Kit's Rule 2) The backstory can always be changed to suit the model

...and I'm not a closeted 'Take That' fan, I'm a REAL fan! :)



I like that one, too. I don't much care for the sort of hockey stick design where the pattern on the fin swoops and flows down into the cheatline, though.

I remember watching a TV movie back in the day not longer after it happened about the explosive decompression that pushed that flight attendant out and took a large portion of fuselage with it. Left quite an impression on me.

Anyway....  I'm up now, it's just past 3 AM (I had planned to sleep til four but was wide awake at 2 so I just got up...  this oddball sleep schedule is less than ideal but I'm working on it.... )   so time for morning updates and planning. Not going to do much today but do have some meager plans.

Going to look at the 737 and do some more skim coat and sanding and one more coat of primer. I haven't even looked at it yet, it could be in really good shape so I hope I don't have many more rounds of PSR left. Going to try to get the wings painted the rest of the way. Found out that I actually DID mask them correctly the other day because I need to de-mask them, clear with matte, then mask again because the clear coat will dull the piss out of the silver enamel paint I will use for the leading edges.

I'd like to get some paint onto my racing glider.

That's it... I've been looking forward to this new video game so much and now that I have it, I've been struggling to get going. I need to just hunker down and really get into today and it's hard to do that if I keep waiting until late in the day to do it so model stuff will be minimal.

For those following along with early stages of my attempt at quitting ciggies, I'm happy to report another day of not having smoked any. It's easier to do on the days where I don't really do anything... no coffee, no work, no stress, etc. So.... anyway.....   since I started counting, I've now reached 75 hours..... still at 8 ciggies!!!!   So thats only 8 ciggies in the span of over three days!  :o   Way ahead of schedule here. Seems like a good thing but on the other hand I'm probably more apt to fall off the wagon this way, but I'll manage.

Another old build!!!  The good ol' Republic of Molossia F-84G!  :lol:  This one had a canopy mishap but oh well, I still like it!

-Sprues McDuck-