
Chronic's Research and Aeronautics Project (C.R.A.P.)

Started by TheChronicOne, September 20, 2016, 03:22:37 PM

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Rick Lowe

Going good, Brad - small progress is still progress.

Watch out if you ever think "I'll just do a few small bits on a new kit, to get a bit ahead for when I actually start the build, while I wait for paint to dry/Inspiration to strike on the current project/s"...
I started doing that once and before I knew it, a new project was in the paint shop... lol!


Quote from: Rick Lowe on February 05, 2019, 02:49:38 AM
Going good, Brad - small progress is still progress.

Watch out if you ever think "I'll just do a few small bits on a new kit, to get a bit ahead for when I actually start the build, while I wait for paint to dry/Inspiration to strike on the current project/s"...
I started doing that once and before I knew it, a new project was in the paint shop... lol!

Second that! Any progress is good progress. F-84 looks great, pilot came out very good! :thumbsup:

Had that happen just a couple of weeks ago, my F-4 Phantom isn't finished yet and i had that thought so i started a couple of real world builds and now they're almost ready to join the Phantom on the paint shop... :rolleyes:
"Sticks and stones may break some bones but a 3.57's gonna blow your damn head off!!"


Thanks y'all!!! I was smashing internet trolls on the local Lawton page yesterday and got next to nothing done but I did manage to slap on another dozen or more tiny stencils. I have a block of little "x" things to put on next then I can finally get the bigger ones on. I fully intend to finish this build today.

Want to now some STUPID $%&#% though?  Check this out.....    I just now realize that this sheet of transfers came with two decals that are to be used as the canopy framing! BRILLIANT!!! I already masked the damn things, however.  :banghead: ;D  Wasn't the easiest mask job, either, for a "modern" canopy. Sure wish I knew about that transfer. Like I've said in the past, though, every single word in the entire instructions sheet is in Japanese. It's not mutli-lingual with seperate sections for other languages...  I have no clue what any of it says.  ;D ;D  It's made some parts of the build .... ermm...... interesting.

-Sprues McDuck-


But do the canopy framing decals cover all the areas of the framing? I'm asking cause i've no clue of what that canopy's like but the F-16's canopy has two different colored sections, and some kits have decals for the black strip that runs along the whole framing and separates the glass from the metal parts, which are painted according to the scheme of each fighter. And i don't think it would be wise to mask the canopy after putting on decals cause they'd prolly come off with the tape.
"Sticks and stones may break some bones but a 3.57's gonna blow your damn head off!!"


Fortunately, these would have have been 100% coverage. They're black per the original paint scheme, but that also has the benefit of being a neutral color were one to need it for something else. It would have worked great on mine, because it's black anyway!  ;D ;D     Next time I build modern kit, I'm checking for these!  :banghead: :banghead: ;D
-Sprues McDuck-


Quote from: TheChronicOne on February 05, 2019, 09:20:47 AM
Fortunately, these would have have been 100% coverage. They're black per the original paint scheme, but that also has the benefit of being a neutral color were one to need it for something else. It would have worked great on mine, because it's black anyway!  ;D ;D     Next time I build modern kit, I'm checking for these!  :banghead: :banghead: ;D

Cool, extra decals are always useful. :thumbsup:
"Sticks and stones may break some bones but a 3.57's gonna blow your damn head off!!"


Hell yeah, the leftovers from this sheet are killer!! The sheet was the same size as the box, and the box is quite large indeed.  A bunch of stripey stuff.. I'll be able to make something really fancy with that.  :wacko: :wacko: 

-Sprues McDuck-


 :o If that kit's box is the same size as the Hasegawa 1/72 Shinden II, then that's one huge decal sheet! I've done something similar with the Monogram F8F Bearcat's decals. Already used a bunch of the red and white stripes that were of the original scheme, for small corrections on decals that ripped or just disintegrated.
"Sticks and stones may break some bones but a 3.57's gonna blow your damn head off!!"


These are neat... they're stripey kind of like tiger stripes so I'm thinking I might be able to use them to make some sort of Tiger Meet whif.  ;D

As for the thing they were supposed to go on and didn't, I'm finally finished with it. I need to go back through the thread here to peg it down, but I believe I started this about April last year so a good 10 months into this one.

NATURALLY, there's no sun out on the day I need to take pictures, but I took a couple anyway, and here's one of them:

-Sprues McDuck-


Love it!! So many details to look at, great work, brotha!! Love the sharkmouth and the paint job is so clean... Like Wayne and Garth would say... Excellent!!  :cheers:
And i also like the Tigermeet idea and it's something i've considered before cause i have a bunch of commemorative scheme sheets, just like the Phantom's. Revell is good with this type of stuff, i have 3 of their sheets from F-16 kits so some will have to be used on something...
And there's also the PoAF Tigermeet G-91 sheet that is composed mainly of black stripes but i didn't buy that one for the Gina...  :wacko:
"Sticks and stones may break some bones but a 3.57's gonna blow your damn head off!!"


See there? GMTA. These stripes just so happen to be yellow so I lucked out! If they weren't yellow or black, or something close then they may not be worth considering. Them black ones you have sound really cool... I'd be tempted to put them on a blue paint job....  :wacko:

Re: Ultra Hornet, thanks! I can't wait to get some good pictures of it in decent lighting. If the sun doesn't come out soon I might break out my quadrillion lumen halogen "construction" or whatever light.

In other news, I'm about to try a goofy paint experiment on my Racing GB build...  it's a bit late in the game to be "playing" but I can't help myself. I wrapped the thing in this plastic net stuff and I'm going to throw black paint at it and see what happens.  ;D  :wacko:

-Sprues McDuck-


Ya, the yellow stripes look very good on it, and then you still have the black ones for something else so that worked out fine. :thumbsup:
Funny, when i looked at the F-52 last night, the Hornet also came to mind, might have been the inspiration for the designer.
I like that idea of the black stripes over blue, might have to build a viper like that... :thumbsup:
And that idea of the net over the kit sounds very good, i've seen some kits painted like that and the result looks very good. :cheers:
"Sticks and stones may break some bones but a 3.57's gonna blow your damn head off!!"


Well.... uhhhh.....    let's see here. The wind is howling and it is well below freezing BUT.....  wall to wall sunshine!!  :lol:   So, I can finally take my beauty pictures of the Ultra Hornet. I'm so glad to be done with it... it took so long and was so confusing, I can't wait to share it! 

Otherwise, I think I'll spray the glider and then do a little more work on the F-84 refurb. My Milliput came in today... I got this stuff so I can use it to actually build up things and sculpt it. No filler I have or can whip up real quick is suitable for this so I've kind of had a couple projects on hold waiting on it. I need to build up and correct a bit of a mishap on the F-84 cockpit area where the body of the plane itself is wrong. After I do that, I can paint it and finally get back to working on the canopy itself which I will paint after a couple more runs of dry-fitting.

Also, I'd like to do a wee bit more sanding on the 737 and get it primed again. They work I did last time trying to correct the over-glued windows really did the trick and I'm closer than ever to finally be away from PSR on the fuselage. After that I can built the nose gear fairing thing and start wondering about that. This project is kicking my arse, though... if I have known this was going to be this involved I likely wouldn't have started it.  :unsure:  Oh well, it may take forever but I'm NOT giving up. Other things I need to worry about are the stupid engines. I don't think I'll ever find the AA engines so I may as well get everything I need to alter the kit engines. They will have to be cut, extended, and have fences installed. Luckily, I havve access to all kinds of reference material and how-tos specifically about this issue so if I concentrate and take my time, I should be able to manage and learn some stuff in the process, to boot!

TTYL!   :mellow:
-Sprues McDuck-


Did some paint work on the glider today. It's not working very well. Going to try a couple more things but it looks like I'll be back to the drawing board with it!   :mellow:

Sanded some more on the 737 and sprayed it with more primer. I just took a quick glance at it while it was still wet, BUT, what I did saw looked very good!  :lol:   

That's about it, though....  the rest of my modelling time has been spent trying to get good pictures of the Ultra Hornet, getting them uploaded, organized, and posted. To that end, here it is....  finally finished: 

Build here: http://www.whatifmodellers.com/index.php/topic,46025.0.html

Plans for tomorrow are to pick up where I left off with today's program which will be to get that area fixed on the F-84. I'd like to wrap up that tomorrow. That would be two projects done in two days and that gets me closer to starting the giant 707.
-Sprues McDuck-


Ultra Hornet looks good  :thumbsup:

I was beginning to worry that it was going to be one of "those" builds that never seems to get finished.
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