
Chronic's Research and Aeronautics Project (C.R.A.P.)

Started by TheChronicOne, September 20, 2016, 03:22:37 PM

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Quote from: TheChronicOne on March 10, 2019, 10:55:42 AM

Washed the dog.  (trust me, this can be a HUGE PITA)

Washed my truck. Can't let it get and stay dirty, it's not "professional."

Tie dog to car and wash them both at the same time. I've done it a couple of times, both with my old dog eons ago when I was married and more recently with my niece's. The dog soon learns to behave
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


 :o ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Thankfully, it's getting easier. The part he still doesn't like is when it comes time to rinse him off... that water is very cold so I don't blame him.  But, even this part is slowly getting easier over time. Back when my back was really bad I could barely manage it. Hit weight quadruples when he starts trying to run off.  :rolleyes:

OK... much less "work" planned today. It rained a ton yesterday, in fact, the whole time I was picking up garbage I was being rained on and no gorgeous ladies or puppies.  :angry: Finally got all my grocery shopping done. Aside from water... I shouldn't have to go back for no less than 4 weeks.  :wub:   Today, however, all I need to do is stop by the place where I'm tearing down that small-ish building and do a little more work (won't be much, everything is so wet.... ) then go pick up trash again. Shouldn't take long to pick up trash because I did it late yesterday and it was raining which keeps people indoors more.

So, I should have all afternoon for my builds, yeah?  Filing and sanding on seams will commence on the Nomad and I need to glue the tail planes on. After that, I think I'll mask the windscreen and put it on. It looks pretty easy to mask so I may as well. I also need to make 4 bomb pylons. On that note, I need to check my NATO weapons set to see if it has any 250 pounders.

-Sprues McDuck-


Quote from: NARSES2 on March 11, 2019, 07:01:22 AM
Quote from: TheChronicOne on March 10, 2019, 10:55:42 AM

Washed the dog.  (trust me, this can be a HUGE PITA)

Washed my truck. Can't let it get and stay dirty, it's not "professional."

Tie dog to car and wash them both at the same time. I've done it a couple of times, both with my old dog eons ago when I was married and more recently with my niece's. The dog soon learns to behave

Just don't use the pressure washer on the dog. PETA disapproves.
" Somewhere, between half true, and completely crazy, is a rainbow of nice colours "
Tophe the Wise


Hell yeah, they would flip out.  ;D  Back years ago PETA was an alright organization, somewhere along the way they were infiltrated by lizard people or something and have become worthy of much ridicule.  ;D

In other news.. I managed to get my paying work done pretty early but the property manager got her clutches into me and I wound up blowing 30 minutes. That aside.... were I make time for it, my shelving problem could be solved. Not long ago I lamented the fact that I have so many kits sitting around and that I could use some shelving. Long story short, after a business vacated a store at the shopping center, they left tons of shelving. Good strong commercial grade crap. This is the kind that sits in the floor. ALSO, there is a boat load of the kind that attach to the wall by by screwed into studs. That's the kind I need. But uhhhh...... the amount of work involved would be steep because I'd need to take it down from inside the store and then eventually re-build it on my walls or whatever. Considering the size, this would take one hell of a lot of effort I simply can't devote this time of year. That said, I could always grab a bunch and leave it apart for another day.... we'll see.   As for the rest, the property manager simply asked for help getting rid of it. I could even sell it off I wanted, she just wants it gone. That said... I'm not sure I want the headache.

Shoooorrrrrrrrr could use these.....   :unsure:     

Moving on.... speaking of headache. I finally figured out what this scoop thing is on the nose of my Nomad! Turns out, it's the "cockpit air ventilation" thingy and was only on the Fennecs. Of course, I don't need this at all so I'm going to delete it from mine. Also cleaning up the seams. I think I'll get the seams done and cut-out/modify (I may be able to just slice the sides out and fold the piece left into the open hole) this vent and call it a day on this one.

I want to get back to the Gunship. It's getting close to being primed. BUT, I have to wait on the masks to get here. I ordered them from "Hobbyterra" and I think they're in Eastern Europe so it could be another three weeks. Regardless, I can get those clear pieces glued on and mask the fuselage windows at least.
-Sprues McDuck-

Old Wombat

We-ell, why not remove all the shelving for her, keep the bits you want stored until there's time to put them up & sell the rest for a bit of extra model money? :angel: ;)
Has a life outside of What-If & wishes it would stop interfering!

"The purpose of all War is Peace" - St. Augustine

veritas ad mortus veritas est


It would take 100 hours or more to disassemble and move it and I have zero hours to spare. I have not only my current work to do, but am gearing up to start mowing lawns for the Spring which is mere days away. Not only that, even if Scotty could instantly beam it all away, I have no place to put it. I'd need a large warehouse of some sort.

She just wants help getting it gone. This isn't something I've contracted to do, or have to do, or anything like that. One of the tenants at the shopping center vacated and this is the stuff that is left. That said, she said she didn't care if I sold it off, or just gave it away, so long as it disappears. At that point I asked how long we needed before it HAS to be gone and she said by the end of April. So.........     what I can do is try to sell the stuff........give the stuff away.... or do literally nothing.  ;D ;D ;D     Of course, if I can somehow sell it all, that would be great. See, she's not from here... she's the property manager and works out of the capitol, and I actually live here and might have connections and ways to get rid of it. Barring being able to sell it, I was considering trying to find some school or library that could use it and give it to them.

-Sprues McDuck-


The question is getting some workers with a truck to take it down and haul it away. Easier said than done.
" Somewhere, between half true, and completely crazy, is a rainbow of nice colours "
Tophe the Wise


Bingo. She even said she had someone that was supposed to be there today to take a bunch, but didn't show (surprise surprise, people don't like to work - even when free stuff is involved). Kind of like when I offer someone on facebook claiming to be hungry some groceries if they will help me with yardwork......  crickets all of a sudden. But anyway..

My pictures were just of a few pieces and I'm lousy at explaining, but there's a LOT of this sh!t. Hell, even if one were to be able to take those free-standing shelves and pick them up and carry them, they wouldn't fit in and out of the hallways and doors that finally lead outside. This is going to take dozens of hours of people taking it all apart, moving it, loading it, then carting it off.

It's a damn shame, though. If I could somehow be a good "middle-man" I could sell this stuff away. I feel like I'm missing out on earning money or in the LEAST missing out on having shelving that I just recently said I should have.  :rolleyes:     I just wish this opportunity had presented itself back in December or something...  :-\   
-Sprues McDuck-


Quote from: kerick on March 11, 2019, 12:21:23 PM

Tie dog to car and wash them both at the same time. I've done it a couple of times, both with my old dog eons ago when I was married and more recently with my niece's. The dog soon learns to behave

Just don't use the pressure washer on the dog. PETA disapproves.

Very much so. I'm very much a dog lover and I only ever did it with two very large dogs who were right p.i.a.'s when it came to trying to wash them. In all honesty my old dog used to enjoy playing with the hose stream, trying to bite it etc  :-X, but go near her with shampoo and......  :banghead: ;D
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


I plan on buying a good gas powered power washer pretty soon and I have to say, the temptation will be mighty strong to use it on Buddy.  ;D   The stream isn't particularly strong at an adequate distance.  :wacko:   Just can't get too close.

No clue what is going on today. Storms are moving in and it's already wet and rainy. Kind of foggy, too. Humidity must be 100% because although it's not precipitating, there are water droplets forming on the tree branches. I'd like to go work some more on the storage building I'm tearing down but if it's going to rain, perhaps I should skip it and concentrate on picking up trash. Not in the red light district, mind, but at the shopping center.  :lol:  There's not much on the radar, but I can see it just starting to form up so it'll be here at some point.

But, when I get home, I'll get back to work on the Gunship! Going to glue on the tail planes and the cockpit and navigation glass. After that, I'm waiting on the masks from Eastern Europe.

Last night I worked some more on the 737 getting the shape of nose gear fairing dialed in. It looks really good from all sides now and I won't need to worry about that any more. I held it up to a picture of the real thing and they matched up damn nearly perfectly. Quite pleased with this. Now all I have to do is "carve" out a couple notches in the back and one in the front. I also sanded on those hinges. One turned out pretty good, but the other needed more putty so I took care of that and should be able to sand it this afternoon.

Nomad.....  I chopped the cockpit air intake off and used a piece of plastic card to fill in:

I wonder what else I might be missing. I might break with my SOP and go ahead and search out some reviews and build write-ups to see if anything else needs addressing. This is real-world so it needs to be at least somewhat accurate.

-Sprues McDuck-


OK, finally about to sit down "at the bench" and work on some models. Although, I am somewhat sad to report that this will be the final day of my Winter "break" as it were and we'll all be seeing less of my junky long winded posts because I'll be easing back into my summer time Schedule. I'm already beyond capacity but I took on a new customer today. This was another of the few instances where I can't really say no. Thankfully, according to Google street view, the property seems not too large but I'll still be needing to stop by and take a closer look. Then, 30 minutes later, my first established customer got ahold of me to be put on the schedule. I already know of one other lawn that needs to be mowed because it's the one where I'm tearing down the out building. Went and spent more time on that today, in fact, and it's getting closer to completion. But anyway... now I'm already sort of "behind" because of this and the season isn't really even started yet! So.. yeah.... good bye Winter and hello Summer!  :wacko:

On to the Gunship for awhile I guess! I'm looking forward to working on builds this afternoon/evening!!! I just need to find something worthwhile to put on the TV! The Bond movies are starting to get a bit "old" right now. I think I'll take a break from them for awhile (I'm in the 1980's now and uhhhh.... well... yeah) and maybe watch Star Trek TNG or something I dunno.  ;D
-Sprues McDuck-


I've managed to do a lot of decent work on the gunship, and a fair amount on the Nomad.   :lol:

Gunship had numerous little thing done such as radar pod glued on and I cleaned up the spinners. Those were 4 piles of arse, to be honest. I'm not sure they're even correct now because I can dry fit them yet. I'll work on that in the near future...

As far as the Nomad, I've had to correct a wings dihedral.  It was angled too far upward.  I broke open the wing root seam, jammed toothpicks in there and adjusted until it was correct then quickly snapped them off 90 degrees leaving little wooden "shims" in the wing roots. After that, I glued it up and let it sit.
-Sprues McDuck-


Oh man!!! I wish I had thought of this. You know I love my acronyms...     

Hell, I vape now and even I find it hilarious. I love MY P.E.N.I.S.!  ;D

I'm not even going to make plans today. I lost a large chunk of sleep this morning to severe storms (not that I gave two turds about it, but a thunder clap woke me up and I couldn't go back to sleep... was awake from 3:30 to 6:30) and it's already closing in on 1PM so I need to get trash picked up then come right back home and get all my lawn equipment running and loaded onto the truck. I just hope and pray everything will fire up and run. I think all I need to do is drain out the old gas and perhaps shoot a bit of ether into my mower if it acts up. When I left off last year, it was all running fine. This is going to not be fun, trash or getting this junk running, because the wind's blowing 35 sustained and gusting to 50. It's nice and warm, and sunny, at least!! But it's hard to hold onto things or even merely stand in position in this mess. I cain't wait to try pouring gasoline... luckily I bought a new funnel the other day.  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

-Sprues McDuck-


Now did they come up with the name and then go - ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh  ;) when they realised ? Or did they fit the name/initials around the device first as a selling point ? I know what I think, but whichever it's still fairly amusing.
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


It would be hilarious if this was actually what they did, but this is just someone's made-up picture posted on the internet poking fun at the vape community.  ;D ;D Its a piss-take.  It's sort of "in" right now to make fun of people who "vape."  ;D 

In other news... I haven't worked on any builds in a few days. The whole "work" thing and getting ready for Spring (so I can mow lawns to make money) has kept me quite busy. Still working on tearing down that shed and picking up garbage all the while, too. So, lately, I get home and done with work and I find that it's already evening and I'm too tired to drag out my stuff and get the bench set-up so I've been playing video games (dog fighting, bombing, Mach speeds, etc.) and watching TV.

TODAY, however, I managed to get some stuff done on all three ongoing builds. Finalized the nose weight situation on the Nomad and added some putty to the rhinoplasty.

Gunship had some sanding done around the seams. Putty work had some edges that needed featering.

737. ....  ....  This was the bulk of the work. Today I carved out the proper shape for the forward part of the new nose fairing. The sides protrude further than the middle and are a bit rounded off so I duplicated this and it turned out pretty well. Next up, I need to either hollow out the insides of the entire thing or carve out some of it and simulate the appearance of being a well. The actual kit itself has no gear wells and they are only "simulated" so I may just stick with that. Afterall, no one will ever see until they pick the thing up and look.

Also... I've given up trying to find aftermarket engines and will instead modify the kit ones. So, I've already cut off the rear section and will need to create a 6mm plug to in there. It would normally be 4mm but I used a thick cutting blade that easily ate 1mm of material and also after I send the pieces flush again that will be more. After I make the plug/extension piece I will need to substantially "beef up" the pylon itself that attaches to the wing.

-Sprues McDuck-