
Pellsons Perceivings

Started by Pellson, December 27, 2016, 04:09:12 AM

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Quote from: Pellson on February 02, 2023, 05:10:05 AMand then decided to just go with my lust. Hey - it worked when I met Mrs P, so..  ;)

Does your Good Lady read your Blog on here ?  :angel:  ;D
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


Quote from: NARSES2 on February 02, 2023, 05:29:58 AM
Quote from: Pellson on February 02, 2023, 05:10:05 AMand then decided to just go with my lust. Hey - it worked when I met Mrs P, so..  ;)

Does your Good Lady read your Blog on here ?  :angel:  ;D
The F-106- 26 December 1956 to 8 August 1988
Gone But Not Forgotten

QuoteOh are you from Wales ?? Do you know a fella named Jonah ?? He used to live in whales for a while.
— Groucho Marx

My dA page: Scooternjng


Quote from: Pellson on February 02, 2023, 05:10:05 AMRe the 50's GB - I saw that, considered it briefly before I started and then decided to just go with my lust. Hey - it worked when I met Mrs P, so..  ;)

Re AIM-7's in the belly - I THINK two Sparrows will fit in a Six, if you take some minor liberties with the launch mechanism. Three will almost fit in a Deuce, being limited by the wing span of the missiles, so either you cut the tips a little or just shut up and go with it. Length isn't a problem. AIM-120's do fit, and if slightly staggered, will fit in doubles, i.e four in a Six and six in a Deuce. The launch rail mechanism would be a bit complicated, though, but what the heck.,

I was also thinking about a staggered arrangement, with 3 or 4 individual launch rails. But no hardware tests yet to validate the idea - it's just vague mental visualisation so far.


Quote from: Dizzyfugu on February 02, 2023, 06:52:54 AMI was also thinking about a staggered arrangement, with 3 or 4 individual launch rails. But no hardware tests yet to validate the idea - it's just vague mental visualisation so far.

In the Deuce, the belly was effectively divided in three separate compartments due to the door arrangement, but hardware tests showed, as said, that Sparrows would at least almost fit, one behind each pair of doors, Trying the same way, and taking into account a slightly staggered/layered layout, I could pretty easily fit two Slammers in each compartment for a total of six.

The Six has an entirely different door arrangement, in theory  meaning that you can play with it as one big compartment. On the other hand, it fielded only four Falcon missiles, so I suspect the compartment to be smaller. I haven't measured in my Hasegawa Six, but may be I should. Let's stay in touch on this. ;)

Re the fantastic Mrs P - she's well aware, and it was an instant mutual attraction, much like being hit in the face with a baseball bat. That Hollywood instant love does exist - we're youre witnesses!
Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition!


Quote from: Pellson on February 02, 2023, 07:50:37 AMThe Six has an entirely different door arrangement, in theory  meaning that you can play with it as one big compartment. On the other hand, it fielded only four Falcon missiles, so I suspect the compartment to be smaller. I haven't measured in my Hasegawa Six, but may be I should. Let's stay in touch on this. ;)

Don't forget that the war load was either 4 Falcons and a Genie, or, after 1972, an M61 (Project Six Shooter) and 4 Falcons.  So the engineers at Convair had fit that pallet in there as well, which gave the bay space to fit the Vulcan gunpod
The F-106- 26 December 1956 to 8 August 1988
Gone But Not Forgotten

QuoteOh are you from Wales ?? Do you know a fella named Jonah ?? He used to live in whales for a while.
— Groucho Marx

My dA page: Scooternjng


Quote from: scooter on February 02, 2023, 10:32:39 AMDon't forget that the war load was either 4 Falcons and a Genie, or, after 1972, an M61 (Project Six Shooter) and 4 Falcons.  So the engineers at Convair had fit that pallet in there as well, which gave the bay space to fit the Vulcan gunpod

An expert advice. Thanks.  :thumbsup:
Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition!


No modelling at all today. Instead, I got around to do some preparatory work on the broken Defender, something that feels a lot better than the amount of work probably justifies. But sod that - life should be enjoyed, so I'll lick the sweet whenever it appears.

The weather is outrageous. -8C as we speak, and now I actually couldn't do anything outdoors even if I wanted - I would actually get stuck on the steel parts. It does look to improve mid next week, but we'll see - my body really need some 5-7C to function without groaning these days. I'm getting old.. God, I wish it was May already

Come to think of it - I actually did something modelling related. I sorted in the spares I bought in their respective drawers and boxes. Good that - just having them lying around is a mental blocker. Now that it's off the table, it's easier to just do something when I get a sudden urge.
Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition!


Quote from: Pellson on February 02, 2023, 07:50:37 AMRe the fantastic Mrs P - she's well aware, and it was an instant mutual attraction, much like being hit in the face with a baseball bat. That Hollywood instant love does exist - we're youre witnesses!

 ;D  :thumbsup:  :thumbsup:
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


Person, wish you good luck with the Defender repair , know very well wat you mean with ,,stuck on the metal" , we got a very fine work place in a old factory, but temperatures below zero sucks also , anyway .   This winter season we got the yearly  BIG REPAIR JOB done in November, so I hope to go till summer without 2 pullover and fat socks sessions and stay at home with the  Modell kits ...  where in Denmark are you located , Greenland   ;D  ?

I ask because I got some friends who preferred meetings in Denmark, military vehicles and hot rod stuff,  maybe we come along next summer.
It's a Land Rover, NOT a Jeep . Like a Jeep, but for gentlemen.



Quote from: Pellson on February 02, 2023, 07:50:37 AM
Quote from: Dizzyfugu on February 02, 2023, 06:52:54 AMRe the fantastic Mrs P - she's well aware, and it was an instant mutual attraction, much like being hit in the face with a baseball bat. That Hollywood instant love does exist - we're youre witnesses!

Reading  this over my shoulder, Bridget (Madame Rheged)  agrees with  you;, and anyways, she says, "after 36 years I don't fancy all the fuss and bother of trying to find anything else"

YES!  She really does sometimes read this site as an antidote to a couple of other sites she frequents  where participants spend more time bitching at one another than discussing anything useful.   
"If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you....."
It  means that you read  the instruction sheet

Rick Lowe

Mrs & Mr Pellson - glad you are blessed in that respect!  :lol:  :thumbsup:

Mrs & Mr Rhegd - ditto, and if we can in some small way lessen the depressing effects of bitching sessions, we are pleased to serve.  :thumbsup:


Quote from: killnoizer on February 03, 2023, 06:44:05 AMPerson, wish you good luck with the Defender repair , know very well wat you mean with ,,stuck on the metal" , we got a very fine work place in a old factory, but temperatures below zero sucks also , anyway .  This winter season we got the yearly  BIG REPAIR JOB done in November, so I hope to go till summer without 2 pullover and fat socks sessions and stay at home with the  Modell kits ...  where in Denmark are you located , Greenland  ;D  ?

I ask because I got some friends who preferred meetings in Denmark, military vehicles and hot rod stuff,  maybe we come along next summer.

I'm in Sweden, mate! While the lovely Mrs P arguably is half Danish, I'm rather Swedish only, and we're living on the east coast of Sweden, a few hours south of Stockholm.

The Danish off-road meets are said to be quite spectacular, but I haven't had the opportunity myself. What I have done, though, is quite extensive greenlaning in DK, and that's really nice unless you're into woodlands. There's not much of the sort there.

Re Mrs P, we're celebrating twenty years as a couple this June. It's quite unbelievable how fast those years went, actually. But they've been good years. Very good years, even! And I can honestly say that she's still my preference even if other options has materialised from one time to another. I might not be able to fully put words on it, but all in all, it's never been hard to choose her again and again. I am aware that I'm blessed in this way, and I'm very happy about it.

Today, I actually got around to varnish the Greek Deuce. Or most of it. As all of it is to be matted, I saved the drop tanks for another day in order to have something to hold the model in. Hence, I'll have to varnish them later. I'll see if I remember to patch the Danish Zipper then. I forgot that today..  :rolleyes:

However, the evening was spent with friends. That's quality time too.
Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition!


Awfully cold day, so indoors mostly. The dog had to get his usual walk, though, so I have reluctantly ventured outside despite the terrible temperatures.

Not much done, but the last varnish hit the Hellenic Deuce, rendering it all but ready for its final touch - the Sidewinders. If it has dried up tomorrow, I hope to sort it then.
Speaking of which - I usually let slow drying paintwork dry in our main bathroom as that's both the warmest and the best ventilated room in the house. The floor tiles are somewhat Mediterranean blue green, a pattern that interestingly makes the Aegean Ghost scheme of the Deuce work very well. I'll take a pic of that once it's dry.

I also started to paint some missiles for the Voodoo today. I'm not entirely sure on how I'll get them on yet, but I have a basic idea snitched from the Tornado F.3. And doing away with most of the weapons bay, not to mention that rotary door, should leave both weight and space for some extra fuel, even if a few missile fins still will be poking in. We'll see how it works out. It has to work with the drop tanks too, see. And how much space does the Frazer-Nash ejectors really use in a Tornado?

Otherwise , the old Voodoo is slowly shaping up. I've really just partly repainted it, but I don't want to complete the painting until the missile solution is decided. But for the moment, this is where we are.

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I think the underwing missile rails came out really well, their positioning derived from some photos I actually did find online with the help of our own Dizzy. Much obliged!

But now, kip time, hoping for a somewhat more energetic day tomorrow. This one could have started more sprightly.
Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition!


The Hellenic F-102 is now fully dry and looking for her 'winders.

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As can be seen, the camouflage works uncannily well in our (current) bathroom, so henceforth, this model will be known as the "Douche Deuce".  ;D

A few extra pics will follow in relevant thread as soon as the missiles are properly hung.

Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition!


Both the Voodoo and the Douche are looking great! :thumbsup:
"Sticks and stones may break some bones but a 3.57's gonna blow your damn head off!!"