
Pellsons Perceivings

Started by Pellson, December 27, 2016, 04:09:12 AM

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Not much modelling at all, and I'm blaming the weather. To my surprise, it has stayed reasonably comfortable over the last few days, allowing for some more active progress in the Defender department, and thus, I can now report that the shorty is reassembled, road tested and the steering found somewhat too tightly adjusted. Actually, between meeting up with the youngest at his school bus drop across the valley (the last quarter mile is still purely for respectable framebuilt 4WD's, hence no door deliveries of kids) and delivering the sisters to their orchestra practice, I did find time to slacken a bit on the adjuster. Having greased the lock nut, the procedure for adjustment isn't that bad anymore, if still a little bit cumbersome. Fan shroud out, fan out, lock nut loosened, adjuster likewise and reassemble in reverse order. Test drive will have to wait until tomorrow though.

My latest sick leave documentation was a bit delayed from the hospital so the insurance made a go to write me off, trying to leave me somewhat high and dry, in particular on funds. As low funds and Land Rovers are fundamentally incompatible, this has been a worry, but after some serious chasing today, it seems as if I'm getting off that particular hook. And as you have to take pleasure where you can find it, I allowed myself a moment to enjoy the victory, even if it was expected.

So not a totally wasted day, despite the lack of styrene based entertainment. But there'll be other, colder days ahead.
Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition!

Rick Lowe

So you have had a win against an insurance company - that's good, and not the usual expected outcome these days - nice score!

And A Plan for more model building, which is even better!  :thumbsup:


Well done sir!! I can vividly remember Land Rover maintenance from many years ago  (been there, done that, got the grease marks all over the T shirt) and the feeling of satisfaction when you finally get it right is wonderful.    Add to that an insurance win and the prospect of further modelling and I suggest that this counts as a productive day.
"If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you....."
It  means that you read  the instruction sheet


Glad you got your insurance sorted out  :thumbsup:
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


Apologies for having lurked around quiet for a few weeks, but I've actually been working, believe it or not. And that has taken a heavier toll than expected, yours truly being totally wrecked already at six-ish in the evening. Hence no modelling to speak about. Also, the modelling table has slowly but surely become embedded in various bit, bobs, items and stuff that just seem to pile up at any overlooked space. It seems I'm some time away from getting some serious work done, unfortunately..  :-\

I'm still very much enjoying your projects and write-ups though, so please keep at it.

In the meantime, I've been writing on my backstory for anything Soviet to be employed in quantity by the Bundeswehr. It's a long story, and I'm not quite there yet, but I think it'll work and be a bit enjoyable too. At least if you're not Austrian, as I might let Austria get occupied by the Soviets in the mid-eighties to create tension and urgency enough to warrant the take-what-you-have sentiment needed to actually be prepared to build on existing but outdated vehicles rather than getting new from your allies  ;)

On another but related issue - it is still surprising to me that the T-80 tanks seem so vulnerable to modern ATGMs and even RPGs. And here I was looking to let the ex-NVA-now-turned-Bundeswehr confiscate the WGF (or GSFG) stock stored in the country at the German reunion. Then again - no one knew about those weaknesses then, did they..

Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition!

Rick Lowe

Paper Tigers have always been effective, even before they were actual Tigers...

The Military bluffs/Mind Games have been played for centuries. An aspect of The Great Game.

Maybe they were the export versions? Oh, wait... ;)


Quote from: Pellson on May 07, 2022, 03:59:27 PM

I'm still very much enjoying your projects and write-ups though, so please keep at it.

And we're glad that you are still enjoying them and us  ;D :thumbsup: :thumbsup: It's part of what the site is about. The "banter" is as important as the builds.  :thumbsup:

"Banter" - The playful and friendly exchange of humorous and sometimes teasing remarks.
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.

Rick Lowe

Quote from: NARSES2 on May 09, 2022, 06:18:22 AM
Quote from: Pellson on May 07, 2022, 03:59:27 PM

I'm still very much enjoying your projects and write-ups though, so please keep at it.

And we're glad that you are still enjoying them and us  ;D :thumbsup: :thumbsup: It's part of what the site is about. The "banter" is as important as the builds.  :thumbsup:

"Banter" - The playful and friendly exchange of humorous and sometimes teasing remarks.

What 'e sez!  :thumbsup: ;)


Soviet/Russian tank design is quite different from "Western" tanks. They were ever since designed to be attack vehicles, with emphasis on frontal armor, a low silhouette and firepower, for fast forward movement in a mass attack. As a consequence, there have been frequent uses of loading automats which save a crew member, and the interior is very cramped so that big people do not fit into these things well! Side, top and rear armor are rather light, so that a flank attack or a well-placed shot at the turret ring can easily disable or destroy a Soviet/Russian tank. They are a kind of disposable product, inlcuding the crew.
Western MBT have a higher priority on crew safety and versatility, rather operating in small tactical groups, what makes them by tendency bigger/heavier, but the overall survivability is higher.


Quote from: Dizzyfugu on May 10, 2022, 02:36:26 AM
and the interior is very cramped so that big people do not fit into these things well!

I remember reading back in the dark days of the Cold War that Soviet tank crew were deliberately selected from those who were below average height.
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.

Rick Lowe

Quote from: Dizzyfugu on May 10, 2022, 02:36:26 AM
They are a kind of disposable product, inlcuding the crew.

Which really tells you all you need to know...


Still in the modelling hiatus. Or almost.

Having annoyed myself to no end by contemplating the nose profile on the Heller/Airfix MiG-23, I finally got around to cut the bloody thing off, insert a schim, realign and reattach. And while the profile now looks massively more like the speed wagon these MiGs were, I managed to lose the attack angle indicator. Buggers..

Three hours (some significant cursing time included) later, I have reconquered it from the carpet monster and stored it properly until it goes back on.

The backstory writing is also moving slowly. While I think a good backstory must be allowed some pages, this seems to expand beyond all reason, and that bothers me. I might have to start all over again, something that again is a bit of a downer. Then again - if it isn't fun, it isn't hobby, so maybe I should just leave it for the time being, revisiting at a later stage.
But usually, I find the backstory inspiring, and accordingly, I like to have it done when getting on with the final stages of the build. In this case, the idea of MiG-23's and even MiG-25's in Norm 81 just feels right. I just need to explain how that came to be..  :rolleyes:

Our more courageous neighbours, the Finns, have expressed their intention to apply for NATO membership and everything is pointing towards us Swedes following suit tomorrow or Monday. Our ruling party, the Social Democrats, do however have an almost fifty years old myth of having preserved peace and balance by being neutral. While this in reality is utter nonsense, Sweden having been extremely well integrated with NATO interests since NATO's very inception and the Russians being very well aware, this myth is hard to get rid of, and the pain in the Party of having to align with the perceived Devil (the US) is as tangible as it is ridiculous.
And adding insult to injury, the apparently total reversal of the Turkish view on NATO expansion isn't really helpful, is it?

Well - it's good to be a little man at times, not having to negotiate or make big decisions, rather just watching from the side.

And none of the above helps me get back in the flow. I think I'll get on with the tidying up of the workbench before doing anything else, actually. Not having a natural place to build is  a bit limiting.  :banghead:
Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition!


Quote from: Pellson on May 14, 2022, 01:48:08 AM

Three hours (some significant cursing time included) later, I have reconquered it from the carpet monster and stored it properly until it goes back on.

I'm very, very impressed with your level of perseverance  :bow: :bow:

Quote from: Pellson on May 14, 2022, 01:48:08 AM

Then again - if it isn't fun, it isn't hobby, so maybe I should just leave it for the time being, revisiting at a later stage.

Absolutely. I quite often struggle with backstories, sometimes the fingers and keyboard seem to meld and drive the brain in an almost unstoppable flow, but most times it can be hard work to generate more than the basics.
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


Quote from: NARSES2 on May 14, 2022, 03:02:24 AM

Quote from: Pellson on May 14, 2022, 01:48:08 AM

Then again - if it isn't fun, it isn't hobby, so maybe I should just leave it for the time being, revisiting at a later stage.

Absolutely. I quite often struggle with backstories, sometimes the fingers and keyboard seem to meld and drive the brain in an almost unstoppable flow, but most times it can be hard work to generate more than the basics.

I'm the exact opposite in some respects! I've never had snags, hitches or vexations with imagination and  the written word, but when it comes to  physical modelling modelling, quite often it isn't fun, it isn't hobby, so maybe I should just leave it for the time being  I remain totally in awe of those people who can work so proficiently in 1/72, let alone 1/144 or smaller.
"If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you....."
It  means that you read  the instruction sheet


Quote from: NARSES2 on May 14, 2022, 03:02:24 AM
Quote from: Pellson on May 14, 2022, 01:48:08 AM

Three hours (some significant cursing time included) later, I have reconquered it from the carpet monster and stored it properly until it goes back on.

I'm very, very impressed with your level of perseverance  :bow: :bow:

Well, if the truth really has to be told, the ratio between sulphur and searching was about 10/1, so if you absolutely have to be impressed by something, that something just maybe shouldn't be my perseverance in searching..  :rolleyes:

As I might have said earlier, I like my backstories to be as close to the real world as possible. Some are easier to weave together, some are harder, and apparently, placing a Sqn of Foxbats within the still NATO-aligned Bundeswehr is firmly in the latter category. But I'll get there, either sooner or later, and if I really can't put it together, then I'll always have the opportunity to turn to you lot for some support. So - things could have been significantly worse, methinks.

We'll - come to think of it - as the Foxbat kit I have in the StashTM just happens to be the dreaded Zhengdefu one, I'll probably be worse off as soon as I try to build it..  :o

Speaking of worse off - I am abominably jealous of your model shows over on that weather wise cursed islet. At home, we have three that are something to write home about, and none of them are even remotely as good as what I get yours are, from the photos you show. I'll live, but my teeth gets further worn down for every show report I read..  ;)
Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition!