
Pellsons Perceivings

Started by Pellson, December 27, 2016, 04:09:12 AM

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Quote from: Pellson on October 19, 2022, 07:56:29 AMAt the A&E with the 15yo as she stumbled and possibly broke an ankle. There's at least an hour and a half until we'll even see the tail of a doctor. Dead annoying!

Well. At least it's only an ankle. She could have banged her head or anything.

Whatever injury  it turns out to be, please give Miss Pellson our best wishes for a swift recovery.  Sprained or broken, it's going to be uncomfortable.
"If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you....."
It  means that you read  the instruction sheet


Three hours later, she's on her way home with a sprained ankle. Good news, under the circumstances, and she'll be fine in a week or two. She's pretty annoyed though, as she's been fighting to score top levels in sports this term, and taking it out on me. I can live with that, though. And I think she will be able to sort her grade as well, as she might have inherited her stubbornness and grit from her mother. And that one will never give in as long as there could have been a chance in a previous life..  ;D

Looking to try to get some paint on something tomorrow. We'll see about that..
Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition!


As someone whose screwed up both ankles, I concur with both our disreputable Antipodeans, and hope that its just a sprain, and minor at that
The F-106- 26 December 1956 to 8 August 1988
Gone But Not Forgotten

QuoteOh are you from Wales ?? Do you know a fella named Jonah ?? He used to live in whales for a while.
— Groucho Marx

My dA page: Scooternjng


Glad it's "just" a sprain, although they can be more difficult to deal with for a youngster. It can feel ok when it fact it isn't fully healed and they can push it too hard and suffer a bit of a relapse. Sometimes breaks are easier to deal with as long as they are clean.

Please give her our regards and tell her not to push it to quickly. She'll take no notice, but that's what teenagers do  ;D
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


While I probably should have done something else, I just came to stay indoors this weekend, actually getting some painting done. Most of the paint ready Luftwaffe aircraft are now reasonably coloured up, only that sodding light blue grey on the wings of the Norm 81 fighters remaining to be solved. But to do that, I will need either to mix something up myself, or getting seriously lucky finding a colour that will work.
To that end, I managed to dig up someone selling off an old stash of unused Humbrols Enamels here in the Land of Hope and Bearded Brutes, and as I more or less cleared him out, with some luck, I'll actually have the fighters ready for varnish by next weekend. We'll see.

The mud movers, however, are already there, currently brightly shining in their glistening Klear coats. Norm 83 all over, and it's always fascinating to see how different aircraft look in similar schemes.
Next is decalling, and accordingly, I took a serious dig in my decals stashTM, trying to gather enough to sort it. Knowing that I already had prepared a sub-stash of concentrated German content, I naturally couldn't find that until an hour of serious profanity and lifting. It's a apparently a law of nature that things never are where I feel they should. Anyway - I got them now, didn't I?

Im not that sure I'll get anything more done today, but as it's been a good (but frightfully short) weekend, I'm not going to grump about that. On the contrary, I might indulge in writing up a backstory for the lovely green Super Sabre that's awaiting its iron crosses on my desk.

Mulling on this, it suddenly came to mind how much more joy I find in modelling since I went all in on whiffing. It's not that I not build RL subjects too, but leaving the boringly strict limitations of reality behind, even if just by an inch or two, just allows for so much more creativity and fun!
Hanging out on this forum quite enhances that, by the way. Shared lunacy brings more joy, it seems..  ;)

Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition!


Quote from: Pellson on October 23, 2022, 08:02:18 AMMulling on this, it suddenly came to mind how much more joy I find in modelling since I went all in on whiffing. It's not that I not build RL subjects too, but leaving the boringly strict limitations of reality behind, even if just by an inch or two, just allows for so much more creativity and fun!
Hanging out on this forum quite enhances that, by the way. Shared lunacy brings more joy, it seems..  ;)

EXACTLY!  :thumbsup:  :thumbsup:
Kit's Rule 1 ) Any aircraft can be improved by fitting longer wings, and/or a longer fuselage
Kit's Rule 2) The backstory can always be changed to suit the model

...and I'm not a closeted 'Take That' fan, I'm a REAL fan! :)


Rick Lowe

"Putting something carefully aside so it's right to hand when it's needed." - yeah, I could tell stories about that, too...  :banghead:

Shared Lunacy, indeed - it's being a little crazy that keeps me sane... or so I always claim!  ;D

Dr. Griffin

It's nice to be able to connect with others of similar ilk.  :blink:

The sane say that the insane don't know they are insane because they are insane. So, by claiming to be insane is not a reality but a whiffy.

Rick Lowe

Ever read the book "Catch-22"?b  ;D

Dr. Griffin

Yeah, I was told it was a requirement in high school back in the late 1960s.  ;D


Quote from: PR19_Kit on October 23, 2022, 10:07:26 AM
Quote from: Pellson on October 23, 2022, 08:02:18 AMMulling on this, it suddenly came to mind how much more joy I find in modelling since I went all in on whiffing. It's not that I not build RL subjects too, but leaving the boringly strict limitations of reality behind, even if just by an inch or two, just allows for so much more creativity and fun!
Hanging out on this forum quite enhances that, by the way. Shared lunacy brings more joy, it seems..  ;)

EXACTLY!  :thumbsup:  :thumbsup:

Couldn't of put it better  :thumbsup:
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.



Both the Thunderstreak and the Super Sabre got their decals today. Uncharacteristically quickly too, to come from me. After all - they were both entirely unpainted as recently as last week. And they turned out good! Better than I dared to hope, actually.
I still have some minor touch-ups, then matt varnish, and then some final detailing such as loadout, but all in all, things are on the move!

As some of you might remember, the F-84F got its backstory a good while ago, but I still have to write something up for the F-100D. Shouldn't be too complicated, to be honest. Germany not accepting the Super Sabre as a fighter bomber when the French took it on was almost an oversight anyway, so the trick will, almost as usual, be to convincingly describe how it could stay on long enough to get the Norm 83 camouflage. But it worked for the Thunderstreak, so it shouldn't be impossible.  ;)

Next in line are decalling of two refurbished builds from my youth. The part of said youth not misspent, obviously. It's the original Italeri strike Tornado and an even older Italeri RF-4E. In their day, they were rather nice kits and I still remember being happy about them when I got them and built them, so shaping them up a bit is, in a way, a little labour of love. Even if they aren't to my current standard, they'll fit in nicely in their new paint schemes.

Still waiting for my Humbrol enamels. Eagerly. Once I have them, I hope to be able to sort that last grey for the Norm 81, then varnish and decal those as well. Looking much forward to that, actually, as the paint scheme in my view turned out quite well.
Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition!


Quote from: Pellson on October 25, 2022, 02:56:29 PMProgress!!

Good to hear  :thumbsup:

Quote from: Pellson on October 25, 2022, 02:56:29 PMNext in line are decalling of two refurbished builds from my youth. The part of said youth not misspent, obviously. It's the original Italeri strike Tornado and an even older Italeri RF-4E. In their day, they were rather nice kits and I still remember being happy about them when I got them and built them, so shaping them up a bit is, in a way, a little labour of love. Even if they aren't to my current standard, they'll fit in nicely in their new paint schemes.

That's actually cheered me up a little  :thumbsup:
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


Quote from: Pellson on October 25, 2022, 02:56:29 PMNext in line are decalling of two refurbished builds from my youth. The part of said youth not misspent, obviously.

We do actually have a thread "Things we did in our mis-spent youth"    I you wish to add to it!

Incidentally, how is your young lady's ankle?
"If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you....."
It  means that you read  the instruction sheet


Quote from: Rheged on October 26, 2022, 07:50:49 AMIncidentally, how is your young lady's ankle?

Thank you, she's healing very well. But as we old gits know, sprained joints are to be treated with care, even if you're feeling ok after a few days. Accordingly, we're nagging the daughters head off, having her not running, not jumping etc etc. A harder task than expected, as you would think a 15 yo would have some inclination towards laziness. Not so much in this case, but next week she's off school (mid-term leave) so hopefully that'll be enough to give the ankle time to tighten up.

Unexpectedly, I managed to decal both the old Italeri models today. I hadn't counted on doing that as my day looked rather busy this morning, but due to some unexpected cancellations, I was left more to my own devices than planned. So out with the waterbowl, my special decalling brush and some scissors and tweezers, and hey presto!

I used leftover spare decals to both models. Somewhat modern Airfix Typhoon decals for the Phantom (lots of cut 'n paste there) but rather old original Italeri decals for the Tornado. And boy, were those Italeri decals brittle! Unfortunately I didn't notice that until the first one had split in four pieces, but I immediately reached for my Klear bottle, giving the rest, still dry, decals an extra reinforcement. That Klear also came in handy as the decals weren't really interested in staying on the model, but it is fascinating how easy they go down on the model with some careful application of quick drying varnish. And in the end, in particular the Tornado turned out really really nice, and I have to say it did make my day substantially more joyful.

In addition to this, I managed to paint some minor details on the Thunderstreak as well as getting closer to finish another German, a Heller T-33 that I put together this summer. Now, it too is dressed up in a lovely green scheme, and I've started to paint the dayglo tip tanks. Or at least the outer halves of them. Really gooey paint, though, the Revell dayglo, and it's not covering very well at all, so I expect to have to give it a number of layers before it's good enough.

But that's for another day. Now, tea and some telly before bedtime.
Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition!