
(DONE Pics pg2) NATO Reporting name "Farscape." Multirole Jet "Md-4"

Started by TheChronicOne, February 04, 2017, 04:09:39 PM

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^^^^^  Works for me!!

Ok, a quick sneak peak. I'm done. Took just 4 days this time.This thing was a breeze to build!

I STILL need to take my outside pictures of the helo so I'll take more of this one when I'm do that one.

-Sprues McDuck-


Hey Chronic, I'd do a light wash and a dullcote before calling it finished, less gloss and looks better, just my two bits.
"Mind that bus." "What bus?" *SPLAT!*


Thanks, bud! I would agree but I'm crap at things like that. I still need to "'learn" more and get proper supplies and stuff. That said, I can give the wash a try today and see what I can come up with! 

I have some satin varnish to tone down the gloss but I haven't tried them with each other yet. They are different brands and I'm not sure how they would react. That said, I have a test plane ready to roll and I figure now is a good a time as any to try it and see what happens.

Thanks for the tips!   
-Sprues McDuck-


"Sticks and stones may break some bones but a 3.57's gonna blow your damn head off!!"


Thanks, I hope it gets better!   I'm going to try to "step my game up" with a good wash then tone down the glossy-ness per suggestions that I happen to agree with. I don't see the harm in it. I got it "done" so fast that I can do this stuff while I get other projects started.  Right now I just sealed in the transfers with a second coat of gloss (don't want to mess them up when I start in on the was). I'll let it dry up a day or two then do the wash and finish her off with the satin. I need a couple days to see how it reacts with the gloss varnish which I'm testing right now. So far so good but I need to give it a number of hours to see whether or not a problem pops up.

Next project up for the GB is either a Tu-4 or a V-22 Osprey. 
-Sprues McDuck-



To create a cheap wash:

Cheap or near dead black brown or rust colored paint, add 1 part pain to 5-10 parts water test on crappy model, adjust as neccessary. :)
"Mind that bus." "What bus?" *SPLAT!*


Got the wash on doing its thing. Wait a day or two... pft.. this varnish dries up really fast. Take a few days to fully cure up but it dries up and can be touch and handled and even pressed on and no prints or anything shows so I decided to just go for it. I'll let the wash finish drying up a little then polish the bulk back off and give it a bit of randomness. I'll leave it a bit heavier in trafficked areas.

-Sprues McDuck-


WELL DAMNIT... AS ALWAYS... the moment I get to the critical part of whatever I'm working on the phone rings, aliens beam down, mother needs something (she 85 and lives with me and I help her out multiple times a day), the President calls, a tornado shows up on the lawn, and friggin everything else.  Of course, it CAN'T WAIT so I had to leave my wash only half polished. I was at the critical stage where I need to clean it back off before it dries too much and of course by time I got back from the oh so important stuff (that could have waited) the stuff done dried up to the point where I'll need a angle grinder to get it off.   :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:  EVERY TIME I SWEAR.

Oh well... I have a few tricks up my sleeve yet....    ;) 
-Sprues McDuck-


Problem solved! End result was less than what I was wanting but I cleaned up the disaster to the point that I can live with it and it certainly looks better than it was prior weathering!   ;D

Looked at my test plane and no adverse reactions from the two differing brands of varnish so I went ahead and coated this one with satin. 

It looks pretty neat!! I'll get pictures the next sunny day or whatever.
-Sprues McDuck-


Tired of fiddling with it all. I think I achieved a decent result and am definitely declaring this officially done with.

"1987 boxing of the Revell 1/72 scale F-4B Phantom done up as a Soviet Russian lend-lease plane. Nato reporting name "Farscape," it was re-christened 'Md-4' for the Soviets."

-Sprues McDuck-


I think that looks very good, it really has the look of a jet from an "Iron Eagle" type of movie. Nice work! :thumbsup:
"Sticks and stones may break some bones but a 3.57's gonna blow your damn head off!!"


Thanks!  It's a    "     MiG 29       "      .     (BIIIIIG quotes around that one )  lol
-Sprues McDuck-


Looks good enough to make me want to rewatch Iron Eagle II, and that's no small feat. ;D

On the other hand, maybe I'm just being too critical of the movie (ie. expecting IDF to lend F-15's to pose as MiG-29's or Su-27's which it they would at least resemble somewhat) - it does have a gratuitous Trench Run, and it's not nearly as goofy and low-budget as Iron Eagle III: Aces, and does not cause PTSD unlike the direct-to-video Iron Eagle IV: On the Attack.

Captain Canada

What a beauty. Amazing how much that cockpit colour changes the look of her. The camo is great especially on the drop tanks.

CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?


Quote from: Snowtrooper on February 16, 2017, 02:35:48 PM
Looks good enough to make me want to rewatch Iron Eagle II, and that's no small feat. ;D

On the other hand, maybe I'm just being too critical of the movie (ie. expecting IDF to lend F-15's to pose as MiG-29's or Su-27's which it they would at least resemble somewhat) - it does have a gratuitous Trench Run, and it's not nearly as goofy and low-budget as Iron Eagle III: Aces, and does not cause PTSD unlike the direct-to-video Iron Eagle IV: On the Attack.
Agreed on all counts...   Those movies definitely line up perfectly with a .. uhh...  curve graph thing whatever that shows decreasing quality as consecutive movies were released.  ;D    I mean, if they kept releasing more I was going to expect checks to show up in the mail giving me money for the trauma of being subjected to that milarkey.

But yeah IE1 was a very GOOD movie and two was damn decent, as well, aside from the shithouse graphics attempt, etc, but this was in an age where that stuff wasn't so obvious. Now, we have HD. The ones after were fun to watch to see planes flying but the stories were all garbage.

Thank you for the support and sorry for so long to reply back.  <_<
-Sprues McDuck-