
(DONE, pics pg 16/17) NATO Reporting name "Bull." Cuban Tu-4 Heavy Bomber

Started by TheChronicOne, February 16, 2017, 03:05:20 PM

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Right, and we'll be installing the reverse gears next so we can fly backward, too!   ;D

Honestly, beyond the initial drop, I imagine even backwards bombs would right themselves and fall as normal.... but.... that initial few feet or so.... wind might catch the backwards bombs and have them piling up into the bay or banging off the edges of the fuselage.  :o :o   ;D

Castro would NOT be pleased if his prized possession BOMBED ITSELF.  :-X :rolleyes: ;D
-Sprues McDuck-


New bombing technique.  Climb bombing?
As you approach the target pull back on the stick and climb.  Release the bombs just before you stall.
It's a technique invented by the Loony Tunes Air Force...

- Can't be bothered to do the proper research and get it right.

Another ill conceived, lazily thought out, crudely executed and badly painted piece of half arsed what-if modelling muppetry from zenrat industries.

zenrat industries:  We're everywhere...for your convenience..


Dude I can TOTALLY see Wile E doing that trying to bomb the road runner!!  ;D ;D ;D

-Sprues McDuck-


And then of course he'd stall, the plane would fall back to ground, overtaking the bombs on the way which would then drop on top of Coyote.

I hadn't seen a Roadrunner cartoon for ever but caught one by accident the other day while channel hopping.
I'd forgotten how much I love them.
Beep beep!

- Can't be bothered to do the proper research and get it right.

Another ill conceived, lazily thought out, crudely executed and badly painted piece of half arsed what-if modelling muppetry from zenrat industries.

zenrat industries:  We're everywhere...for your convenience..


Dude, they're the best aren't they?!  I was always rootin' for Wile E. and for some reason I wanted to eat the bird see he would always put down.  ;D

Not Looney Toons but another ol' classic I love is Tom 'n Jerry. 
-Sprues McDuck-


OK, here's the plan for today. I want to, by the end,  have both wings glued to the fuselage halves.  I already have a nice flat space up against a wall for all the bracing and support. I'll need to gather up more "stuff" to help,  but shouldn't be a prob.  I may even experiment with LEGO forms.

Two days from now I'll be gluing the rest of the innards in and joining everything together then on to fixing miles of seams.
-Sprues McDuck-


Quote from: TheChronicOne on April 06, 2017, 04:56:29 AM

Not Looney Toons but another ol' classic I love is Tom 'n Jerry.

Tom and Jerry are the greatest  :bow: and there are at least two cartoons where Tom wins  :thumbsup:

Back in the 70's a British MP tried to get them kicked off t.v. as they were "too violent". The then P.M. Ted Heath suggested they were his favourite programme and the matter was quietly dropped  ;)
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


Quote from: NARSES2 on April 06, 2017, 06:34:54 AM
Quote from: TheChronicOne on April 06, 2017, 04:56:29 AM

Not Looney Toons but another ol' classic I love is Tom 'n Jerry.

Tom and Jerry are the greatest  :bow: and there are at least two cartoons where Tom wins  :thumbsup:

Back in the 70's a British MP tried to get them kicked off t.v. as they were "too violent". The then P.M. Ted Heath suggested they were his favourite programme and the matter was quietly dropped  ;)

Dude, I'd have to say that Tom and Jerry are my faves!  Never, ever gets old.... ALWAYS good for a laugh if not an outright riot. 

Violent, oh heck yes..... but...that's, what is it... "slapstick"?  The Three Stooges pioneered that stuff and it's been hilarious ever since.

I wonder what Mr. Heath thought of the Looney Tunes and such?  They'd regularly blow each others' heads off with guns and such...... Daffy Duck getting blasted in the face by Yosemite Sam or Elmer Fudd and his bill does a few orbits around his head. . .   ;D ;D ;D
-Sprues McDuck-

Old Wombat

Quote from: TheChronicOne on April 06, 2017, 03:08:56 PM
I wonder what Mr. Heath thought of the Looney Tunes and such?  They'd regularly blow each others' heads off with guns and such...... Daffy Duck getting blasted in the face by Yosemite Sam or Elmer Fudd and his bill does a few orbits around his head. . .   ;D ;D ;D

And, yet, as a child, I never thought of doing that to anyone. nor when I was a teenager.

Now, as a responsible adult, I think about doing it every day to the idiots who disrupt my drive to work.

Actually, just yesterday, my younger daughter (18) had some cartoons on the TV as background noise while she was doing something else on her computer. So, I watched them for a bit then asked "Why?" She looked up & answered "I don't know, the old cartoons were much better. These are sh__. They're supposed to be educational but I don't think they are. I learned more from Bugs Bunny."
Has a life outside of What-If & wishes it would stop interfering!

"The purpose of all War is Peace" - St. Augustine

veritas ad mortus veritas est


Brilliant!!  She's going places. I'd have to agree....  Back when I was a kid in the 80's and 90s even (when there still were quite a lot of in production and "newer" cartoons that WERE good) a lot of the contemporary stuff of that age didn't appeal to me and I would much prefer the stuff from back in the day. I never could figure out why some of my friends liked to watch some of that janky stuff.

I know EXAAAACTLY what you mean about that commute! ;D ;D ;D 
-Sprues McDuck-


Must admit I can't "get into" modern cartoons, just put it down to age.

Even the Tom and Jerry ones had a cut off point. Sometime in the early/mid 60's the drawing style changed - seemed to become a little lazy and simpler to me - and they lost their class. All down to economics I suppose. The early ones, especially when Spike gets involved are the best  :thumbsup:
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


Yeah it was always good fun when Jerry called in Spike to beat the crap out of Tom.   ;D

Anyway... bomber stuff.....   I wanted to work on this thing two days ago but "work" wouldn't die and 5-6 hours beyond when I wanted to start working on it I was finally able to and all I managed to do was glue in four bombs then put the thing back down. So... again today, my goal is exactly the same as the time I spoke about it... getting the wings fixed up and glued on.

-Sprues McDuck-


Yeeesh!! Ok, when I glued all the wings together I noticed there was an "over bite" all along the leading edge of the wings. Not due to misalignment but due to bad casting...  I didn't do the math but had I were, I imagine translated into full scale this "over hang" would wind up being about 2 feet. Un acceptable!!   So I ground all that down with a file and sanding block and sanding paper and got to where I had to stop and run another bead of glue down the seam as filler.  I think once it dries and I go back in for more sanding they'll be just fine! 

That said, I thought the same thing was going on with the tail planes as well when I noticed the "over bite" on one of them, too.  But, alas, they were actually propery casted and I merely got the alignment wrong. There're a couple guiding pins for each assembly and the ones closest to the fuselage I had to snap off leaving them things in a "scissor" type set up and I guess I just wasn't paying attention. Anyway, one turned out great, and the other was all caddy-wompas. I figured... you know... being so old maybe the stuff didn't weld too good and I can run my hobby knife through the seams and separate the halves and go back in again.  I left some parts un glueed where the elevators sit so I started there and it worked well until I got to the areas with more glue coverage then the stuff started chipping off... anyway.. long story short I was left with this atrocity:

This is after I rounded up all the shards and glued it all together and clamped it awhile. I *THINK* these are univerals and it doesn't matter which side you glue the on, if so, this area will definitely be on the bottom facing the ground. All this raised detail and rivets and stuff..... I ain't no good at rescribing and I ain't got not rivet thingy. I suppose I could make it happen but I'd rather just section off the end, sand it smooth, then make the other side look the same. Like a Cuban mod or something.. maybe they had to repair it or something and used a different method. So no biggy!!  Still... I wish I hadn't made these series of mistakes. And still, in the end, I'm going to have to file the hell out of it and I run the risk of going through all of the styrene on the inside part where the elevators go.  I''d have to come back in with putty in that case, for sure.  Yeesh.  I'll have to pay more attention next time and not just assume. 

Good stuff though, at least I'm making progress and still having fun!  I do believe I'm past the half way point on this one. Certainly past half way on construction, at least.

Can't do too much else right now as far as said construction, however, so my thoughts now turn to the nose glass and glazing. I suppose I could go ahead and paint that at any ol' time I wish so I think I'll try that next.
-Sprues McDuck-


Since the fuselage is round and can be stretched by using plastic pipe that has the same diameter there's nothing to stop you from swapping the front and rear parts around or moving the wings to the rear and have the tail at the front if you prefer.


That sounds damn cool and I do believe I've seen some sort of Lancaster type looking thing with just that set up. This one will be "normal" however but I'm already wanting to see what it would look like... I have three more of these. . . . .       ;) ;)
-Sprues McDuck-