
Honduras army's new replacement for the Alvis Saladin

Started by chrisonord, March 13, 2017, 08:05:53 AM

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The Alvis Saladins have had a long and reliable service within the ranks of the Honduras army and border guards, but a replacement has been on the cards for some time. So a completely new vehicle has been sourced, and purchased from a Brazilian company reknown for its armoured fighting vehicles. Said vehicle was built to specifications given to them by the Honduras army. The vehicle known as the bull, by its operators, is a 2/3 man vehicle, designed as an armoured car, accommodation is comfortable for the 2/3 man crew and and the vehicle is made from modern materials and a modern diesel powerplant. The vehicle in the picture has been on long term testing and has been used and abused, and had bits knocked off whilst driving through the jungle, but the Bull kept on going and wanted more. The asymmetrical build of the Bull is for a reason, the gun turret is un manned and the ammunition for the .50 and the 40 mm grenade launcher are in a sealed armoured drum to protect the crew from detonation, and can only be accessed from outside. The driver sits in his own "cockpit" and has access to all systems if need be, and has rear view front view and gun cameras. The driver is also protected by a very thick chobham type armour. The co driver operates the turret from inside is a camera system and targeting system. The third crew member if carried can operate a pintle mounted GPMG, if fitted with is mounted and used from the rear hatch. So far the vehicle which is, a luxury compared to the Saladin, has won favour by all that have operated it, and thus given a go ahead for several more vehicles of different versions to be ordered.

Cheers, Chris.
The dogs philosophy on life.
If you cant eat it hump it or fight it,
Pee on it and walk away!!


Forgot to mention this build is in 1/72nd scale and mostly scratch built and designed in the cold dark and damp place called my head. :wacko:
The dogs philosophy on life.
If you cant eat it hump it or fight it,
Pee on it and walk away!!


looks cool and interesting - the front reminds me of WWII Finnland concrete armour upgrades on their StuG III's. Also I love that it is scratchbuilt  <_<
paper boy


Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


Cheers for the replies folks, this one kind of was a design as I built it sort of thing, as I rooted through the spares box and the box with the off cuts of plastic tube and sheet in. Although a VAB 4x4 did get sacrificed for the running and swimming gear.
The dogs philosophy on life.
If you cant eat it hump it or fight it,
Pee on it and walk away!!

Captain Canada

Wow that one is pretty wild ! Love the shape and all of the details on such a wee vehicle. The camo looks awesome as well ! Great stuff

CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

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