
Chinese J-35 FSW prototype fighter (Ex-Soviet S-37)

Started by seadude, September 03, 2017, 11:50:06 AM

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What color scheme should I use?

Option A
2 (15.4%)
Option B
0 (0%)
Option C
0 (0%)
Option D
7 (53.8%)
None of the mentioned options.
0 (0%)
Other color option. Please describe.
4 (30.8%)

Total Members Voted: 13


And now for my next trick.......er, I mean, aircraft, I'll be building the Italeri 1/72 scale S-37 Berkut Soviet prototype fighter into a what if Ace Combat game scheme. But..........I need help/advice on the color paint scheme which is where this poll comes in. ;) Look at the options in the pics below, then vote on which one you like best.
Majority of the aircraft will be black.
Nose, outside of intakes, and the tail radar warning cones will be dark grey.
Insides of intakes will be light grey.
The hard part is figuring out the leading edges of the wings, vertical stabilizers, and canards. Either dark grey or red for those areas. I would prefer to go with red, but not too much, as that color is synonymous with old Soviet doctrine, military, etc.





Modeling isn't just about how good the gluing or painting, etc. looks. It's also about how creative and imaginative you can be with a subject.
My modeling philosophy is: Don't build what everyone else has done. Build instead what nobody has seen or done before.

Steel Penguin

pale grey, with a background of red square/ St Basils/ the kremlin and the  tsarina  in the foreground.   
:o   no , just me then.... walking aaway whistling
the things you learn, give your mind the wings to fly, and the chains to hold yourself steady
take off and nuke the site form orbit, nope, time for the real thing, CAM and gridfire, call special circumstances. 
wow, its like freefalling into the Geofront
Not a member of the Hufflepuff conspiracy!


i like Option D  :mellow:

i got a few Su-47s in the stash aswell (4x 1/144 and 1x 1/72), and i was thinking of painting one in the Ace Combat 3 UPEO scheme  :mellow:

on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


For some reason (i may have gone off my meds again) it reminds me of Daffy Duck.
So I say black with a white ring around its neck.

- Can't be bothered to do the proper research and get it right.

Another ill conceived, lazily thought out, crudely executed and badly painted piece of half arsed what-if modelling muppetry from zenrat industries.

zenrat industries:  We're everywhere...for your convenience..


Other "please describe" says the poll...
I would prefer an overall pink colour, very special, like the red fighter of the Red Baron but less aggressive...
(This is just my opinion, probably no other one has the same)
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


Quote from: Tophe on September 03, 2017, 08:48:17 PM
Other "please describe" says the poll...
I would prefer an overall pink colour, very special, like the red fighter of the Red Baron but less aggressive...
(This is just my opinion, probably no other one has the same)

I was going to suggest pink and white (possibly with Hello Kitty markings) but the Daffy scheme over-rode that idea in my fevered imagination.

- Can't be bothered to do the proper research and get it right.

Another ill conceived, lazily thought out, crudely executed and badly painted piece of half arsed what-if modelling muppetry from zenrat industries.

zenrat industries:  We're everywhere...for your convenience..

Old Wombat

This scheme;

in red & gold, green & gold, blue & gold or blue & silver.
Has a life outside of What-If & wishes it would stop interfering!

"The purpose of all War is Peace" - St. Augustine

veritas ad mortus veritas est


Small update.

This is a relatively simple kit to put together. I hope to have it fully done by this coming Saturday. So far........
a) Cockpit is fully done.
b) Insides of intakes are painted Testor Acryl Light Grey.
c) Aircraft nose and tail radar warning cones painted Testor Acryl Neutral Grey.
d) Canard and main wing leading edges painted Testor Insignia Red. Tips of vertical stabilisers painted Insignia Red also. Leading edges of vertical stabilisers were painted Neutral Grey.
e) Inside of wheel wells and gear doors are painted same greenish yellow color that I used on my ASF-X Shinden II's gear bays. If you don't like it, then sue me. But I'm trying out different colors and methods for landing gear bays instead of always having the traditional white all the time.
f) Engine tailpipes are put together but not fully painted or glued to main fuselage yet. Hope to finish that tonight.
g) Plan to start painting landing gear tomorrow.
h) Hope to start painting the main fuselage, wings, and other parts black later this week.

Modeling isn't just about how good the gluing or painting, etc. looks. It's also about how creative and imaginative you can be with a subject.
My modeling philosophy is: Don't build what everyone else has done. Build instead what nobody has seen or done before.


The yellow (looks that way to me but I have always had difficulties with shades on the cusp of yellow/green) bays look pretty good.

- Can't be bothered to do the proper research and get it right.

Another ill conceived, lazily thought out, crudely executed and badly painted piece of half arsed what-if modelling muppetry from zenrat industries.

zenrat industries:  We're everywhere...for your convenience..


Quote from: zenrat on September 05, 2017, 04:51:41 AM
The yellow (looks that way to me but I have always had difficulties with shades on the cusp of yellow/green) bays look pretty good.

Yup. Looks like a slightly paler version of Zinc Chromate primer as used by USN/USMC/USAAF  :thumbsup:
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


Quote from: NARSES2 on September 05, 2017, 06:34:38 AM
Quote from: zenrat on September 05, 2017, 04:51:41 AM
The yellow (looks that way to me but I have always had difficulties with shades on the cusp of yellow/green) bays look pretty good.

Yup. Looks like a slightly paler version of Zinc Chromate primer as used by USN/USMC/USAAF  :thumbsup:

The color I used for the landing gear bays is Tamiya XF-4 Yellow Green. For as long as I can remember, I've always hated how most Testor/Italeri kits always said to paint the landing gear bays and interior of the landing gear doors white even though on real military aircraft, the colors may be different from one aircraft to the next. Maybe white is the "standard" among most militaries for landing gear color and maybe it's not. But for me, I wanted to go a different route and try something new.  :thumbsup:
Modeling isn't just about how good the gluing or painting, etc. looks. It's also about how creative and imaginative you can be with a subject.
My modeling philosophy is: Don't build what everyone else has done. Build instead what nobody has seen or done before.


IIRC the USN have white as their standard landing gear door interior colour, but I don't think many other forces do.
Kit's Rule 1 ) Any aircraft can be improved by fitting longer wings, and/or a longer fuselage
Kit's Rule 2) The backstory can always be changed to suit the model

...and I'm not a closeted 'Take That' fan, I'm a REAL fan! :)



Small update.  :thumbsup:
Main fuselage and wings are completely painted.
Started working on painting and assembling landing gear last night as well as this morning. I hope to have it installed in the landing gear bays tonight.
Sad thing about the IRST in front of the cockpit is that the part wasn't molded clear. :( So I had to paint the front round end silver.
Decaling to probably take place on Friday. Final pictures to be posted probably on Saturday.

Modeling isn't just about how good the gluing or painting, etc. looks. It's also about how creative and imaginative you can be with a subject.
My modeling philosophy is: Don't build what everyone else has done. Build instead what nobody has seen or done before.


Finished.  :thumbsup:

This model didn't end up the way I had intended. I was originally hoping to build some sort of production fighter version of the S-37 and put armament on it and whiff it with a cool looking Ace Combat video game color scheme. But my plans didn't go according to plan for various reasons.
So instead, here is my 1/72 scale Italeri Soviet S-37 Berkut model that was built and painted into a fictional what if Chinese J-35 FSW prototype fighter aircraft. I based the color scheme partially on some artwork I saw on an art website which is shown here.
Main fuselage color is Testor Acryl Black. Wing leading edges and other parts are Testor Insignia Red. Aircraft nose and vertical stabiliator edges are Testor Neutral Grey. I got sick and tired of always painting landing gear bays white, so I used Tamiya XF-4 Yellow Green in the bays for a "change of pace". Biggest complaints about this kit are the lack of any detail in the landing gear bays, and the IRST in front of the cockpit canopy should have been molded as a clear part instead.

Modeling isn't just about how good the gluing or painting, etc. looks. It's also about how creative and imaginative you can be with a subject.
My modeling philosophy is: Don't build what everyone else has done. Build instead what nobody has seen or done before.



Modeling isn't just about how good the gluing or painting, etc. looks. It's also about how creative and imaginative you can be with a subject.
My modeling philosophy is: Don't build what everyone else has done. Build instead what nobody has seen or done before.