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Howdy, Comrades!

Started by Joe C-P, December 02, 2004, 09:20:09 AM

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Joe C-P

This here is J. Arthur, thankin' those nice fellows Vesperanovich and Iosef R the Commissar (Hey, that rhymes! I'm a poet and you all know it!) for supplying us with a brand new Zoober to play with here in the good ol' USofA.

'Course, they didn't know they was givin' it us all :ph34r: , but don't worry, they got some nice capitalist dollars for their troubles.  :ar:

We've given it over to Uncle Sam's Misguided Children, and they're having a ball driving it around. We had to fix up those engines a bit, since you Reds seem to like startin' fires in yours, but our engineers did a real swell job.  :dum:

We dumped the Commie guns and replaced 'em with some proper 30mm mounts and a new NTACMS missile launcher.

So, here's to yer Revolution!  :cheers: Up it all the way to the bank! YEE-HAAA!!  
In want of hobby space!  The kitchen table is never stable.  Still managing to get some building done.

Big Tex Red

She's a big ol bison, but wont be much use to you unless you plan to push Castro into the sea, intervine in Haiti or perhaps even sa far away as Panama.  She is alot bigger than the LCAC, has armor and armament which is a plus.  Perhaps if the new Japanese carrier/landing ship was used soley as an amphibious carrier could accomidate a couple of these babies if her welldeck has the clearence.  Would admit if we ever have to invade panama again this could bring troops in from the states quickly and with the firepower to back them up with the TACAMS and guns

Captain Canada

Sweet !

But.....what is it ? What scale ? And where can I get one !

And have you been drinking my beer again, Joe ?

CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?

Joe C-P

Well, ol' Big Tex Red (heeeyyyy, what are y'all, Red, or Red, White and Blue?  ;) ) has hisself a good idea of where this here flying/swimming whats-it is goin'. She's docked, or landed, next to the Japanese carrier-landing ship (, part of a joint exercise. And our hardware fellas (and gals; got some fine, smart ladies what can strip and rebuild an engin' better'n most my guys, bless their hearts :wub: ) done replaced the Russkie motors so it'll go longer and move faster then the Socials clunkers. Now it's too big to fit up the back of any of our Gator boats, but those same engineers are working up a refueling rig to extend its range, and maybe even dock with the Gators.

Cap'n, if y'all want one for yer little ol' Navy (great folks, love the beer! :cheers: ) up there in the Great White North, you should go looking for a Dragon 1/700 Air Cushion Russian Landing Craft. It's got a Zubr, an Aist, and a Gus, plus a few armored vehicles. Our spooky types  :ph34r: "redirected" the Zubr from my commie relative Iosef R's shipyard to my own. (Those Reds sure like greenbacks, though I think it was the case of girly mags that sealed the deal.  :ar:  :lol: )
In want of hobby space!  The kitchen table is never stable.  Still managing to get some building done.

Big Tex Red

Back in '94, when we re-installed Aristed in Haiti, we essentially converted one of our supercarriers into a helicopter carrier by disembarking the fixed wing airgroup and having nothing but troops suplies and helicopters.  Not just Marines but an army light division.


Can a carrier be taken to drydock, gutted and be fitted with a similar welldeck or does one have to start form scratch?  She's docked next to the Japanese carrier, but can she fit inside? if so how many?


Building more Nimitzes retrofitted with welldecks (while expensive, and cant line them up end to end for C-17's B-52's) could be a step in that direction.