
(Fang of the Sun) Dougram 1:72 Soltic H8 Roundfacer (revamped Takara kit) + base

Started by Dizzyfugu, January 13, 2018, 06:16:16 AM

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The kit (and its revival):
This is another model of an 1:72 Soltic H8 "Roundfacer" (there's already one in my mecha collection), but it's not an original Takara kit, but rather comes from the Revell re-boxing in the mid Eighties among their Robotech line. It was there part of a kit set, called "Armored Combat Team", and came together with a wheeled vehicle set.

However, this model was originally not built and painted by me. It's rather a generous donation from a good friend who made an attempt into mecha when these kits were distributed. It was built roundabout 30 years(!!!) ago and, AFAIK, never 100% finished; for instance, the hoses around the neck were never mounted, and the handgun had never been never painted.
As the only one of its kind it never found a true place in my friend's model kit collection, and after some years of disregard it even got damaged: the delicate hip joint got broken, the Roundfacer lost one of its legs. In this sorry status the model rested in a dark corner, collected dust...

...until it was given to me many years ago, unfortunately after I had already gone through my hot mecha phase in the Nineties, in which I resurrected many of my own builds for a second life. So the Roundfacer lay (again) around in my spare parts deposit for some more years, until I finally decided to tackle and revamp it in early 2018. Inspiration strikes in unexpected occasions. Here's the sorry state in which I dug it out of the pile:

(Fang of the Sun) Dougram +++ 1:72 Soltic H8 "Roundfacer" (revamped Takara kit/Revell re-boxing)
by dizzyfugu, on Flickr

At first I thought that I could just repair the leg and add some parts in order to finish the model, but this plan was soon foiled. However, the biggest issue remained the broken attachment point for the left leg - and it turned out to be more severe than first expected. Initially I tried to mend the problem with a metal pin reinforcement, so that the original pintle could be re-attached again. But then the right leg came off, too, and the whole joint turned out to have become so brittle (it literally fell apart) that it had to be replaced completely!
So I scratched a completely new hip joint and a sturdy attachment construction from styrene profiles and plastic-coated steel wire, which would allow a similar range of movement as the original construction, even though not as flexible - but the Roundfacer would be displayed anyway.

(Fang of the Sun) Dougram +++ 1:72 Soltic H8 "Roundfacer" (revamped Takara kit/Revell re-boxing)
by dizzyfugu, on Flickr

The rest of the kit was otherwise in good shape, and the joints free from paint for high movability. I made some changes and improvements, though. This included the cleaning of the seams on both legs (PSR) and the addition of some surface details with IP profile material. This meant that the original paintwork would have at least party to be renewed, but fortunalety I knew the paints and respective tones my friend had used when he had built the kit.

(Fang of the Sun) Dougram +++ 1:72 Soltic H8 "Roundfacer" (revamped Takara kit/Revell re-boxing)
by dizzyfugu, on Flickr

(Fang of the Sun) Dougram +++ 1:72 Soltic H8 "Roundfacer" (revamped Takara kit/Revell re-boxing)
by dizzyfugu, on Flickr

(Fang of the Sun) Dougram +++ 1:72 Soltic H8 "Roundfacer" (revamped Takara kit/Revell re-boxing)
by dizzyfugu, on Flickr

Another challenge were the characteristic hoses that lay around the Roundfacer's neck like a scarf. They had to be scratched, and this was done with short pieces cut off of a 3mm styrene tube which were threaded onto a wobbly mech hose - which is actually Xmas decoration material. But thanks to the material's rather fluid consistency the hoses remain very flexible and can sit tightly along the head.

The original missile launcher was refitted, even though it had to be fixed since the original attachment construction had also fallen victim to the styrene's brittleness over the ages. The handgun - while complete and available - was replaced by the weapon from a H-102 Bushman, which looks a bit more beefy.

(Fang of the Sun) Dougram +++ 1:72 Soltic H8 "Roundfacer" (revamped Takara kit/Revell re-boxing)
by dizzyfugu, on Flickr

(Fang of the Sun) Dougram +++ 1:72 Soltic H8 "Roundfacer" (revamped Takara kit/Revell re-boxing)
by dizzyfugu, on Flickr

I was not certain whether I would re-paint the Roundfacer, which would have meant stripping it off of of its original enamels - but I eventually rejected this for two reasons: First of all I thought and still think that the brittle material of the finished kit made any surgery or chemical intervention hazardous. Esp. the joints were delicate, the loss of the hip joint was already trouble enough. And then I liked the fictional scheme the Roundfacer had been given, a kind of winter camouflage in black and light grey, separated by thin white lines. I simply wanted to keep the original concept, since it looks pretty unusual - and also in order to honor my friend's original approach.

So, instead of a new or additional layer of paint I limited my work to the areas with PSR and added details, and the original (and highly translucent!) decals had to go, too.

The original colors are Humbrol 64 (Light Sea Grey), 33 (Flatblack) and 34 (Flat White). For the repairs the same tones were used, just the pure black (which had suffered in the meantime) was replaced by Revell 6 (Tar Black). The result is pretty good, you hardly recognize the touch-ups.

(Fang of the Sun) Dougram +++ 1:72 Soltic H8 "Roundfacer" (revamped Takara kit/Revell re-boxing)
by dizzyfugu, on Flickr

(Fang of the Sun) Dougram +++ 1:72 Soltic H8 "Roundfacer" (revamped Takara kit/Revell re-boxing)
by dizzyfugu, on Flickr

(Fang of the Sun) Dougram +++ 1:72 Soltic H8 "Roundfacer" (revamped Takara kit/Revell re-boxing)
by dizzyfugu, on Flickr

In order to take the model a step further I also did some thorough weathering, at first with a dark grey acrylic wash, which was also texturized with vertical brush streaks along the flanks, and some later dry-brushing on the edges, emphasizing the robot's shape and details.
The new markings were puzzled together from various sheets, including some Dougram models.

(Fang of the Sun) Dougram +++ 1:72 Soltic H8 "Roundfacer" (revamped Takara kit/Revell re-boxing)
by dizzyfugu, on Flickr

(Fang of the Sun) Dougram +++ 1:72 Soltic H8 "Roundfacer" (revamped Takara kit/Revell re-boxing)
by dizzyfugu, on Flickr

(Fang of the Sun) Dougram +++ 1:72 Soltic H8 "Roundfacer" (revamped Takara kit/Revell re-boxing)
by dizzyfugu, on Flickr

For an even more unique look, and in order to hide some flaws, I will finally also add a thin coat of snow (to come soon, together with a base, see below) – also in line with the small base I created for display (an somewhat in order to justify/explain the paint scheme).

More about the base to follow soon...  :rolleyes:

(Fang of the Sun) Dougram +++ 1:72 Soltic H8 "Roundfacer" (revamped Takara kit/Revell re-boxing)
by dizzyfugu, on Flickr


Nice work! I like the base idea too. What will you use for snow, baking soda?
Its good to see an old model reborn.
" Somewhere, between half true, and completely crazy, is a rainbow of nice colours "
Tophe the Wise


I feel sorry for it thought as 30 is a bit young for a double hip replacement.  :o

- Can't be bothered to do the proper research and get it right.

Another ill conceived, lazily thought out, crudely executed and badly painted piece of half arsed what-if modelling muppetry from zenrat industries.

zenrat industries:  We're everywhere...for your convenience..


Well, with serious bone atrophy...  :rolleyes:

The base makes good progress, though, and I am curious how my idea of an "alien environment" eventually turns out.


Well, the base certainly does not qualify as a diorama, but I wanted a small, scenic setting that would show surroundings in order to justify the Roundfacer's strange black/grey scheme.

The foundation is a small MDF wood board, 8" x 6" in size, leftover from a street base gone bad many moons ago. On top of the wooden base, the landscape was sculpted with Styrofoam, using the Roundfacer as benchmark for the overall layout. The idea was to show an unpaved path or street, flanked by rock formations. Due to the base's small size the rocks had to be limited in size. Since the robot would dominate the scene, anyway, I placed it further in the background.

In the foreground, some space was saved for a small vehicle, which would add some variety and create some kind of scene. Since I did not want to invest too much effort into building or even converting or scratching a scout car or something similar, I fell back on a die-cast model.
In this case it's a 1:76 scale Daimler Dingo scout car from Oxford Diecast, only modified through paint and some weathering. It blends well into the scene – and such "normal" vehicles are not uncommon in the Dougram universe. For instance, there are cars that look almost 100% like the classic Willy's Jeep!

(Fang of the Sun) Dougram +++ 1:72 Soltic H8 "Roundfacer" (revamped Takara kit/Revell re-boxing) - Display base WiP by dizzyfugu, on Flickr

With the positions of the vehicles determined it was time to add details to the landscape. Most inspiration came from Antarctica and Iceland – you have volcanic rock formations, namely black basalt, with hexagonal structures, and ice and snow on top. Anything that the Roundfacer's livery reflects.

The hexagonal rocks would be the most prominent structure on the base, and these were created with bits from ...pencils. They were tailored to size with the help of a paper cutting machine, then glued into bundles and finally stuck into the Styrofoam ground and arranged into bigger structures.

(Fang of the Sun) Dougram +++ 1:72 Soltic H8 "Roundfacer" (revamped Takara kit/Revell re-boxing) - Display base WiP by dizzyfugu, on Flickr

Once dry the rest of the surface was covered and sculpted with plaster. A coat of thinned plaster was also spread over the pencils, blurring their shapes. On the street, track marks were created with a truck model kit wheel and the Roundfacer.

(Fang of the Sun) Dougram +++ 1:72 Soltic H8 "Roundfacer" (revamped Takara kit/Revell re-boxing) - Display base WiP by dizzyfugu, on Flickr

Once the plaster had dried, the diorama received a coat of thinned white glue, mixed with black paint, into which different grains of sand were strewn. Around the rock formations, broken shell gravel was used to mimic bigger chunks of rock. Again, things had to dry thoroughly.

(Fang of the Sun) Dougram +++ 1:72 Soltic H8 "Roundfacer" (revamped Takara kit/Revell re-boxing) - Display base WiP by dizzyfugu, on Flickr

Next came an overall basic coat of black – applied with a rattle can, so that the paint would evenly reach all recesses. After more drying time the landscape received washes with dark grey and dull olive green. Into the wet paint some grass fiber and wood pieces were glued, in areas behind the rock formations which would offer some protection against the weather.

(Fang of the Sun) Dougram +++ 1:72 Soltic H8 "Roundfacer" (revamped Takara kit/Revell re-boxing) - Display base WiP by dizzyfugu, on Flickr

(Fang of the Sun) Dougram +++ 1:72 Soltic H8 "Roundfacer" (revamped Takara kit/Revell re-boxing) - Display base WiP by dizzyfugu, on Flickr

(Fang of the Sun) Dougram +++ 1:72 Soltic H8 "Roundfacer" (revamped Takara kit/Revell re-boxing) - Display base WiP by dizzyfugu, on Flickr

Another drying period followed, for the second-to-last treatment: a thin coat of snow (which was also added to the Roundfacer and the car). I prefer white tile grout for this task, because it is easy to handle, sticks well to wet surfaces and remains white and stable in the course of time. For application, I put some of the dry material in a glass and cover it with a nylon stocking, and shake it over the wetted (water with drop of detergent) surface. This makeshift device is easy to handle and has the charm that you can gradually adjust the grit and amount of tile grout that rains down.
The street area received some additional treatment with thinned black and grey paint, simulating a mix of snow and dirt.

(Fang of the Sun) Dougram +++ 1:72 Soltic H8 "Roundfacer" (revamped Takara kit/Revell re-boxing) - WiP by dizzyfugu, on Flickr

(Fang of the Sun) Dougram +++ 1:72 Soltic H8 "Roundfacer" (revamped Takara kit/Revell re-boxing) - WiP by dizzyfugu, on Flickr

In a final step, the base and the vehicles received a coat of acrylic matt varnish from the rattle can for protection.

(Fang of the Sun) Dougram +++ 1:72 Soltic H8 "Roundfacer" (revamped Takara kit/Revell re-boxing) - Display base WiP by dizzyfugu, on Flickr

(Fang of the Sun) Dougram +++ 1:72 Soltic H8 "Roundfacer" (revamped Takara kit/Revell re-boxing) - Display base WiP by dizzyfugu, on Flickr


Base is excellent Dizz.  But it doesn't look like somewhere I would want to live...

- Can't be bothered to do the proper research and get it right.

Another ill conceived, lazily thought out, crudely executed and badly painted piece of half arsed what-if modelling muppetry from zenrat industries.

zenrat industries:  We're everywhere...for your convenience..


Well, it's the world of Deloyer, and with constant public unrest and mecha wars here and there it is certainly not the first choice for summer holidays...

Funny side note: I have a Dougram source book (artwork, episode guide), and it also features a Deloyer world map: and it is Earth slightly re-arranged and literally turned upside down!  :o


Ooh that's good.  I love maps.

The odd thing is that my brain is telling me the map is upside down.  Despite the limited amount of what I recognise as text (ie the numbers) obviously being the correct way up.
I suspect that is because I am so used to seeing world maps having the majority of the landmass in the Northern Hemisphere.
The continent in the top right corner looks to be a combination of Africa and Australia with added fjords (maybe Slartibartfarst designed it).  Afstralia?  Ausfrica?  Marsupial elephants and venomous giraffes?

- Can't be bothered to do the proper research and get it right.

Another ill conceived, lazily thought out, crudely executed and badly painted piece of half arsed what-if modelling muppetry from zenrat industries.

zenrat industries:  We're everywhere...for your convenience..


Quote from: zenrat on January 16, 2018, 02:53:54 PM
Ooh that's good.  I love maps.

The odd thing is that my brain is telling me the map is upside down.  Despite the limited amount of what I recognise as text (ie the numbers) obviously being the correct way up.

I like maps to, but what really concerns me is that my brain also thinks it's upside down  :rolleyes:
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


AFAIK, the numbers and the blue path indicate where single episodes of the TV series take place.


Things have been silent for some time, but now I am on the finish straight - found a vehicle alternative for the base today on sale in my LHS, and now I get all things together for beauty of the completed setting.  :lol:


Here's what I found: a contemporary German Bundeswehr Dingo in 1:72 from Panzerstahl - but unlike the brand suggests, this is a purely static plastic kit, even the wheels are fixed. Found it in the bargain corner - for EUR 12,- (instead of *gasp* 27!!!) not a steal, but I was too lazy to build a kit of this vehicle. Size and shape were O.K., and so the Dingo remained unmodified and just saw a new livery in matt black with light grey mottles, some appropriate tactical markings and a coat of snow:

(Fang of the Sun) Dougram +++ 1:72 Soltic H8 "Roundfacer" (revamped Takara kit/Revell re-boxing) - Display base WiP
by dizzyfugu, on Flickr

(Fang of the Sun) Dougram +++ 1:72 Soltic H8 "Roundfacer" (revamped Takara kit/Revell re-boxing) - Display base WiP
by dizzyfugu, on Flickr

(Fang of the Sun) Dougram +++ 1:72 Soltic H8 "Roundfacer" (revamped Takara kit/Revell re-boxing) - Display base WiP
by dizzyfugu, on Flickr


(Fang of the Sun) Dougram +++ 1:72 Soltic H8 "Roundfacer" (revamped Takara kit/Revell re-boxing)
by dizzyfugu, on Flickr

Some Background:
Fang of the Sun Dougram (太陽の牙ダグラム Taiyō no Kiba Daguramu) is a 75-episode anime television series, created by Ryosuke Takahashi and Sunrise, and aired in Japan from October 23, 1981 to March 25, 1983 on TV Tokyo.

The series begins in a desert on the colony planet Deloyer, where the remains of a destroyed robot are resting as a red-haired woman is standing in front of it. The woman hallucinates what appears to be a group of armed soldiers alongside the robot in a non-destroyed state. A man named Rocky appears, leading to the woman running into his embrace where she cries tears of joy. After this, the series flashes back to an earlier time, in order to explain the circumstances leading up to the first episode.

(Fang of the Sun) Dougram +++ 1:72 Soltic H8 "Roundfacer" (revamped Takara kit/Revell re-boxing)
by dizzyfugu, on Flickr

(Fang of the Sun) Dougram +++ 1:72 Soltic H8 "Roundfacer" (revamped Takara kit/Revell re-boxing)
by dizzyfugu, on Flickr

(Fang of the Sun) Dougram +++ 1:72 Soltic H8 "Roundfacer" (revamped Takara kit/Revell re-boxing)
by dizzyfugu, on Flickr

Malcontents on the Deloyer colony agitate for the independence of their world from the Earth Federation. In an unexpected coup, the elected Governor declares martial law and sets himself up as absolute dictator. With the approval of the Federation, he rules the planet with an iron fist. In reaction, a ragtag group (including the governor's estranged son) rises in open rebellion, using a powerful prototype Combat Armor: the Dougram. Their goal is the end of the dictatorship and total independence from the Federation's influence.

The story follows the actions of the guerilla freedom fighters known as "The Deloyer 7." The war is fought across the planet Deloyer as the Federation vigorously pursues the rebels. The series is noted for its realistic use of not just the combat armors and support vehicles, but also military tactics. The series also followed a wide range of characters and political intrigue, with many shady characters switching sides throughout the series.

(Fang of the Sun) Dougram +++ 1:72 Soltic H8 "Roundfacer" (revamped Takara kit/Revell re-boxing)
by dizzyfugu, on Flickr

(Fang of the Sun) Dougram +++ 1:72 Soltic H8 "Roundfacer" (revamped Takara kit/Revell re-boxing)
by dizzyfugu, on Flickr

(Fang of the Sun) Dougram +++ 1:72 Soltic H8 "Roundfacer" (revamped Takara kit/Revell re-boxing)
by dizzyfugu, on Flickr

Crinn Cashim is the show's main character. Son of Governor Donan Cashim, he becomes trained in piloting the Soltic H8 "Roundfacer" standard army robot by Jacky Zaltsev, a Federation Ace, because of his father's political connections. When his father appears to be overthrown by a coup led by Colonel Von Stein, he pilots a Roundfacer while Federation forces battle Garcia's forces. He is stunned to learn that his father has actually sided with Von Stein in a secret plan, and eventually becomes angry at his father's forces in how they deal with the rebellion following the coup. Following a meeting with Dr. David Samalin, who introduces him to a combat armor he has designed, the Dougram, Cashim and his friends form The Fang of the Sun and join the rebellion against the Federation.

(Fang of the Sun) Dougram +++ 1:72 Soltic H8 "Roundfacer" (revamped Takara kit/Revell re-boxing)
by dizzyfugu, on Flickr

general characteristics
Unit type: CB (combat) armor
Manufacturer: Soltic Company
Crew: 1 pilot
Overall height: 10.02 meters
Base weight: 30.5 metric tons

Generator type: Rolls-Royce N8E x 1
Generator output: 54 points per second

Maximum running speed: 45 km/h
Continuous operational time: 324 minutes
1x hand gun (various types, incl. a grenade launcher or a linear gun)
4x 25mm chain guns in the lower arms
1x shoulder-mounted 9-tube missile pod
Optional equipment: hang glider, camouflage suit, shield
Mechanical designer: Kunio Okawara

...plus some close-ups from the re-painted Dingo scout car:

(Fang of the Sun) Dougram +++ 1:72 Soltic H8 "Roundfacer" (revamped Takara kit/Revell re-boxing)
by dizzyfugu, on Flickr

(Fang of the Sun) Dougram +++ 1:72 Soltic H8 "Roundfacer" (revamped Takara kit/Revell re-boxing)
by dizzyfugu, on Flickr

(Fang of the Sun) Dougram +++ 1:72 Soltic H8 "Roundfacer" (revamped Takara kit/Revell re-boxing)
by dizzyfugu, on Flickr

(Fang of the Sun) Dougram +++ 1:72 Soltic H8 "Roundfacer" (revamped Takara kit/Revell re-boxing)
by dizzyfugu, on Flickr

...and finally an artistic experiment with cartoon filter software, in an attempt to create an impression of what the Roundfacer might have looked like "in animation reality"  ;):

(Fang of the Sun)
Dougram +++ 1:72 Soltic H8 "Roundfacer" (revamped Takara kit/Revell re-boxing)
by dizzyfugu, on Flickr



- Can't be bothered to do the proper research and get it right.

Another ill conceived, lazily thought out, crudely executed and badly painted piece of half arsed what-if modelling muppetry from zenrat industries.

zenrat industries:  We're everywhere...for your convenience..