
Simon Black pulp hero whatif modeling?

Started by VickersVandal, May 21, 2018, 04:36:10 AM

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Hello fellow madmen modelers,

is anyone aware of builds out there based on the Simon Black books by Ivan Southall? I remember reading Simon Black and the Space Men as a kid, which I still own, and loving it. I know I read other Simon Black stories. Very Biggles-esque - it seems Southal was something of an Australian W.E. Johns.

I was planning to read the stories I have to my son at some point soon and am toying with the idea of a scratchbuild from them. I thought I'd see if anyone knew of anything in existence to take inspiration from. Internet searching has so far been unfruitful.

Edit - apologies if this is the wrong area of the forum for this thread. I do have to admit I find the forum organisation isn't all that intuitive for me.
Biggles modelling loony.

My Biggles Model display website: https://tinyurl.com/y74ydzae