
Vulture B.1 ---- (RAF B-58 Hustler), 1/72 **FINISHED PICS PG 14**

Started by TheChronicOne, July 02, 2018, 02:19:50 AM

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Quick update.....

True to my word, I've started this thing. Indeed, it's more complicated than I was thinking. . .. ..   :o ;D     I'll just chug along and get groups of things done and eventually it will all come together. There's a good number of parts, BUT, I still maintain that this isn't TOO complicated.  :angel:

So, I've started in sync with the instructions and am building the cockpits and interior stuff. I had half a mind to skip all but the main cockpit but then what kind of bum would that make me?!? Won't be able to see 80% of it in the end but oh well. I can get pictures of it before I close things up so that's good enough for me.  :lol:

I've also trimmed out all the large parts and am trimming down the sprues to get rid of extra stuff that isn't necessary. A decent number of actual parts aren't necessary, either, so they become welcome additions to the junkyard.

This thing comes with 3 options for hanging stuff from the bottom; the big pod, some littler pod, and a slew of bombs (and a couple of rails for them). This accounts for quite the pile of crap so once I figure out what to do with the bottom (hopefully the aforementioned suggestions) I can discard a bunch of plastic and be left with a more streamlined, easier to manage build.

No pictures for now, but I'll have some soon.
-Sprues McDuck-


You could play about with the outer engines and mount them on the tail.
There's some concept artwork by Convair based on what looks like a seaplane version of the B-58 (supersonic attack seaplane 1955).


There was one rejected real-World V-bomber name but I can't bring it to mind right now.  I'll keep digging.

At least the Hustler is something that UK PLC could re-engine without too much difficulty, just swap those J79s out for Olympus.


Quote from: TheChronicOne on July 02, 2018, 04:23:54 PM
.They would likely call it something else like a B.5 or some crap, right?? Not a "B-58" I'm sure.

The "B-58" designation is American, and we wouldn't have used that in the RAF. Tbh, it most likely would have retained the American name, Hustler, but then have been given a role and mark designation (as you say), of B.1 (bomber, mk1), or similar


MANY thanks, gents! I appreciate the help.

Oddly enough, what to call this is one of the most troublesome aspects at this point.  ;D         "B.1 Hustler" seems alright? I do like V names but I'd like this to be .....  uhh....  accurate?? as possible? On a whif, but you know what I mean.  ;D   I guess "plausible" is a better word.

I don't think I'll be moving any engines, however. Sounds interesting and I can see some fascinating combinations in my mind but I'll be struggling to get this finished even as a plain OOB affair so I need to streamline anywhere I can. Also, not quite plausible for what I'm trying to achieve which is already ridiculous as it is.  :o ;D
-Sprues McDuck-


Hustler has more negative connotations in the UK than the USA; a USian hustler can have a bit of charm to him, maybe victimless, but a British interpretation is someone out-and-out malicious.

Vengeance I think is too dark-bue in heritage for the RAF to accept. 

Vanquish B.Mk.1?



I like Vanquish. I like it so much I've already used it up on a previous build.  ;D 

Plenty of time to get it figured out, at least. I've gone half way through builds before without naming them so what else is new. So far we have a bunch of excellent suggestions.

Funny about that name having those connotations. It's a bit different, here, now as well. I doubt highly that type of name would pass this day and age any more than calling it the B-58 Conman. The term "hustle" often applies to sports or work where it's good to "hustle" but a "hustler" is these days known as a person who bilks people out of money or valuables, a con artist or someone selling drugs even.  :o :o ;D ;D   
-Sprues McDuck-


Hustler also has an old connotation of pimp/prostitute.
Venereal B.1.  :wacko: ;D


-Sprues McDuck-


Aviation Week in 1952 noted that Hustler was an informal Convair working-name for the project.  I wonder how it percolated out to become official.

Officially adopted in 1956 according to Flight.

Aerofax states it was due to it 'hustling' in terms of speed, like James Brown's 1975 release Hustle with Speed.  Not really a trans-Atlantic term.


What about the Van Buren B.1? :wacko:
The F-106- 26 December 1956 to 8 August 1988
Gone But Not Forgotten

QuoteOh are you from Wales ?? Do you know a fella named Jonah ?? He used to live in whales for a while.
— Groucho Marx

My dA page: Scooternjng



Avoiding Voodoo, Vigilante and Valkyie in order not to tread on vendor (sic) nation sensibilities, or Viking or Venom because already used in the UK, how about Vendetta, Vindicator, Violator, Vitriol or Vitriolic, Vulture, the somewhat obscure Vitiator, Vixen because it is a mothership, or even Volcano or Vesuvius?


Quote from: scooter on July 03, 2018, 02:40:13 PM
What about the Van Buren B.1? :wacko:

In this case, Van Damme B.1 is a serious name contender, too!  ;)


If the underslung weapon was an EMP device, as used around that time by the Thunderbird team against the Master, then it could be the Van de Graaff  ;D