
Classic Battletech Custom Panther battlemech

Started by nighthunter, August 24, 2018, 06:25:18 AM

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Hey guys, so the wonderful thing about the tabletop game, Classic Battletech, is the ability to make custom "giant war machines". You can customize weapons loadouts, engines, and the ability to jump, as well as armor and internal structures, you just have to fit it within a set tonnage.

This example was brought on by a challenge on a Battletech Facebook group challenge last year. I just recently realized that it counts as a Whiff.

I'll upload the short story and stats later, after I get home from work.

   After a stray LRM impacted Scar's shin, Captain Declan "Ace" Ryken, Ranger One-One (1-1), turned and kept the customized Panther moving forward. As his unit, a company known as "Ryken's Rangers" of the SLDF 90th Royal Light Horse, had been on a scouting mission on Greene, the northern continent of the planet Procyon, when Republic troops ambushed his company. Much of the company was nearly destroyed outright, with only Declan and four other mechs of his command barely making their escape. Warrant Geoff Robinson in his Phoenix Hawk, Redeemer, Lieutenant May in his Exterminator, Hunter, Sergeant Nordgulen in her Wasp, Venom, and Lieutenant Kipling in his Mongoose, Rikki-Tikki-Tavi, were firing and moving as fast as they could to get out of the ECM range. Declan, turned Scar and fired both Large Lasers at a pursuing Republic Shadow Hawk, hitting it square in the chest, coring the machine, and it dropped with a rumble. "Rangers, let's haul our butts out of this mess!" he snapped over the com. A quartet of "Wilcos" were heard in reply.
"Frakking Republican troops!" he thought, as he mashed both foot pedals down, to jump Scar so as to get his Mark 1 eyeballs on the pursuing enemy forces. As Scar reach the peak of its ascent, he counted and swore under his breath. Behind and following them were, at most, 2 companies of mechs, not counting the Shadow Hawk he had cored, a Javelin he head-shot just after the ambush had commenced, and the Phoenix Hawk that both May and Robinson had dropped, but not before it took out a Hermes of his recon company.  Two of his Locusts and a Thorn were cooked by infernos launched by hidden ground troops and the Javelin, that had soon after, become the first enemy casualty. A Hussar and a Vulcan were destroyed by a rain of LRMs from either a Catapult or an Archer, immediately destroying both before their pilots had a chance to react. The last Hermes was shot in the head by the Shadow Hawk he cored, after it had used its flamer on the infantry that had surprised the Thorn. Scar shuddered as it was coming back down, Declan glanced down at his readout and saw that some armor had been sheared off the left foot, fortunately it didn't alter his decent too much.
As he landed, his Exec, Lt. Bellamy "Gizmo" May, Ranger Two-One (2-1), piped over the com, "So, Ace, how bad are we frakked?" "About as bad as Killian and the Black Watch were in Gorst, Giz. " Declan replied. Declan's oldest brother, Killian, was a Major in the Royal Black Watch, which was destroyed near Gorst on Terra, by Stephan Amaris several years prior. As far as Declan knew, his eldest brother was dead. His other older brother, Finn, was a Captain with the 20th Dragoons, and had escaped the TMR with the survivors of his regiment. Declan was the only brother to be stationed off Earth, but that was his choice. First, though he was the second brother to attend and graduate, with honors, the elite Gunslinger Program, also known as the Advanced Combat and Maneuvering Skills Project. After graduating with Lt. May, they were station in the Combine Military district. The original battlemech he drove at the time was a Shadow Hawk SDH-2Hb, but after his 5th dual, it's gyro was destroyed beyond repair and so he took the Panther as reward. The pilot was a ronin, and was killed by a laser blast to the cockpit. The scarring left by the kill shot was kept by Declan as a reminder, and he had a new mech which he named Scar. There was serious damage done to the SRM-4 launcher in Scar's torso, the PPC on its arm was almost junk, and the standard engine was almost toast. So, Declan and his enterprising tech named Technician Sgt. Ella McClaskey, worked into several nights to get Scar repaired and in service. Added to the mech was a 175 XL engine which improved the speed to 86 km/h, endo-steel chassis, another Jump Jet, 11 double heatsinks, 2 Large Lasers one in each side torso, and 2 Medium Lasers one in each arm, and 2 Small Pulse Lasers also one in each arm. With all the improvements to the mech, it surprised 10 more opponents.
After which, Declan and Bellamy were transferred to the 90th In the Davion Military District, shortly before the Amaris Coup. Declan was promoted and put in charge of creating an elite scout company. Declan looked through the available candidates, and selected all the light mech jocks that were graduates of the Gunslinger Program. To be continued...

To show scale:

A standard Panther 'mech:
"Mind that bus." "What bus?" *SPLAT!*

Steel Penguin

without knowing which tec level your going with I cant guess on the new load out, especially as I was more of a Fed-Com or merc player and tended to go late succession wars, early clan invasion, time line.

overall it looks fairly good, though the size of the photos makes the mould lines on the inside of the legs stand out to me, but a good job on the wrist mounts, they look natural and part of the design,  :thumbsup:  im not sure regarding the CT small / med lasers  as I preferred to keep weapons out of there due to the limited traverse in game.
the pic of it on the keyboard  brings it together well, especially with the infantry fig to give a bit of scale .

" and like I heard form my friends, sisters, bf, that he was like really sick "   ;D
the things you learn, give your mind the wings to fly, and the chains to hold yourself steady
take off and nuke the site form orbit, nope, time for the real thing, CAM and gridfire, call special circumstances. 
wow, its like freefalling into the Geofront
Not a member of the Hufflepuff conspiracy!


It's all Star League (2750) Tech, if I recall correctly, I didn't get a chance to check out the load out last night; it's, 2 ER Large Lasers (Left Torso & Right Torso), 2 Medium Lasers (each arm), and 2 Small Pulse Lasers (each arm).  It has an XL engine and Double Heat Sinks, not sure about the Chassis or Armour, but the armour may be Ferro-Fibrous. I can't remember if the speed was increased to 5/8 or 6/9, but it kept the Jump Jets. The pilot is a 0/1 Gunslinger Graduate, and part of a Royal SLDF Division.
"Mind that bus." "What bus?" *SPLAT!*

Steel Penguin

ahh early time line tech I see, 
and taking out you 2nd post  really  makes a mess of my answer  you know  ;)
the things you learn, give your mind the wings to fly, and the chains to hold yourself steady
take off and nuke the site form orbit, nope, time for the real thing, CAM and gridfire, call special circumstances. 
wow, its like freefalling into the Geofront
Not a member of the Hufflepuff conspiracy!


"Mind that bus." "What bus?" *SPLAT!*


So, Images are updated with the smaller ones, sorry about that, y'all. Also, story added.
"Mind that bus." "What bus?" *SPLAT!*