
Nils's 1/144 World War 2 WHIF's

Started by Spey_Phantom, January 15, 2019, 11:47:48 AM

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as some of you might know, i have a huge collection of revell microwings kits.
one of each will be built OOB, while all the rest is WHIF fodder (about 6 of each)

the first one to be finished is this little Hawker Tempest Mk.V.
seen here depicted in Soviet colors.
in this scenaio, the Soviet Union recieved 274 Typhoon Mk.I's and 465 Tempest Mk.V's under a lend/lease agreement with Great Brittain.

kit: Revell 1/144 Hawker Tempest Mk.V
Decals: from spares box

on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


Nice work there.  I also like the 1-6 real/whif ratio...   :thumbsup:



On the photographs (without scale), the result is so good that it does not look like 1/144... congratulations! :thumbsup:
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


Messerschmitt Bf.109E, Bordurian Air Force.

as depicted in the TinTin Comic book "King Ottocar's Scepter", Borduria originally recieved over 100 ex-German Messerschmitt Bf.109's in 1939, these were mostly used and worn out aircraft that included parts from older B,C and D models, mechanics described them as a hotchpotch of various 109 models. however in 1942, the Bordurian Air Force started to recieve the more capable Bf.109E, they were again hand-me-down's from German stocks. although obsolete by the time they entered service, the Bf109E continued to serve until 1952, when they were replaced by the MiG-15.

this machine, owned by the New Flanders Vintage Wings Foundation, was recently restored back to flying condition.
registered as VL-BRD, this aircraft was obtained from Syldavia, where it remained in storage after a forced landing 1947.

kit: Revell
decals: DIY

on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


Junkers Ju.87D Stuka, Bordurian Air Force, 1940.

in 1940, the Bordurian Air Force recieved about 50 newly built Junkers Ju.87D dive bombers from Nazi Germany.
these replaced the Heinkel He118, witch was becoming outdated. the Stuka was used to great effect against Syldavian forces in the 1943 border conflict. as of 1945, the stuka's were outclassed by more modern and versitile aircraft, such as the Fw.190A, and ended theyre career as target tuggs and recconaisance aircraft until 1948.

the model:

this model was built simultaniously with the Bordurian Bf.109E,
i got the idea from an artpiece i found on Google images some time ago.


with this image in my head, i started building it, using the ancient Revell microwings kit (have 5 more of these in stash).
and this ,is the result.

kit: Revell 1/144 Ju.87D Stuka
decals: DIY

on the bench:

-all kinds of things.



After 1.5 years of innactivity, im announcing im reviving this project. i already started gathering decals and kits for the next batch of models, including a Belgian P-39 Airacobra, Dutch & Polish Spitfire Mk.1's, Dutch & French Hurricane Mk.1, Belgian Hawk 81A, RAF & Dutch P-38 Lightnings, Swiss Fw190, Chinese Hurricane Mk.1, Chinese and Dutch Bf110's, Polish Lagg-3's, Belgian Martlet Mk.1....

there's also various bombers and transports planned, but i still need to find decals for those. some of the previous mantioned project are also part of the Euro'41 collection.

more soon....
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


Update: to show you that im serious about this project, this is whats on the go at this moment.
2 of the 5 are WHIF's, the Belgian Grumman G-36A (F4F Wildcat) and P-39 Airacobra.
the G-36A will be painted in early war RAF green/brown camo with aluminium underside, the P-39 in standard Olive and grey underside.

on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


Grumman G-36A, Aeronautique Militaire Belge.
1/I/2Ae, Schaffen Airfield, April 1941

this build is more a "could have been" then a What If, as Belgium did order 10 Wildcat/Martlets in 1939, but were never delivered and transfered to France and then the Royal Navy.

Back History:

Belgium ordered at least 10 Grumman G-36A fighters from the US in 1939. originally they were intended to replace the Fairey Fox VIIc's of 6/III/2Ae at Nivilles, they were transfered to 1/I/2Ae (1st Squadron, I Group, 2nd Regiment) at Schaffen upon delivery to replace the Gloster Gladiators that were mostly destroyed by German Bf109E's and proved to be no match for the Glosters. the first G-36A's were delivered to Belgium in June 1940, at the same time the French Aeronavale recieved theyre first G-36A's. they managed to book some successes and proved to be better then the Brewster Buffalo's that were also delivered to replace the Fairey Fox's of 1st Regiment.

a further 40 of the G-36B version were to be ordered, there were similar to the Royal Navy's Martlet Mk.II and were powered by the more powerfull Pratt & Whitney R-1830-S3C4-G radial engine, but after the fall of Belgium in May 1941, the aircraft order was diverted to the Royal Navy.

the Belgian G-36A's differed from the French and British (Martlet Mk.I) machines, as they did not have an arrestor hook or folding wings. the armour plating on the sides of the cockpit was replaced by plywood sheets to save weight. before the surrender, they managed to shoot down 26 enemy aircraft.

the Model:

the kit is a Revell 1/144 F4F wildcat, decals are from the sparesbox (unit markings and tail number), DIY (underwing serials) and 1/72 Fantasy Printshop Belgian Roundels (until 1940) sheet.

on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


I've never though of a Belgian Wildcat before but as you say it's very much a "could have been".

Good job, especially in 1/144  :thumbsup:
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


Bell P-39C Airacobra, Aeronautique Militaire Belge
3/I/1Ae, Goetsenhoven Airfield, May 1941

this is another "could heve been", there were negotiations to buy up to 40 P-39C's but the surrender of may 1940 put a halt to those plans.

Back History:

to replace the majority of the largely outdated Faire Fox's and Renard R31 observation aircraft, it was decided to change the role of the Aeronautique Militaire's (Belgian Military Aviation) 1st air regiment from observation to a fighter/ground attack regiment. this is to replace the outdated recconaisance and observation aircraft (that outnumbered the amount of fighters in the AéM) with fighters. due to the urgent need for those aircraft, an initial 15 Bell P-39C Airacobra's, that were earmarked for the RAF but rejected, were transfered from the US to the AéM.

these were built as RAF Airacobra Mk.I's and retained the 20mm nose cannon that was requested by the British. the 15 aircraft arrived in Belgium in October of 1940. plans to aquire an additional 50 fell through as the USAAC wanted to retain them for theyre own forces. although the airacobra was a decent fighter, the lack of visibility didnt make them loved by fighterpilots. but as a ground attack aircraft they proved to be highly effective.

the Belgian Airacobra's did not have the underwing 12.7mm gunpods under the wings, byt had FN/Browning 7.62 machine guns mounted inside the wings. also, since these were RAF destined machines, the 37mm cannon in the nose was replaced by a 20mm one. they continued to serve as rground attack aircraft until the surrender in may 1941.

The Model:

the model is a Revell 1/144 P-39 Airacobra with decals from the sparesbox, DIY serials under the wings and roundels from Fantasy Printshop's 1/72 Belgian roundels.

on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.



more are on the way, but for now, im building 6 realworld 1/144 warbirds.
im currently looking for decals for the WHIF builds

on the bench:

-all kinds of things.