avatar_John Howling Mouse

F-5U Morsair (December 2004 - May 2008)

Started by John Howling Mouse, December 25, 2004, 02:41:13 PM

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And did I congratulate you on those exhausts? WOW!


Awsome progress Barry.She's looking very good.
If you love, love without reservation; If you fight, fight without fear - THAT is the way of the warrior

If you go into battle knowing you will die, then you will live. If you go into battle hoping to live, then you will die


I think you ruined that good looking paint scheme a little bit, but with US navy markings it would look quite good. What markings will it be in? I have been fooled by bad looking paintschemes before it was finished, and liked it when it has been finished.


i can only assume that your comment was tongue in cheek, and made in jest...otherwise i might just have to give you a kick in the knackers, you little poo-poo (with an english accent).  ;)

Barry knows what he is doing - he could paint rings around many and most, just look at his body of work and then wait and see.

if you can't give encouragement, or constructive criticism then shut your trap.  There's a place for nasty, snarky, snide comments like yours, and it's not here.

i may have read what you said incorrectly, and misunderstood the tone in which it was made, and if that is the case i'm sorry.  Do have a nice day, won't you?  :ph34r:
"Computer games don't affect kids. I mean, if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music." Kristin Wilson, Nintendo Inc, 1989.

Brian da Basher


...otherwise i might just have to give you a kick in the knackers

Kinda gives a whole new meaning to that new section of the board known as the Knackers Yard, don't it?  ;)

Barry, disregard the naysayers. I wish I had just a smidgen of your awesome skill and talent. This paint scheme intrigues the heck outta me and I can't wait to see where it ends up.

Brian da Basher

Eddie M.

Quoteyou just ruined that good looking paint scheme.
He don't know Man-Ho, do he. :lol: I'll just conclude that your comment was made in jest, because we all know that JHM doesn't turn out any duds, don't we. ;)  :)
Look behind you!


Retro70s: thanks to have said what you said. I was disagreeing with the bad comment, but I was not speaking English fluently enough to argue. Thanks for YOUR words, Retro. I feel better... :)  
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


Too true Ed, too true. When can we expect to see some of the 777 dude's pics?

Baz, I trust in your (paint-wise) feelings. This is gonna be one hell of a plane - the concept may be "boring" (Baz's words), but the execution is pure class. Well doe thus far Mr JHM!!! :wub:  B)  


I have edited my comment, the reason, i didnt write all of the comment, coz mother wanted me to shut down the computer before i finished the comment. I apologize for this. This build is my favorit plane on this website so far, and i have already began researching how to make my own morsair.


Guys,prior to too much slinging, remember the age factor.  B777LR, think twice before you type in something that could be misconstrued as an insulting remark...we try to stick to positive comments on board, if you have a negative, contact the person via pm, so that we avoid flame wars, etc.

Back on topic:  Morsair

    That thing looks great !!!  Can hardly wait for the next bit of pics...wow, that is going to cause some serious heart attacks on the jmn front.  Backstory should be wonderful !



Right then I'll stoke up the fire, what the hell is going on here?
Baz I thought we were going for boring and ugly? Shiny metal rarely looks ugly, this thing is starting to look a little too sweet to me. I'm envisioning a pylon racer or something, but I trust the master and I'm sure he'll end up pulling it off and making it look like a turd :lol:

And this begs the question why is our scratchbuild guru so obsessed with making ugly craft? This and the Haggard? Is it he needs something to cool him down because of Ms. Hitler's boots?

I invite all and any criticism, except about Eric The Dog, it's not his fault he's stupid

Leigh's Models


Oh, those boots were made for walkin' !   Yep, he needs something to cool down those flames of lust and desire...think of your grandma nekked or something.


gents, i'm sorry if was a little naughty - i may have jumped the gun a little, but the comment as it stood seemed to be a little much.  i may have come on a little strong there, but i feel that i was doing it for the "right" reasons.  there is a camaraderie on this board that transcends glue and paint, filler and varnish - and i perceived the comment as it stood:

QuoteI think you ruined that good looking paint scheme

as being in direct contravention of that spirit, and it bothered me.

Greg, as always you are the voice of reason, and i'm glad that you're here.  :cheers:

great looking model barry - can't wait to see where you are going with this baby - is the silver there so that you can paint over it and "chip" for weathering? i really can''t wait to see how she turns out - it's almost going to be a shame when you finish her, the journey has been such fun!  :cheers:
"Computer games don't affect kids. I mean, if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music." Kristin Wilson, Nintendo Inc, 1989.

John Howling Mouse

Aw man, I go away for a week and miss all the fun!
Sorry I did not get to see the original "unedited" comment, B777LR.  PM me with the whole thing if you want.

Not sure how I could have "ruined" a paint job which had been only a grey primer finish with some yellow tips and an anti-glare panel up to that point...then again, maybe that would have been a pretty cool idea (too late now, though!).

But, everybody's entitled to an opinion and if there was ever a place to speak your mind, any of my threads is as good a forum as any.

As for those of you coming to the defense of my work and the spirit of this forum as a whole: thanks!  All I ask is that you please come with me if I ever get up the guts to enter any What If of mine into any JMN-infested model show!

So, the final finish: it was inspired by that pic posted by Cap'n Canada some eons ago.  Not flashy, pretty-boy restoration polished aluminum but that faded out, dull look of the Korean era Mustangs.  Military workhorse natural metal finish.
With some dulled yellow tips that were once sparkling but have long since seen too much of the sun, sand, jet-black debris clouds and every kind of weather known to an airplane.

The initial "silver" color so far is actually not very shiny in fact.  It is Polly Scale's "Stainless Steel" and is, for the most part, pretty much the same as a clean SS kitchen sink.  The other metal tones will be a variety of "silvers" and matte aluminums.

At this point, I'm simply hoping for the best, like any What If modeller does!


Styrene in my blood and an impressive void in my cranium.

John Howling Mouse

QuoteAnd this begs the question why is our scratchbuild guru so obsessed with making ugly craft? This and the Haggard? Is it he needs something to cool him down because of Ms. Hitler's boots?
Yeah, that's a very good question.  I don't really know, come to think of it.
I can't stand most German WW2 planes and will "Americanize" the few that I have in my stash because I personally think they're ugly.  Yet, I am fascinated by many things that are in the air because I can't believe an entire team of people dreamt them up in the first place, engineered them to the last rivet, and built/painted/flew them.

There's just something ridiculous about all of that which intrigues me.  There's a lot of beautiful birds out there.  Maybe I just like the change of pace in trying to come up with a purposely ugly one.

As for the boots, have not seen them in weeks as I'm currently in the doghouse with Ms. Hitler over the four cats coming into the house against all promises made. And now our kid is starting to also show signs of allergies but the chick in the thigh-high boots lets the cats in, anyhow, and I think I just hi-jacked my own thread: sorry.
Styrene in my blood and an impressive void in my cranium.