So whats everybody working on then ?

Started by Geoff_B, December 29, 2004, 12:48:53 AM

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Thought it was time to see what people are actually working on post Xmas and for some of us post Telford. I know Wooksta has got his TSR-2 production in full swing at the moment with no loss of momentum following Telford (only trouble i can see is that he'll be bored of it by the time the Airfix one arrives and worse stuck for ideas !!!!!, but at least they should offer more oppertunity for some better detailed poses).

JHM is doing Morsair, which is looking an interesting build so far as the concept develops.

Myself i have the Mirage IVK ready for decalling to go with my TSR-2 alternatives collection. Also on the go is the Spey Mirage IIIK being done as Hunter replacement and to offset my Mirage IVK. Other being tinkered with include another F-111K of another design for RAF use (more on this once its completed), a Canberra PR-9 (real for once !!!).

I also have a new scratchbuild on the go that i aim to complete for next months Bolton Show that should have some appeal to this board. No details yet as i will do an article for Tom.

Next up should be another GOR339 contender either the Avro or the combined Hawker/Avro contender possibily even the Bristol 204 depending on how inspiration progresses.

So whats everybody else got on the go or linned up. i know some will have had to shut down for family duties over xmas, but the new year should hopefully bring new ideas and inspiration for new projects.


Geoff B B)


Well after complete inertia post Telford I've finally picked up the model knife and glue again. Trying to finish off some "real" aircfat at the moment, but also working on a KP Avia B-35 in Slovak markings and a Sea Fury in SEAC markings with a 4 bladed prop as a Fury.

After that in the new year it's Anigrand time with the Crusader II & hopefully the Mixmaster - in a B-25 unit scheme probably

Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.

Captain Canada

I cleaned out my styrene cave, and found a hundred half starts and stilborns. I keep promising to finish this stuff before I buy new, but I've already grabbed 2 BAe 146 types, with a third on the way !


Anyway, other than my STAs, my plan is to merge a Huey Z Cobra and a Bronco into one for the Tophe Twin-Boom build.

CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?


I've been in a real funk since Telford.  I've had 3 kits on the go - my 1/144 A380 and F-16 and my 1/48 Tractor for the ARC Ground Equipment GB, but all have had no real progress on them in the last 6 weeks.  I've just been fiddling with them rather than getting stuck into them.  Not had much time either - Isaac seems to be taking up more and more of our time lately!  And I've been so tired that I've been going to bed @ 8pm when I've been on the Early shift and 8 till 10pm was when I was getting most of my modelling done.

Hopefully things will pick up in the new year  :ar:  
Between almost-true and completely-crazy, there is a rainbow of nice shades - Tophe

Sales of Airfix kits plummeted in the 1980s, and GCSEs had to be made easier as a result - James May


Only thing I am working on that is What If, is Canada's newest Light Attack and Observation Helicopter.

Academy 1/48 Hughes 500MD with the TOW launchers, painted a nice dark green with black tiger stripes.

Pictures will follow when I get home and post them.

Only other thing I am working in is a 1/35 M6 Bradley Linebacker.....AD variant to the Bradley IFV.

Some pics....just have the paint and filter coat on for now....still lots of work left to do.

I know, I know, you can see parts that have no paint on them.....thats the curse of a digital camera, brings out all the flaws that normally you can't see with your own eyes!!!!!!
Elm City Hobbies



I am putting the final touches on a nice purple 1/48 F-14.  I removed the hard points off the wing root, but left the pallets on the belly (for drop tanks).  I'm thinking it's going to be a civvy aerobatic version.  The color is this nice metalflake purple.  Almost like the testor's pearl black.

I also have this 1/35 Panther, which is waiting for me to decide whether or not to detail the engine compartment and interior.  Can't decide yet whether or not to add another $50 or more to the damages.  One thing is for sure, these Tamiya kits sure could spoil you after awhile.

The Green Devils' harrier is coming along nicely, too.  One thing I do hate about some of these Revell kits is the constant rescribing of panel lines.  I'm getting a lot of practice doing that.

On the horizon (still) is a 1/32 F-105, that I'll be doing for a friend.  I'd also like to get going on a Wild Weasel B-58.  And sometime soon I'm going to do another 1/48 B-1B--it's a monster, but it's a fun build, too.


Boulton Paul Spectres.
Thor, is your Mirage IIIK having a Spey?
In 1/72nd? I found that an Italeri Kfir had the correct rear fuselage diameter for the Spey, you just need to carve off/reduce the dorsal intake.

My Spectre will have an Avon, using the long IIIc aft-end and a new (ie section of tubes) exhaust. I also need a section of suitable tubing to extend the nose. Off to the railway shop tomorrow I think!

Also, just begun a "run" of Hurricanes in 1/48th, all real, but no doubt a Guatamalan one might appear (ex-Canadian that escaped?) There's lots of Hurricane projects, from the famous "Slip-Wing" version, to the Napier Dagger-engined trainer project, the radial  -engined proposals, etc.
Quite like the improved ision one too, with cut down rear fuselage and "almost" a bubble canopy!

Once you've visited the land of the Loonies, a return is never far away.....

Still His (or Her) Majesty, Queen Caroline of the Midlands, Resident Drag Queen


Well, all the parts for my Alvis Teeny Bopper contest showed up, albiet too late.  I'll pop those up as time goes by.
"We can resolve this over tea and fisticuffs!!!"


Converting a Saladin into a Salamader and trying to work out how many figures I need for my railgun  :D
"Subvert and convert" By Me  :-)

"Sophistication means complication, then escallation, cancellation and finally ruination."
Sir Sydney Camm

"Men do not stop playing because they grow old, they grow old because they stop playing" - Oliver Wendell Holmes

Vertical Airscrew SIG Leader


Here's my list :

- Typhoon Ib
- CH-166A
- CV-122A
- B-25D



Right now I'm building exactly nothing. We have my sister, bro-in-law and their 2 year old boy staying with us till the weekend so I'm busy being a human climbing frame and making lots of drinks etc. :)

They live in Middlesbrough and the kid don't half talk funny with that norfern accent, innit?! ;)  :P

Nick B)  


well having got a new computer that I can put piccies on I'm desperately working on how the hell to reduce pictures from the giant 500kb size to something postable?

On the styrene agenda got a bug up my butt to build soon

Lindbergh Avenger- Royal Navy
Dragon FM2 Wildcat- Royal Navy
Hase F4 Corsair- Royal Navy
Hase P-51D - Israeli (need decals)
Hase Spifire- Russian (need decals)
But I'll probably start on an MPM Fairey Barracuda this afternoon.

So if anyone can offer any comp help or Israeli or Russian decals in 1/72 it would be greatly appreciated.

I invite all and any criticism, except about Eric The Dog, it's not his fault he's stupid

Leigh's Models


Quotewell having got a new computer that I can put piccies on I'm desperately working on how the hell to reduce pictures from the giant 500kb size to something postable?
Get the GIMP.  Go to www.gimp.org or try a search on the web.  It's open-source, and it's a pretty decent application for manipulating pics.  Not exactly photoshop, but darn good anyway.


hanx Noxioux woohoo I can finally post piccies and you guys are probably gonna get real sick of me.
Yeah I've entered the 21st century.
:dum:  :party:  :dum:  :party:  

I invite all and any criticism, except about Eric The Dog, it's not his fault he's stupid

Leigh's Models

Joe C-P

The Japanese CVDN is threatening to take far too long and too much effort, but I'm going to give it one more go before shelving it. I'm scratching part of the hangar and looking for contemporary Japanese armor; I'd found a model with some, but didn't buy it right away, and when I went back it was gone. :dum:

I have 6 planes fighting for the next slot on the workbench - USN Su-34, USMC Su-25, RN Rotodyne COD, USN PS-1 (B-35 flying wing), and two WW2 Soviet-obtained carrier aircraft. :wacko:

There's also a real-world Revell USS Saratoga for my parents I've started. That's going to look great except the aircraft, which have plastic pegs for landing gear and no one makes PE equipment even close the proper scale.  <_<

I get most of the next three days to build, so if the carrier doesn't come reasonably closer to finishing during that time, it's going away and the planes come out.

And I've several projects that are _almost_ finished, but just need that last set of parts or last reference (rigging!).

In want of hobby space!  The kitchen table is never stable.  Still managing to get some building done.