
Delayed +++ A fake Boeing 737 (or a semi DC-8)

Started by Dizzyfugu, September 24, 2019, 01:44:31 AM

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Since this GB receives its (usual) extension, I will try to add another project - again an airliner in 1:144 scale. It will become a chopped Boeing 707/720, I will try to reduce it to a kind of fake 737 with only two engines... I guess it might look like an early Dassault Mercure when I am done with it.  I originally planned to do this stunt with a Minicraft DC-8, but these kits are so prohibitively expensive that I now settled upon a Roden 720, which I was able to order for only EUR 10,-.

We'll see how fast it turns up and how easily my plan can be turned into hardware.


[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


Certainly lots of surgery involved - the fuselage will have to be shortened in front of and behind the wings, the wing span will be reduced, too, and two engines omitted. Landing gear will also have to be modified from the bogies to simpler twin wheels, and I am not certain if the fin and the stabilizers need changes, too. As per usual, a conversion that sounds simple at first calls for many detail mods...

I am also not settled for an operator yet. IIRC, the kit comes with Pan Am markings, which I basically like, since this aircraft with probably 80-100 passengers lends itself to a feederliner role.


Quote from: Dizzyfugu on September 24, 2019, 01:44:31 AM

I originally planned to do this stunt with a Minicraft DC-8, but these kits are so prohibitively expensive that I now settled upon a Roden 720, which I was able to order for only EUR 10,-.

The Minicraft DC8s are a lot cheaper in the bagged version without decals, AND you get two sets of engines with it too.

But I'm impressed with the EUR 10 Roden 720, you must have contacts in high places Thomas.  ;D
Kit's Rule 1 ) Any aircraft can be improved by fitting longer wings, and/or a longer fuselage
Kit's Rule 2) The backstory can always be changed to suit the model

...and I'm not a closeted 'Take That' fan, I'm a REAL fan! :)



..and I have bad luck, too: the seller has become ill and cannot deliver the item on short notice.  :angry:

So I rescinded the purchase and have to look elsewhere...

I noticed the bagged DC-8 kit, but those I have found were still insanely expensive. So I keep watching and hope that I can procure a decent model basis in time...  :-\


I hope you get the kinks worked out.  Agreed... that's a good price for that 720!! I bought one in the past year myself. The Pan Am boxing as I wouldn't have to alter the engines in it (the rest have incorrect engines for the subjects). Too bad ol' boy fell ill. Hope he feels better soon but what a bummer!

Oddly enough, I have far-off future plans to do something very similar. I was going to make a "707 SP" by using a 737 fuselage and the 707 wings and engines but I was ALSO in turn going to use the 707 fuselage with the 737 wings and engines to make a "737-1000" or some such....     the latest 737 are just shy of 707 lengths anyway but with the few extra (measurment units) of fuselage length it would still be the longest 737 yet.

-Sprues McDuck-


Yes, the latest 737 are HUGE aircraft - I saw a model of a -8 in my LHS, and it is just as big as a 727-200, I was a little shocked. I am rather trying to create something shorter. like the early 737-200 or so - IF I get my hands on a donor kit soon...  :rolleyes:


I don't know why they don't just re-issue the 707 drawings and slap the latest 737 wings on them. At least it'd be a well tested airframe.  ;) ;D
Kit's Rule 1 ) Any aircraft can be improved by fitting longer wings, and/or a longer fuselage
Kit's Rule 2) The backstory can always be changed to suit the model

...and I'm not a closeted 'Take That' fan, I'm a REAL fan! :)



Boeing is determined to keep the 737 line running for infinity. The weird space planes L Ron Hubbard wrote about weren't DC-8s, they were 737s from the future.  :wacko:
-Sprues McDuck-


Well, while waiting for a kit basis I just started another small project, another whiffy tank...  :rolleyes:


Hmm, things aren't looking good. I do not expect this one to materialize in time, despite the deadline extension. It's not only the kit, I also have to "organize" the livery, and that's speculative as long as I do not have the hardware at hand. However, the idea is not dead, it might just materialize outside of this GB.  ;)


Quote from: PR19_Kit on September 25, 2019, 05:56:26 AM
I don't know why they don't just re-issue the 707 drawings and slap the latest 737 wings on them. At least it'd be a well tested airframe.  ;) ;D

The 737 MAX fuselage and wings are basically the same as the earlier models, the major change
that led to the problems is the increase in engine size which pushed them to mount the engines
farther forward and higher, which had a negative effect on pitch, thus the modified pitch control
system. Which for some reason known only to the configuration folks was offered as an option
rather than standard.


Quote from: TheChronicOne on September 25, 2019, 08:04:03 AM
Boeing is determined to keep the 737 line running for infinity. The weird space planes L Ron Hubbard wrote about weren't DC-8s, they were 737s from the future.  :wacko:

Kind of like that cartoon of the B-52 with warp drive engines?

" Somewhere, between half true, and completely crazy, is a rainbow of nice colours "
Tophe the Wise


While there's nothing new concerning the model, I feel inclined to give it a Braniff livery, somewhat inspired by The ChronicOne's Caravelle, but also becuase I like the bright liveries and the color concept behind it, esp. the "Flying Colors" from the early Seventies. I remember having an orange BI BAC 111 in a Top Trumps card game as a six-years-old, and I was impressed.  ;) IIRC, it was even this picture here:

I'll probably go with a different color - light blue and lime green are current favorites.


Oh yes, Braniff Rules OK!  :thumbsup:

If you need any decals for it, I have DOZENS of them!
Kit's Rule 1 ) Any aircraft can be improved by fitting longer wings, and/or a longer fuselage
Kit's Rule 2) The backstory can always be changed to suit the model

...and I'm not a closeted 'Take That' fan, I'm a REAL fan! :)
