A 'Modern' Churchill

Started by robibob1, November 03, 2019, 06:00:50 AM

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Quote from: robibob1 on November 13, 2019, 02:23:05 PM
Now for photographs:

Here I experimented with some basic camo patterns. I probably won't use any of them. (Apologies for the poor lighting)

Paint wise, I've almost run out of Tamiya 'Desert Yellow' and quality of the finish isn't great due to my use of, as some call it, a hairy stick.
In other news, I've made a start on the gun. It's just several layers of plastic add glued together and filed into a tube. (It's that white thing in the first two photos).
I will have a go at doing bar armour, just to see how it looks. Bearing in mind this tank is intended for use against lightly equipped forces with RPG-7 type weapons.

So, that's all for the moment. If anyone has any suggestions on camo patterns I'd love to hear them.

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