
F/A-16 Dragon ***FINISHED*** Pics Pg.6

Started by TheChronicOne, December 17, 2019, 10:00:41 AM

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"Sticks and stones may break some bones but a 3.57's gonna blow your damn head off!!"


Quote from: PR19_Kit on July 02, 2020, 03:06:25 AM
That's a LOT of green wing there, and it looks great!  :thumbsup:
Thanks, bruh! Ya know... if the area were elongated the wings would be pretty long if they were more slender instead of in a delta. ;D
-Sprues McDuck-


Quote from: DogfighterZen on July 03, 2020, 02:47:00 PM
:wub: is all i can say... :thumbsup:
Cheers! Got a tiny little bit more done yesterday. The billion degree heat and high humidity took all the oomph out of me though and I didn't manage much else. But..... hyou know... little stuff is better than no stuff! 
-Sprues McDuck-


Painted like that it's just screaming for Kiwi roundels, isn't it?  :mellow:

Must, then, my projects bend to the iron yoke of a mechanical system? Is my soaring spirit to be chained down to the snail's pace of matter?


Almost done with the ordnance. I painted all .... whatever the hell this poo-poo is.  I have the AGM 88s left.  :mellow:

I skimped on the detail painting of the aircraft itself but it's nice to get some of the tedious detail work on the tiny weapons done. Tomorrow I might try again.

-Sprues McDuck-


Quote from: ChernayaAkula on July 04, 2020, 03:29:01 PM
Painted like that it's just screaming for Kiwi roundels, isn't it?  :mellow:

Now you mention it, it would  :thumbsup:
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


Yeah now that would be cool!! You know.... come to think of it, the F-16XL were it to come to fruition would have been a great all-around platform for N-Zed because of the mutlirole capabilities and what not....    it could do about all you'd need to to defend an island state. Funny, I posted pictures of my lil missiles on my FB page last night and one ol' boy started talking about Navy weapons.....   check it... how about one of these things loaded up with anti-ship stuff? A Naval F-16XL?  :unsure:  Interesting stuff

OH YEAH!!! Forgot the update.  I have to mow my huge 4 property sized lawn at my house and it is OVERGROWN so I might not get much done but I plan on wrapping up the painting this evening and will start prepping up to get the transfers on. This thing ought to be done by the end of the week but I'm already loaded up on lawns every day all day all week so it'll be a really slowwwww going affair still.
-Sprues McDuck-


On track now. I finished painting all the weapons, finished the camo, finished the detail painting, and finished the touch up painting and I've since gloss coated everything and next phase is transfers.  :mellow:
-Sprues McDuck-


OK!  I'm all done with painting and clearing. I might find some detail I missed along the way but I hope that a brush will not have to used again on this one. On to transfers.

I probably COULD.... but I'm not going to aim to finish them tonight. I figure if I can just get started and knock out most of it and maybe leave the littler ones for tomorrow... I'll be pretty happy. What I'm going to do is take some of the tiny black stencils that are meant to go on the A-10 in various places and use them for the stencils on the missiles. I've no instructions with this XL kit and my others are sealed so I wouldn't know where they might hypothetically go on the plane itself although the original (wrong color)decals should help guide me for the ones I DO use on the body of the plane...  (I hope all that makes sense, it seemed clunky as hell and confusing saying it....  ) but anyway. I'll use the A-10 instructions as a partial guide but my point is I'm stealing stencils from the plane to put on the weapons because I don't know where they might go anyway and with the colors of the camo they'd be hard to see anyway...... 

Current state:

-Sprues McDuck-


Why am I seeing that in Swedish markings ?  ;)

If it was I bet you'd fool a fair few at a show  ;D
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


The three crowns would be awesome on here!!

OK, so, last night, as I was getting into the transfers and making a plan for it I realized that I didn't want to rush things and that I needed to stick most of the A-10 stuff back in the A-10 kit for when I build it..... so there goes the stencils and stuff so I'll have to get back into the transfers stash and find some of those so I can proceed.

What I DID manage to do, however, was test the A-10 decals to see if I need liquid film and luckily I don't. Not sure about the few transfers from the F-16XL sheet itself but they should be alright. I'm just using a couple and while the stencils are grey and not black the area where they are at, up at the nose, and what they are doing (rescue, etc) means the different colors actually work quite well.

So, now that I have the game plan straight finally I get actually get on with the application which is what I plan to do tonight.
-Sprues McDuck-


That XL is looking so good!  :thumbsup:
Re the stencils on the weapons, why not just google for images of the weapons for reference? I normally do that when there are no indications on the instructions.
You can also try to download hasegawa's weapon sets' instructions on scalemates, that opens up a PDF file with the images to help you. Hope this helps.
"Sticks and stones may break some bones but a 3.57's gonna blow your damn head off!!"


Thanks!! It's shaping up finally...     :wacko:   Been a long time coming... I was relatively close to finishing it when I threw everything off the bench in the hail mary effort with the Pluto.  Way ahead of ya on the transfers bruh!  ;D I've had images of all the weapons open in tabs for days just waiting for the time to strike. What I was saying is that I wasn't going to bother with whether or not I used up a stencil I shouldn't have because they're not the right one anyway and additionally I don't have the instructions to help kind of sort of guide me but It's a moot point anyway because the kit didn't even come with them so they wouldn't be in the instructions anyway!  ;D It's not the weapons I was curious about, but the plane but since the original kit never had them to begin with I simply won't bother with them. I'll just put them back in the A-10 kit for when I make it. I have tons of stencils in my spares stash to use on the weapons so it wouldn't make much sense to use up ones I know I'll need in the future.
-Sprues McDuck-


 ;D Got ya, must have misread some part. Anyway, glad you got the issue sorted cause i'm looking forward to seeing that bird finished. :thumbsup:
"Sticks and stones may break some bones but a 3.57's gonna blow your damn head off!!"


Oh it's my fault; it was VERY poorly worded. I was trying to make it make sense but it was just weird.... I didn't make my point clearly at all.  ;D ;D    I'm pretty stoked to get this one finished, too!

EDIT: Project update...

Got some transfers on. Today wound up more taxing than I thought it would be so I didn't have a lot of gusto left by the evening so sadly not finished... BUT... I'm very happy to have gotten all the roundels on and one of the "rescue" thingies.   :thumbsup:     Not much of an update but at this point getting literally anything done on a build is cause for mention.  :mellow: 

Looking forward to tomorrow. I definitely have my "plan of attack" in order and since I've already started..... finishing the rest of the decals shouldn't be too worrisome then I'm going to flat clear it all and get into finally assembly.
-Sprues McDuck-