
Supermarine Stingray S1 done! Pics at page 3

Started by 63cpe, March 05, 2020, 09:06:49 AM

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Reminds me of that Avpro project for a Royal Navy strike fighter. I think somebody built one a while back.


Aaahhhhhhwwww, that's it! Thanks Nick. Now I remember!

Did a search on this forum and Jalles did to a scratchbuild Avpro Marauder some GB's ago (100 years RAF GB?). I remember I was very much impressed by his build and the resulting model. This probably was stored somewhere in my brain and overtime the idea came up to do a similar model. I even started contemplating what model to use for the build. It inspired a Wing in ground effect project based on a set of 1/32 He-111 wings, Beriev Be-6 fuselage (and even got the airfix RAF patrolboat for it's nice hull as alternative). But never got to a clear plan and parts to get the build done.
All this time without being aware it stemmed from the idea of building a model of the Avpro Marauder...

As Weaver commented on Jalles on this thread a build based on a kitbashed Stealth fighter (I think the rounded Monogram model) is promising. At that time we didn't know Jalles was going to do an epic Scratch build. I probably didn't read Weaver's comment at the time, but had the same idea....and included a waterplane hull.

A couple of weeks ago I found a cheap (important!) semi build 1/48 revell stealth fighter (the angled one with canards) for sale, already had a Canadair CL 415 (minus wings and engines, for another project), add the epic Avpro Marauder by Jalles, the suggestion to use a stealth fighter for the build and the "in the Navy" GB starting date getting closer and all stars were aligned to start this build.

Altough it won't be as epic as Jalles did with his Marauder (it's just a kitbash), I hope to get about the same result, if more angeled and in FAA livery (extra dark sea grey overall). Maybe a contender from Supermarine to meet the same FAA specification?

Based on the Jalles build Marauder I'm doing it as amphibian as this is still an option at the moment. I was thinking about closing the gearbays and putty it all over yesterday. But no. It'll be a amphibian in FAA colors, I think.... :angel:

David aka 63cpe


Update time!

I used last week to fill the underside of the wing with filler as there was no airfoilshape in it whatsoever. It took days to fill it layer by layer and not get the uppersurface get burned by the aggressive toluene in the filler. anyway, I'm getting therejust not so much interesting to see with it. Just a slab of brown yellow on the lower wing half...

What might be interesting is that I'm focussing on getting the upper side ready for joining. This involves a cockpit getting in. I sourced an F-111 (think Monogram) cockpit but without dashboard. So sourced a dashboard from a DHC Twin otter and got it in the cockpit. after some testfitting the cockpit sat a little low so dremelled some plastic out to get it in. Think I  sanded just a little too much.. now the dashboard is flush with the outer skin.

IMG_20200315_222953706 by Buddy Holly, on Flickr
IMG_20200315_223005064 by Buddy Holly, on Flickr

No worries. Just super glue the cockpit in and putty the gaps..
IMG_20200315_224540490 by Buddy Holly, on Flickr
IMG_20200315_224551879 by Buddy Holly, on Flickr

David aka 63cpe


This is coming along great. I really like the choice of the Vulcan canopy, that round porthole window gives it a nautical feel.  You did a great job casting it as well :thumbsup:


Thanks Jalles! I really appreciate your comment as you inspired me to do the same sort of model although its a little more angeled in styling.

Your still the master as you scratchbuild and vacuum formed the entire model.

The Vulcan canopy came out really well. The resin takes a while to cure but is more clear than I expected. In the same run I also did the front canopies (two parts) of a B-58. They are much thinner than the Vulcan canopy, but came out very good.

David aka 63cpe


Looking really good indeed...  :thumbsup: and giving me ideas for my F-19 kit!   ;)
"Sticks and stones may break some bones but a 3.57's gonna blow your damn head off!!"


Belated congratulations! :thumbsup:
It would be incredible to see such bird in the Royal Navy, but what if...? ;D
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]




David AKA 63cpe


Yes: if I would be admiral, I would buy 1,000 copies for the French AĆ©ronavale (probably, when I see the scale model: finished) ;)
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


So Dave, how's the PSR going?

- Can't be bothered to do the proper research and get it right.

Another ill conceived, lazily thought out, crudely executed and badly painted piece of half arsed what-if modelling muppetry from zenrat industries.

zenrat industries:  We're everywhere...for your convenience..


PSR is going ok. No big issues. Upper -and lower halfs are almost ready. The exhausts are put on the lower half and now the bow is the only concern.  I want a sharp and thin bow so need to putty in thin later to build it up nicely. Takes time...

The upper half is ready, cockpit is in, just needs some paint. But that's easy..vulcan black.

So this weekend both halves will be joint and final psr is atarting. Just some seams need to be filled.

Will post an update this weekend.

David aka 63cpe


Ok, time for an update: the fuselage halves are assembled, seams are filled and sanded smooth. Canards are also in place and undercarriage is selected: 1/72 TSR 2 from SAC. Only some minor adjustments needed to get it in.

This is how the weekend started:
IMG_20200327_215430332 by Buddy Holly, on Flickr

Cockpit area is sanded.
IMG_20200329_214409069 by Buddy Holly, on Flickr

Most filler was needed on the lower half. The seam between upper and lower half was quite big as part of the upper half was a little twisted so lots of filler was needed. The central float is from an CL-415 and was made about 1,5 cm longer in front of "the step". The bow was made more sharp by multiple loads of filler. The black area's is pint used to fill pinholes caused by curing. This will be sanded smooth and later filled with sprayfiller.
IMG_20200329_214439541 by Buddy Holly, on Flickr

David aka 63cpe


That looks so much better that the original F-19 design. :wub:
"Sticks and stones may break some bones but a 3.57's gonna blow your damn head off!!"



First some touch-ups to do. Next stop: finishing!

IMG_20200510_223904964 by Buddy Holly, on Flickr
IMG_20200510_223917121 by Buddy Holly, on Flickr
IMG_20200510_224140791 by Buddy Holly, on Flickr
IMG_20200510_224158077 by Buddy Holly, on Flickr


David aka 63cpe

The Rat

"My mind is a raging torrent, flooded with rivulets of thought, cascading into a waterfall of creative alternatives." Hedley Lamarr, Blazing Saddles

Life is too short to worry about perfection

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