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Bahraini GlobalFighter Typhoon FGR.4

Started by comrade harps, April 06, 2020, 01:24:48 AM

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comrade harps

GlobalFighter Typhoon FGR.4
a/c 7985, 1st Fighter Wing (either 1 or 2 Squadron - aircraft pooled with no unit badges), Royal Bahraini Air Force
Isa Air Base, Bahrain, July 2019

The 1950 Red Revolution in Britain and Europe dramatically changed the geopolitical situation in the Person Gulf. Britain, once a dominant imperial force in the region, was now represented by the exiled British Loyalists who had neither the will nor the means to provide diplomatic or military cover to its many protectorates. Threatened by their larger and more powerful neighbours (Iran and Saudi Arabia) and divided by their own rivalries, these protectorates turned to the United States to fill the gap left by Britain. This resulted in a series of treaties and declarations of independence through the early and mid-1950s underwritten by growing US power and influence in the region.

The island state of Bahrain declared its official independence from Britain on 15 August 1953. The Bahrain Defense Force established an Air Wing in 1958 and in 1960 its inventory included  Bell OH-13E helicopters, Cessna O-1A Bird Dog light planes and 2 C-47B transports. The Air Wing's first fighters were Indian-built F-86F Sabres. There were 2 fighter squadrons by 1970, one flying Northrop F-5A/B Freedom Fighters and the other Indian-built Mirage IIIEBHR/DBHRs. The F-5A/Bs were replaced by F-5E/Fs during the 1970s and these were replaced by F-20A/B Tigersharks during the 1980s (the surviving F-5A/Bs being sold to Turkey and the F-5E/Fs to Iraq). The Mirages were replaced by F-16A/B Block 15 Fighting Falcons in the '80s and these were built by HAL in India. HAL upgraded the surviving F-16s (plus 16 ex-USAF F-16As to make up for attrition and to expand the fleet) to F-16AM/BM Block 20 MLU status during the 1990s. Later, the F-20A/Bs went through Singapore Aerospace's Tigershark PLUS upgrade program, adding AIM-120 AMRAAM capability and the company's own Grifo-F radar.

Bahrain selected the GlobalFighter Typhoon to replace the aging F-16s in 2009. 36 Tranche 3 Typhoon TFGR.3 (two-seat, combat-capable trainers) and FGR.4 (single-seat multi-role fighters) were acquired, the aircraft coming off HAL's production line. The GlobalFighter Typhoon "swing-role" 4.5 generation fighter was developed and built by a consortium that included Australia, Brazil and India. Tranche 1 Typhoons entered service with all three nations in 1998, these aircraft being optimised for the air-to-air role and offering only an "austere" air-to-surface capability. Tranche 2 aircraft entered service in 2003, finally providing most of the long-promised advanced multirole features, including full integration of targeting and reconnaissance pods, a wide range of air-to-surface weapons and the fuselage-mounted  PIRATE FLIR/IRST. More advances were introduced with Tranche 3, available from 2012, with the Tranche 2 planes being upgraded to Tranche 3 standards from 2016. Bahrain's Typhoons were delivered between 2014 and 2019.

The Typhoon was selected in part to disperse Bahrain's supply chain and to complement the Alttayaran Fi Alkhalij F-16G Al'alfiat Alssaqr (Arabic for Millenium Falcon) it had already ordered to replace the F-20s in 2004. A financial and technical partner of the Alttayaran Fi Alkhalij (Gulf Aviation) program since 1995, Bahrain was concerned by its perceived Pakistani domination and supported the establishment of the Al'alfiat Alssaqr In-Kingdom Final Assembly (AAIKFA) plant in Saudi Arabia, where all of Bahrain's Al'alfiat Alssaqrs were assembled. This way, Bahrain could maintain its close relations with India while also supporting its fellow members of the Gulf Cooperation Council.

A member of the United Nations (UN) from the time of its independence, Bahrain mostly offered diplomatic and logistical support to UN operations during the 1950s, '60s and '70s, its operations being confined to local security tasks in the region of the Persian Gulf. It supported Iraq during the 1980-1990 Iran-Iraq Gulf War and actively engaged in the UN's blockade of Iran during the course of the war. When that war ended with Iraq's defeat and occupation by Iran, Bahrain was a committed member of the UN's defensive Operation Desert Shield and the subsequent liberation of Iran (and of Kuwait, a neutral nation which had been occupied by the retreating Iraqi army in August 1990). While the F-20s conducted defensive counter-air operations, the F-16s were used for offensive fighter and bombing missions. The F-20s were active in the counter-insurgency (COIN) warfare that followed the UN liberation and occupation of Iraq. Meanwhile, the F-16s were devoted to UN operations over the Gulf and its enforcement of the Iranian blockade and of the no-fly zone (and later demilitarised and no-drive zones) established inside Iranian airspace and territory intended to secure UN activities in the region. A decades-long pattern of mounting COIN, air defence and Protective Reaction Strikes against Iran, its agents and a plethora of Sunni Jihadi groups throughout the Middle East continued into the 2020s; and by then, the Royal Bahraini Air Force (renamed in 1967) was routinely flying combat missions over the Gulf, Iran, Iraq, Syria and Yemen with the Al'alfiat Alssaqr and Typhoon.

Above: note small blister under the cetreline-mounted pod, identifying it as an AN/AAQ-28(V7) RecceLite.

This GlobalFighter Typhoon FGR.4 is depicted as it was photographed in July 2019. It is armed with 4 AIM-120D AMRAAMs and 2 IR-guided ASRAAMs for counter-air combat. It carries a single GBU-12 Paveway II laser-guided bomb and 2 GBU-38 JDAM GPS/INS-guided bombs for air-to-surface combat. On the centreline pylon is an AN/AAQ-28(V7) RecceLite pod for intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance work. It was photographed taking off in this configuration alongside its wingman, which had a similar loadout but with an AN/AAQ-28(V6) Litening SE targeting pod. The particulars of the pair's mission remain classified, suffice to say that public information indicates that Bahraini Typhoons were involved with ongoing regional UN operations over the Gulf, Iran, Iraq and Syria and that missions were often subject to dynamic tasking.



Pretty. Much better than the usual grey-in-grey livery.  :thumbsup:

comrade harps

Quote from: Dizzyfugu on April 06, 2020, 01:43:50 AM
Pretty. Much better than the usual grey-in-grey livery.  :thumbsup:

I ummed and arghed over the camo for a long time and figured, it's a whiff, so I can make it a bit more attractive than real-world Typhoon schemes. I also reckon this scheme looks about right for the Gulf region too, like the Iranian P-3 Orions.


My deviantart page:

PS: Not my art, not very good at drawning :P


Yeah, nice one - sick to death of grey... :thumbsup:
"Things need not have happened to be true. Tales and dreams are the shadow-truths that will endure when mere facts are dust and ashes, and forgot."
 - Sandman: A Midsummer Night's Dream, by Neil Gaiman

"I dunno, I'm making this up as I go."
 - Indiana Jones

Old Wombat

Has a life outside of What-If & wishes it would stop interfering!

"The purpose of all War is Peace" - St. Augustine

veritas ad mortus veritas est



- Can't be bothered to do the proper research and get it right.

Another ill conceived, lazily thought out, crudely executed and badly painted piece of half arsed what-if modelling muppetry from zenrat industries.

zenrat industries:  We're everywhere...for your convenience..


One of the best looking Typhoons ever, a cracking job you've made of it.  :thumbsup:

Also one of THE most complicated backstories of all time!  ;D
Kit's Rule 1 ) Any aircraft can be improved by fitting longer wings, and/or a longer fuselage
Kit's Rule 2) The backstory can always be changed to suit the model

...and I'm not a closeted 'Take That' fan, I'm a REAL fan! :)



Quote from: Dizzyfugu on April 06, 2020, 01:43:50 AM
Pretty. Much better than the usual grey-in-grey livery.  :thumbsup:

My thoughts exactly  :thumbsup:
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.

comrade harps

Quote from: PR19_Kit on April 06, 2020, 06:01:13 AM
One of the best looking Typhoons ever, a cracking job you've made of it.  :thumbsup:

Also one of THE most complicated backstories of all time!  ;D

Thank you!

As for the story, all my whifs fit in the same alt history timeline, so I mentally fit the jigsaw pieces together (and sometimes go back and adjust the backstories of previous builds as required). I've been thinking a lot about my alt Gulf region lately, which generated the idea of a Bahraini Typhoon; there's lots of them been sold into the region. I want to build more with operators from that area.

And yes, I wanted something a bit more visually striking than a dull grey scheme, although that can be cool too. In this case I was trying to capture some of the colours of the region. It's Humbrol M28, M64 and M87, which go together well, the M28 having a creamy, almost pale sand hue.


Great looking Typhoon, love the camo!  :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
"Sticks and stones may break some bones but a 3.57's gonna blow your damn head off!!"


LOVE seeing a Typhoon in something other than monotone gray!  Very nice!!
So I got that going for me...which is nice....